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    日期:2020-05-15 14:56:00    
    Saunders 8th 中英对照
    ISPN  Review  
    Lithium - Antimanic Agents
    锂 -- 抗躁狂药

    Mania, at the opposite pole from depression, occurs in individuals with bipolar disorder, who experience a period of depression followed by a period of mania. The cause of mania is not understood, but it is thought to be an overstimulation of certain neurons in the brain. The mainstay for treatment of mania has always been lithium (Lithotabs, Lithobid). Today, many other drugs are used successfully in treating bipolar disorders, including aripiprazole (Abilify), olanzapine (Zyprexa, Zyprexa Zydis), quetiapine (Seroquel), and ziprasidone (Geodon), which are atypical antipsychotics; and lamotrigine (Lamictal). These new approvals were the first advances since the 1970s in the treatment of bipolar disorder.
    与抑郁症相反的一极是躁狂症。躁狂症见于有双相情感障碍的个体,即一段时间抑郁后又出现一段时间的狂躁的个体。躁狂症的病因尚不清楚,但是,人们认为它属于大脑特定神经元的过度刺激。躁狂症治疗的主流药物始终是锂(Lithotabs,Lithobid)。今天,已经有很多药物成功用于治疗双相情感障碍,包括阿立哌唑(Abilify)、奥氮平(再普乐、Zyprexa Zydis)、喹硫平(思瑞康)、齐拉西酮(哲思)等,这些属于非典型性抗精神病药;以及拉莫三嗪。这些新批准药物是1970年代以来双相障碍治疗的首批进步成果。
    Lithium salts (Lithane, Lithotabs) are taken orally for the management of manic episodes and prevention of future episodes. These very toxic drugs can cause severe CNS, renal, and pulmonary problems that may lead to death. Despite the potential for serious adverse effects, lithium is used with caution because it is consistently effective in the treatment of mania. The therapeutically effective serum level is 0.6 to 1.2 mEq/L.
    锂盐(Lithane、Lithotabs)口服,用于管理躁狂发作和未来发作的预防。这些极毒性药物可能引起严重的CNS、肾和肺部问题,可能导致死亡。尽管有严重的不良效应,锂依然需谨慎使用,因为对躁狂症的治疗始终是有效的。有效的治疗性血清浓度为0.6 -- 1.2 mEq/L。
    Therapeutic Actions and Indications

    Lithium functions in several ways. It alters sodium transport in nerve and muscle cells; inhibits the release of norepinephrine and dopamine, but not serotonin, from stimulated neurons; increases the intraneuronal stores of norepinephrine and dopamine slightly; and decreases intraneuronal content of second messengers. This last mode of action may allow it to selectively modulate the responsiveness of hyperactive neurons that might contribute to the manic state. Although the biochemical actions of lithium are known, the exact mechanism of action in decreasing the manifestations of mania are not understood.
    Vocabulary for Today   
    lithium – n. 锂
    antimanic – a. n. 抗躁狂药(的)
    mania – n. 躁狂症
    Lithotabs – n. 碳酸锂片剂
    Lithobid – n. 碳酸锂缓释片
    aripiprazole – n. 阿立哌坐
    Abilify – n. 阿立哌唑片剂
    quetiapine – n. 喹硫平
    Seroquel – n. 思瑞康
    lamotrigine – n. 拉莫三嗪
    Lamictal – n. 利必通
    Lithane – n. 碳酸锂制剂商品名
    intraneuronal – a. 神经细胞内的 

    Lithium – Antimanic Agents
    1. The nurse has provided home-care instructions to a client who is taking lithium carbonate. Which client statement indicates that the client understands the prescribed regimen?
    A. “I will restrict my water intake.”
    B. “I will make sure that my diet contains salt.”
    C. “I will keep my medication in the refrigerator.”
    D. “I will be careful to avoid eating foods high in potassium.”
    2. A client who is taking an antipsychotic medication is preparing for discharge. To facilitate health promotion for this client, what instruction should the nurse provide?
    A. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun.
    B. Adhere to a strict tyramine-restricted diet.
    C. Recognize the signs and symptoms of a relapse of depression.
    D. Have therapeutic blood levels drawn because the medication has a narrow therapeutic range.


    1. B. “I will make sure that my diet contains salt.”
    Rationale: Lithium is a mood stabilizer used to treat bipolar disorder. It replaces sodium ions in the cells and induces the excretion of sodium and potassium from the body. Client teaching includes the maintenance of sodium intake in the daily diet and increased fluid intake (at least 1 to 1½ L per day) during maintenance therapy. Lithium is stored at room temperature and protected from light and moisture.
    2. A. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun.
    Rationale: Antipsychotic medications improve the thought processes and behaviors of a client with psychotic symptoms, especially a client with schizophrenia. Photosensitivity is a side effect of antipsychotic medications. Maintaining a strict tyramine-restricted diet is applicable to monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). Antipsychotics are not used to treat depression. Lithium is a mood stabilizer that requires monitoring of medication blood levels.

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