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    ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2019-09-30 15:05:47    


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    ISPN  Review  
    Protozoal Diseases and Antiprotozoals

    Protozoal diseases refer to infections caused by protozoa. Protozoa is a single-celled organisms that pass through several stages in their life cycles, including at least one phase as a human parasite. While protozoans thrive in tropical climate, they may also survive and reproduce in any area where people live in very crowded and unsanitary conditions. Many people suffer multiple infestations at the same time.
    These illnesses are relatively rare in the United States, but with people traveling throughout the world in increasing numbers, it is not unusual to find an individual who returns home from a trip to Africa, Asia, or South America with fully developed protozoal infections.
    Protozoal Diseases

    Malaria 疟疾
    It is a disease characterized by a cycle of fever and chills transmitted through a bite of a female Anopheles mosquito. Identified causes include Plasmodium falciparum, vivax, malariae, and ovale. Malaria is endemic in many parts of the world. Sporozoites travel through bloodstream and become lodged in the liver and other tissues.
    Amebiasis 阿米巴病
    It is an intestinal infection caused by Entamoeba histolytica. It is often known as amoebic dysentery. The disease is transmitted through fecal-oral route. Amebiasis is characterized by mild to fulminant diarrhea. In worst cases, it is able to invade extraintestinal tissue.
    Leishmaniasis 利什曼病
    Is a disease caused by a protozoan that is passed from sand flies to humans. It is characterized by serious lesions in the skin, viscera, and mucous membranes of host.
    Trypanosomiasis 锥虫病
    Is caused by Trypanosoma leading to African sleeping sickness and Chagas’ disease. African sleeping sickness is caused by T.brucei gambiense and is transmitted by tsetse fly. It is characterized by lethargy, prolonged sleep, and even death. Chagas’ disease is caused by T.cruzi and is passed to humans by common housefly. It is characterized by severe cardiomyopathy.
    Trichomoniasis 滴虫病
    Is caused by T..vaginalis, a common cause of vaginitis (reddened, inflamed vaginal mucosa, itching, burning, and yellowish-green discharge). It is usually transmitted through sexual intercourse. Asymptomatic in men.
    Giardiasis 贾第虫病
    Is caused by G.lamblia, the most commonly diagnosed intestinal parasite in the United States. Transmission is through contaminated water or food, and trophozoites. Characterized by diarrhea, rotten egg-smelling stool, and pale and mucus-filled stool. Some patients experience epigastric pain, weight loss, and malnutrition.
    Antiprotozoal Drugs 抗原虫药

    Antiprotozoals are agents used to treat protozoan infections. Commonly encountered antiprotozoals can be classified into two types: antimalarials and other antiprotozoals. Antimalarias include chloroquine (Aralen), mefloquine (Lariam), primaquine, pyrimethamine (Daraprim), and quinine (Qualaquin). Other antiprotozoals include Atovaquone (Mepron), metronidazole (Flagyl), nitazoxanide (Alinia), pentamidine (Pentam 300), and tinidazole (Tindamax).
    Vocabulary for Today 
    protozoa – n. 原生动物
    antiprotozoal – a. 抗原生动物的
    single-celled – a. 单细胞的
    protozoan – n. 原生动物,原虫
    infestation – n. 侵袭,感染
    Anopheles mosquito – 疟蚊
    Plasmodium falciparum -- 恶性疟原虫
    Plasmodium vivax – n. 间日疟原虫
    Plasmodium malariae – n. 三日疟原虫
    Plasmodium ovale – n. 卵形疟原虫
    sporozoites – n. 孢子体
    amebiasis – n. 阿米巴病
    Entamoeba histolytica -- 溶组织内阿米巴
    amoebic dysentery --阿米巴痢疾
    fulminant – a. 暴发的
    leishmaniasis – n. 利什曼病
    trypanosomiasis – n. 锥虫病
    Trypanosoma – n. 锥虫属
    African sleeping sickness -- 非洲昏睡病
    Chagas’ disease --南美锥虫病,恰加斯病
    T. brucei gambiense --布氏冈比亚锥虫
    Trypanosoma brucei -- 布氏锥虫
    T. cruzi -- 克氏锥虫
    housefly – n. 家蝇
    trichomoniasis – n. 滴虫病
    T.vaginalis – n. 阴道毛滴虫
    Giardiasis – n. 贾第虫病
    G.lamblia – n. 兰伯贾第虫
    trophozoite – n. 滋养体,营养子
    Aralen – n. 氯喹商标名
    mefloquine – n. 甲氟喹
    Lariam – n. 拉力灵
    primaquine – n. 伯氨喹
    pyrimethamine – n. 乙胺嘧啶
    Daraprim – n. 达拉匹林
    Qualaquin – n. 奎宁商标名
    atovaquone – n. 阿托伐醌
    Mepron – n. 甲丙氨酯
    metronidazole – n. 甲硝唑
    Flagyl – n. 灭滴灵
    nitazoxanide – n. 硝唑尼特
    Alinia – n. 硝唑尼特商标名
    pentamidine – n. 喷他脒
    Pentam 300 – n. 喷他脒300
    tinidazole – n. 替硝唑
    Tindamax – n. 替硝唑商标名
    Protozoa and Antiprotozoals
    1. The nurse is reviewing the medication history of a client who is taking hydroxychloroquine. However, the client’s chart does not reveal a history of malaria or travel out of the country. The client is most likely taking this medication for
    A. Plasmodium
    B. Thyroid disorders
    C. Roundworms
    D. Rheumatoid arthritis
    2. Which teaching point would be appropriate to include when the nurse is informing a client about the adverse effects of antimalarials?
    A. The skin may turn blotchy while these medications are taken.
    B. These medications may cause anorexia and abdominal distress.
    C. These medications may cause increased urinary output.
    D. The client may experience periods of diaphoresis and chills.
    本期ISPN Review答案
    1. D. Rheumatoid arthritis
    2. B. These medications may cause anorexia and abdominal distress.
