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    ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2019-07-12 14:52:24    
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    ISPN  Review        
    Antibacterial Agents – Nursing Interventions 抗菌药 – 护理措施
    ■ Use measures to prevent and minimize the spread of infection.
    ■ Wash hands thoroughly and often. This is probably the most effective method of preventing infections.
    ■ Support natural defense mechanisms by promoting general health measures (e.g., nutrition, adequate fluid intake, rest, exercise).
    ■ Keep the patient’s skin clean and dry, especially the hands, underarms, groin, and perineum, because these areas harbor large numbers of microorganisms. Also, take care to prevent trauma to the skin and mucous membranes. Damaged tissues are susceptible to infection.
    ■ Treat all body fluids (e.g., blood, aspirates from abdomen or chest) and body substances (e.g., sputum, feces, urine, wound drainage) as infectious. Major elements of standard precautions to prevent transmission of hepatitis B, HIV, and other pathogens include wearing gloves when likely to be exposed to any of these materials and thorough hand hygiene when the gloves are removed. Wear protective eyewear when a risk of spatter is present. Rigorous and consistent use of the recommended precautions helps to protect health care providers and patients.
    ■ Implement isolation procedures appropriately.
    ■ To prevent spread of respiratory infections, have patients wash hands after coughing, sneezing, or contact with infected people; cover mouth and nose with tissues when sneezing or coughing and dispose of tissues by placing them in a paper bag and burning it; expectorate sputum (swallowing may cause reinfection); and avoid crowds when possible, especially during influenza season (approximately November through February). Recommend an annual influenza vaccine to high-risk populations (e.g., people with chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart, lung, or renal problems; older adults; health care personnel who are likely to be exposed). Pneumococcal vaccine is recommended for the same populations.
    ■ Assist or instruct patients at risk about pulmonary hygiene measures to prevent accumulation or promote removal of respiratory secretions. These measures include ambulating; turning; coughing and deep-breathing exercises; and incentive spirometry. Retained secretions are good culture media for bacterial growth.
    ■ Use sterile technique when changing any dressing. If a wound is not infected, sterile technique helps prevent infection. If the wound is already infected, sterile technique avoids introducing new bacteria. For all but the smallest of dressings without drainage, remove the dressing with clean gloves, discard it in a moisture-proof bag, and wash hands before putting on sterile gloves to apply the new dressing.
    ■ To minimize spread of infections, adhere to current established guidelines for isolation precautions to prevent transmission of infections agents in health care settings published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
    ■ For patients with infections, monitor temperature for increased or decreased fever, and monitor WBC count for decrease.
    ■ For patients receiving antimicrobial therapy, maintain a total fluid intake of approximately 3000 mL/24 hours, if not contraindicated by the patient’s condition. An adequate intake and avoidance of fluid volume deficit may help decrease drug toxicity, especially with aminoglycoside antibiotics. On the other hand, a patient receiving IV antibiotics, with 50 to 100 mL of fluid per dose, may be at risk for fluid volume overload.
    对于接受抗菌疗法的患者,若无禁忌,维持总体液体摄入约3000 mL/24 hrs。摄入充分、避免液体容量缺乏可帮助降低药物毒性,特别是氨基糖苷类抗生素。另外,接受IV抗生素的患者,每剂量含液体50 – 100 mL时,有可能出现液体容量过载。
    ■ Assist patients with hand hygiene; maintaining nutrition and fluid balance; getting adequate rest; and handling secretions correctly. These measures help the body to fight the infection, prevent further infection, and enhance the effectiveness of anti-infective drugs.
    ■ Assist patients in using antimicrobial drugs safely and effectively. Provide appropriate patient teaching.
    Vocabulary for Today    
    spatter – v. n. 飞溅
    rigorous – a. 严厉的,严酷的
    isolation – n. 隔离
    expectorate – v. 咳出,吐
    Antiviral Agents

    1. Which of the following drugs can have an adverse effect of dizziness, vertigo, and loss of hearing?
    A. Chloramphenicol
    B. Aminoglycoside
    C. Vancomycin
    D. Fluoroquinolones
    2. Which anti-infective agent exerts its effect by interfering with steps in protein synthesis?
    A. Macrolide
    B. Sulfonamides
    C. Antimycobacterial
    D. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
    本期ISPN Review答案
    1. B. Aminoglycosides. This antibiotic collect in the 8th cranial nerve causing neurotoxicity as manifested by dizziness, vertigo, and loss of hearing.
    2. A. Macrolide. Options B, C, and D exert their effect by depriving the invading organisms of the essential substances they need for cell division or reproduction.
