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ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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2.4 Perineal Care
日期:2017-09-03 15:04:30    来源:ISPN周老师
2.4 Providing Perineal Care for a Patient

      Perineal care is performed after a patient uses the bedpan, becomes incontinent, and as a part of daily bathing.  As the nurse’s aide performs perineal care, she is able to observe the skin on the perineal area for signs of infection such as lesions or swelling, which can be early signs of more serious conditions.
       Care performed regularly and properly will reduce the risk of urinary tract infection which can lead to bladder and kidney infection.  Before you begin, wash your hands thoroughly and put on a pair of gloves.  Then, follow these steps:
1. Ask the patient to open his or her legs if they are able.  If not, you will need to gently separate the legs.
2. Using a washcloth and warm water, gently clean the skin of the perineal area moving from front to back.  Do not move from back to front due to the risk of introducing germs from the anal area into the urethra, a primary source of urinary tract infection.
3. When you are finished washing, dry the area thoroughly to prevent skin from becoming chapped.
4. Never reuse linens used to clean the perineal area to clean any other part of the body.  Use a clean washcloth for this area only to minimize the spread of germs.
5. If bed linens are soiled or become wet during the cleaning process, you will need to replace them as quickly as possible.
6. Place used linens in the appropriate receptacle.  Help the patient move to a comfortable position.  Dispose of gloves and wash hands.
        As you work, remember it is important to look for signs that may indicate infection.  This can include pain or tenderness in an area, rashes, sores, or boils.  If you notice any of these signs, report them to the nurse immediately.  Proper care can help your patient remain comfortable as they recover.


上一篇:2.3 Bedbath Backrub