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    de-escalation techniques -- 【奥】(冲突)消减技术
    日期:2014-07-24 11:54:58
    de-escalation techniques -- 【奥】(冲突)消减技术
    There are many techniques for verbal de-escalation of crisis situations, in various scenarios, including a mental health facility.
    Here is a partial list of de-escalation techniques that experienced mental health nurses find to be helpful in a crisis:
    - Assess the situation promptly. If you see signs and symptoms of a person entering into crisis, intervene early.
    - Maintain a calm demeanor and voice.
    - Use problem solving with the individual -- ask "What will help now?"
    - Be empathetic.
    - Reassure individual that no harm will come to him or to others.
    - Avoid an argumentative stance.
    - Offer to help.
    - Engage the individual.
    - Use stress management or relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises.
    - Don't crowd the individual; give him or her space.
    - Be aware of yourself -- your look, your tone.
    - Offer choices.
    - Use open-ended questions.
    - Give the individual time to think.
    - Decrease the tension with relaxation techniques.
    - Ignore challenges; redirect challenging questions.
    - Tell them what you can do to help them.
    - Allow venting.
    - Allow pacing.
    - Don't say "you must."
    - Avoid power struggles.
    - Set limits and tell them what the expectation is.
    - Be careful with your nonverbal behavior.
    - Be aware of the individual's nonverbal behaviors.
    - Be clear; use simple language.
    - Language -- follow the rule of 5 (no more than 5 words in sentence, 5 letters in a word -- eg, "Would you like a chair?")
    - Use reflective technique -- "Am I hearing you?"
    - Agree to disagree.
    - Be willing to break the rules.
    - Consider using sensory modalities such as weighted blankets or calming rooms with stress reduction tools.
    Guidelines to maintain safety of both yourself and others during situations of potential violence include:
    - Take a position just outside the individual's personal reach (out of arm's reach) on the nondominant side.
    - Maintain an open posture.
    - Keep the individual in visual range.
    - Make certain the room's door is readily accessible; avoid letting the individual get between you and the door.
    - Summon help if the individual's aggression escalates to violence.
    - If other patients are in the vicinity, ask them to leave the room to decrease distractions and protect the person's dignity.
