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    ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2020-02-02 11:10:19    
    Saunders 8th 节选10
    ISPN  Review  
    SOAP 2/2

    B. Objective 客观资料
    1. General statement 一般陈述    
    Age, race, gender, general appearance, weight, height, body mass index, vital signs (including orthostatic if applicable)
    2. Mental status  精神状态
    Physical appearance, behavior, facial expression and body language, appropriate eye contact, level of consciousness (alertness and awareness and ability to interact appropriately with the environment), response to questions, reasoning, emotion, speech and language
    3. Skin皮肤
    Color, texture, temperature, turgor, uniformity, hygiene, scars, tattoos, moisture, edema, odor, lesions, trauma, hair texture and distribution, nail configuration
    4. Head头部
    Size, contour, scalp, facial features, facies, edema, temporal arteries
    5. Eyes眼睛
    Acuity, visual fields, edema, conjunctiva and sclera, eyebrows, extraocular movements, corneal light reflex, cover-uncover test, nystagmus, pupils equal, round, react to light, accommodation (PERRLA) both direct and consensual, fundoscopic findings
    6. Ears
    Configuration, position, alignment, tenderness, nodules, hearing, otoscopic findings
    7. Nose
    Appearance, patency, discharge, polyps, turbinates, septum, sinus tenderness, odors
    8. Throat and mouth  喉、口腔
    Teeth, lips, tongue, buccal and oral mucosa, floor of mouth, appearance of palate, tonsils, tonsil grade, gag reflex, phonation of “Ah," voice, taste
    9. Neck
    Fullness, mobility, strength, trachea, thyroid size, shape, nodules, tenderness, bruits, masses, lymphadenopathy
    10. Chest
    Size, shape, anterior and posterior (AP) and transverse diameter, respiration, tenderness on bones, retractions/accessory muscle use
    11. Lungs  
    Respiration rate, depth, work of breathing, regularity, tactile fremitus, percussion notes, breath sounds, friction rub
    12. Breasts乳房
    Size, symmetry, contour, lesions, masses, tenderness, retractions, dimpling, nipple discharge, nipple retraction
    13. Heart心脏
    Apical impulse, pulsation, heart rate, rhythm, thrills, heaves, lifts, heart tones, murmurs, rubs, gallops
    14. Vasculature脉管系统
    Pulses, jugular venous distention or pulsations, carotid, abdominal aortic, temporal, renal, iliac, femoral artery bruit, temperature, color, skin texture, hair distribution, edema, nail beds, tenderness
    15. Abdomen腹部
    Shape, contour, pulsations, bowel sounds, masses, organomegaly, tenderness, distention, costovertebral angle tenderness
    16. Genitalia生殖器
    Male: Symmetry, circumcision, color, urethral opening, discharge, lesions, hair distribution, palpation of penis, testes, epididymides, vasa deferentia, tenderness, masses, hernia, scrotal swelling, transillumination
    Female: Tenderness, discharge, inflammation, lesions, polyps, vaginal mucosa, cervix, discharge, odor, size and contour of uterus, mobility of cervix, adnexa, ovaries
    17. Anus and rectum  肛门与直肠
    Hemorrhoids, fissures, skin tags, inflammation, excoriation, sphincter tone and control, prostate size, contour, consistency, mobility, color and consistency of stool
    18. Lymphatics淋巴管
    Presence of palpable lymph nodes, size, shape, warmth, tenderness, mobility, consistency
    20. Musculoskeletal肌肉骨骼
    Posture, alignment, symmetry, spasms, active and passive range of motion, deformities, tenderness, swelling crepitus, muscle strength
    21. Neurologic神经学
    Cranial nerves, gait, balance, coordination with rapid alternating movements, sensory function with pain, touch, fibration, superficial and deep tendon reflexes
    C. Assessment 评估
    ▪ Diagnosis with rationale      诊断及说明
    ▪ Rationale derived from subjective and objective data    主、客观资料说明
    ▪ Symptoms can be listed as diagnoses      症状可以列为诊断
    ▪ There may be a list of differential diagnoses, which are suspected diagnoses that are yet to be confirmed
    ▪ May include anticipated problems such as progression of disease or complications
    D. Plan 计划
    ▪ Typically denoted in the following order.       主要以下列顺序列出
    ▪ Diagnostic tests, treatment plan with rationale      诊断试验,治疗计划及说明
    ▪ Client education and counseling       患者宣教与咨询
    ▪ Referrals 转诊
    ▪ Follow-up or dates for re-evaluating results of plan    随访或计划结果再评价日期
    Vocabulary for Today   
    mental status -- 精神状态
    physical appearance – 外表
    facial expression – 面部表情
    uniformity – n. 均匀度,一致性
    configuration – n. 结构,格局
    contour – n. 轮廓
    facial features – 面部特征
    facies – n. 相,面容
    nystagmus – n. 眼球震颤
    fundoscopy – n. 眼底镜检查
    otoscopy – n. 耳镜检查
    turbinate – n. 鼻甲
    septum -- n. 鼻隔
    phonation – n. 发声
    tactile fremitus –触觉语
    breath sounds -- 呼吸音
    dimpling – n. 凹陷
    organomegaly – n. 器官巨大症
    costovertebral – a. 肋椎的
    circumcision – n. 包皮环切
    epididymides – n. 附睾
    vasa deferentia – n. 输精管
    transillumination – n. 透照法
    adnexa – n. 附件
    fissure – n. 龟裂,裂缝
    excoriation – n. 脱皮

    SOAP Notes
    1. The nurse notes documentation that a client is exhibiting Cheyne-Stokes respirations. On assessment of the client, the nurse should expect to note which finding?
    A. Rhythmic respirations with periods of apnea
    B. Regular rapid and deep, sustained respirations
    C. Totally irregular respiration in rhythm and depth
    D. Irregular respirations with pauses at the end of inspiration and expiration
    2. A client diagnosed with conductive hearing loss asks the nurse to explain the cause of the hearing problem. The nurse plans to explain to the client that this condition is caused by which problem?
    A. A defect in the cochlea
    B. A defect in cranial nerve VIII
    C. A physical obstruction to the transmission of sound waves
    D. A defect in the sensory fibers that lead to the cerebral cortex

    Key to Questions
    1. A
    Cheyne-Stokes respirations are rhythmic respirations with periods of apnea and can indicate a metabolic dysfunction in the cerebral hemisphere or basal ganglia. Neurogenic hyperventilation is a regular, rapid and deep, sustained respiration that can indicate a dysfunction in the low midbrain and middle pons. Ataxic respirations are totally irregular in rhythm and depth and indicate a dysfunction in the medulla. Apneustic respirations are irregular respirations with pauses at the end of inspiration and expiration and can indicate a dysfunction in the middle or caudal pons.
    2. C
    A conductive hearing loss occurs as a result of a physical obstruction to the transmission of sound waves. A sensorineural hearing loss occurs as a result of a pathological process in the inner ear, a defect in cranial nerve VIII, or a defect of the sensory fibers that lead to the cerebral cortex.
