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    NCLEX-RN Premier 2016 with 2 Practice Tests: Online + Book + DVD + Mobile
    日期:2016-03-28 21:37:56    来源:ISPN 周老师

    NCLEX-RN Premier 2016 with 2 Practice Tests: Online + Book + DVD + Mobile


    Kaplan (作者)

    代码:KZ 010
    2016NCLEX-RN精讲+练习2套(NCLEX-RN Premier 2016 with 2 Practice Tests: Online + Book + DVD + Mobile)的特色是评判性思维策略及针对性练习,包括:试题分解策略、2套全时长练习、详细的试题解答、60分钟视频教程、计算机考试解释等。内容跟2015-2016版精讲大致类似。
    Teaches you to think like a nurse
    Pass the NCLEX-RN or your money back—guaranteed! Passing the NCLEX-RN exam is not just about what you know—it’s about how you think. With expert critical thinking strategies and targeted practice, Kaplan’s NCLEX-RN Premier 2016 with 2 Practice Tests shows you how to leverage your content knowledge to think like a nurse.
    * 10 critical thinking paths to break down what exam questions are asking
    * 8 end-of-chapter practice sets to help you put critical thinking principles into action
    * 2 full-length practice tests to gauge your progress—one online, one in the book
    * Detailed rationales for all answer choices, correct and incorrect
    * 60 minutes of video tutorials, viewable both online and on DVD
    * Techniques for mastering the computer adaptive test
    * Digital version of the book for mobile study
    * Streamlined content review, organized along the exam’s “Client Needs” framework
    * Review of all question types, including alternate-format questions

    上一篇:NCLEX-RN Premier 2015-2016 with 2 Practice Tests: Book + Online + DVD + Mobile
    下一篇:Pharmacology Success: A Q&A Review Applying Critical Thinking to Test Taking