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    ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2020-03-23 20:36:00    
    Saunders 8th 中英对照
    ISPN  Review  
    Nursing Considerations for Patients Receiving Benzodiazepines
    Assessment: History and Examination评估:病史和检查
     • Assess for contraindications or cautions: known allergies to benzodiazepines to prevent hypersensitivity reactions; impaired liver or kidney function, which could alter the metabolism and excretion of a particular drug; any condition that might be exacerbated by the depressant effects of the drugs (e.g., glaucoma, coma, psychoses, shock, acute alcohol intoxication); and pregnancy and lactation.
    • Assess for baseline status before beginning therapy to check for occurrence of any potential adverse effects. Assess for the following: temperature and weight; skin color and lesions; affect, orientation, reflexes, and vision; pulse, blood pressure, and perfusion; respiratory rate, adventitious sounds, and presence of chronic pulmonary disease; and bowel sounds on abdominal examination.
    • Perform laboratory tests, including renal and liver function tests and complete blood count (CBC).

    Nursing Diagnoses 护理诊断
    Nursing diagnoses related to drug therapy might include the following:
    • Disturbed Thought Processes and Disturbed Sensory Perception (Visual, Kinesthetic) related to CNS effects
    • Risk for Injury related to CNS effects
    • Disturbed Sleep Pattern related to CNS effects
    • Deficient Knowledge regarding drug therapy

    Implementation 实施
    • Do not administer intra-arterially because serious arteriospasm and gangrene could occur. Monitor injection sites carefully for local reactions to institute treatment as soon as possible.
    • Do not mix intravenous (IV) drugs in solution with any other drugs to avoid potential drug–drug interactions.
    • Give parenteral forms only if oral forms are not feasible or available, and switch to oral forms, which are safer and less likely to cause adverse effects, as soon as possible.
    • Give IV drugs slowly because these agents have been associated with hypotension, bradycardia, and cardiac arrest.
    Vocabulary for Today   
    exacerbate – v. 加重,加剧
    glaucoma – n. 青光眼
    psychoses – n. 重性精神病
    intoxication – n. 中毒,毒性
    adventitious – a. 偶然的,外来的
    adventitious sounds – 附加音
    intra-arterially – ad. 动脉内
    arteriospasm – n. 动脉痉挛
    gangrene – n. 坏疽

    1. The nurse is preparing to administer alprazolam to a client who is diagnosed with a generalized anxiety disorder. Which intervention should the nurse implement prior to administering the medication?
    A. Assess the client’s apical pulse.
    B. Assess the client’s serum potassium level.
    C. Assess the client’s anxiety level.
    D. Assess the client’s blood pressure.
    2. The elderly client being prepared for major abdominal surgery has been taking alprazolam PRN for many years for nerves. Which information should the nurse discuss with the HCP?
    A. Discuss prescribing another benzodiazepine medication postoperatively.
    B. Make sure that the alprazolam is ordered after surgery.
    C. Taper the medication to prevent complications.
    D. Change the alprazolam to a medication for sleep.
    Key to Questions

    1. C. Assess the client’s anxiety level
    The nurse must assess the client’s anxiety level on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most anxious, before administering the benzodiazepine alprazolam (Xanax). If the nurse does not do this, there is no way to evaluate the effectiveness of the medication later.
    2. A. Discuss prescribing another benzodiazepine medication postoperatively
    The client is having abdominal surgery, so the client will be NPO for a while. Alprazolam (Xanax), a benzodiazepine, is only manufactured as an oral medication; therefore, the client will need a similar medication postoperatively. The nurse should discuss this with the HCP.

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