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    ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    ISPN 复习要点提示 19 内分泌系统疾病与用药
    日期:2020-03-18 20:25:38    
    Tips on How to Review for ISPN Examinations
    Endocrine Disorders and Medications
    The endocrine system is made up of organs or glands that secrete hormones and release them directly into the circulation. The endocrine system can be understood easily if you remember that basically 1 of 2 situations can occur—hypersecretion or hyposecretion of hormones from the organ or gland. When an excess of the hormone occurs, treatment is aimed at blocking the hormone release through medication or surgery. When a deficit of the hormone exists, treatment is aimed at replacement therapy.
    Review will focus on diabetes mellitus, including its prevention, the prevention and treatment of complications, insulin therapy, hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic reactions, and diabetic ketoacidosis; Addison’s disease and addisonian crisis; Cushing’s disease or Cushing’s syndrome; thyroid disorders and thyroid storm; and care of the client after thyroidectomy or adrenalectomy.

    Tips on endocrine system disorders and medicatioins will be discussed in 4 aspects:
    1. Anatomy and physiology of the endocrine system,
    2. Assessment and diagnostic tests,
    3. Common endocrine disorders, and
    4. Medications used to treat common endocrine disorders

    上一篇:ISPN 复习要点提示 18 糖尿病与用药
    下一篇:ISPN 复习要点提示 20 消化系统疾病及用药