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    ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2019-07-03 09:41:54    
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    ISPN  Review        
    Passive Transport被动转运
    Passive transport happens without the expenditure of energy and can occur across any semipermeable membrane. There are essentially three types of passive transport: diffusion, osmosis, and facilitated diffusion.
    Diffusion 扩散
    Diffusion is the movement of a substance from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration. The difference between the concentrations of the substance in the two regions is called the concentration gradient of the substance; usually, the greater the concentration gradient, the faster does the substance move. Movement into and out of a cell is regulated by the cell membrane. Some substances move through channels or pores in the cell membrane. Small substances and materials with no ionic charge move most freely through the channels. Substances with a negative charge move more freely than substances with a positive charge. Substances that move into and out of a cell by diffusion include sodium, potassium, calcium, carbonate, oxygen, bicarbonate, and water.
    When a cell is very active and is using energy and oxygen, the concentration of oxygen within the cell decreases. The concentration of oxygen outside the cell remains relatively high, so oxygen moves across the cell membrane (down the concentration gradient) to supply needed oxygen to the inside of the cell. Cells use this process to maintain homeostasis during many activities that occur during their life.
    Osmosis 渗透
    Osmosis, a special form of diffusion, is the movement of water across a semipermeable membrane from an area that is low in dissolved solutes to one that is high in dissolved solutes. The water is attempting to equalize the dilution of the solutes. This diffusion of water across a cell membrane from an area of high concentration (of water) to an area of low concentration creates pressure on the cell membrane called osmotic pressure. The greater the concentration of solutes in the solution to which the water is flowing, the higher is the osmotic pressure.
    A fluid that contains the same concentration of solutes as human plasma is called an isotonic solution. A fluid that contains a higher concentration of solutes than human plasma is a hypertonic solution, and it draws water from cells. A fluid that contains a lower concentration of solutes than human plasma is hypotonic; it loses water to cells. If a human red blood cell, which has a cytoplasm that is isotonic with human plasma, is placed into a hypertonic solution, it shrinks and shrivels because the water inside the cell diffuses out of the cell into the solution. If the same cell is placed into a hypotonic solution, the cell swells and bursts because water moves from the solution into the cell.
    Facilitated Diffusion 易化扩散
    Sometimes a substance cannot move freely on its own in or out of a cell. Such a substance may attach to another molecule, called a carrier, to be diffused. This form of diffusion, known as facilitated diffusion, does not require energy, just the presence of the carrier. Carriers may be hormones, enzymes, or proteins. Because the carrier required for facilitated diffusion is usually present in a finite amount, this type of diffusion is limited.
    Vocabulary for Today    
    passive transport – 被动转运
    expenditure – n. 消耗,消费
    semipermeable membrane – 半透膜
    diffusion – n. 弥散,扩散
    osmosis – n. 渗透
    facilitated diffusion – 易化扩散
    concentration gradient – 浓度梯度
    ionic charge – 离子电荷
    negative charge – 负电荷
    positive charge – 正电荷
    equalize – v. 使均衡,使相等,补偿
    dilution – n. 稀释,稀释度
    osmotic pressure – 渗透压
    shrink – v. 收缩,萎缩
    shrivel – v. 使枯萎
    carrier – n. 携带者,载体
    finite – a. 有限的
    Passive Transport
    1. The client’s ability to take oral medications will be hindered by:
    A. Age
    B. Dental caries
    C. Dysphagia
    D. Lifestyle
    2. Which of the following will determine nursing interventions for a client on medication?
    A. Assessment
    B. Diagnoses
    C. Implementation
    D. Evaluation
    本期ISPN Review答案
    1. C. Dysphagia. Dysphagia is difficulty swallowing. This would make administration of oral medications impossible. Other choices do not impair ingestion.
    2. B. Diagnoses. The nursing diagnosis is the conclusion derived from the assessment, and it is the component of the nursing process that drives the interventions.
