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    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2019-11-23 19:11:16    
    From the Programs  
    (From the Programs [课程选粹]栏目摘登奥医及国外NCLEX-RN(ISPN)课程视频讲座,旨在帮助读者了解NCLEX-RN(ISPN)考试内容,指导考生复习,加深考生对考试相关内容的学习、掌握[进一步了解请点击底部阅读原文]。您的需要就是我们的努力方向。
    EKG Interpretation

    想提高专业英语听力吗?想边练听力边增加护理专业知识吗?Listening -- Elementary》(专业英语听力 – 初级)可助你一臂之力。
    ISPN  Review  
    Nursing Considerations for Patients Receiving Antimetabolites
    • Arrange for blood tests to monitor bone marrow function before, periodically during, and for at least 3 weeks after therapy to arrange to discontinue the drug or reduce the dose as needed.
    • Administer medication according to the scheduled protocol and in combination with other drugs as indicated to improve the effectiveness of drug therapy.
    • Ensure that the patient is well hydrated to decrease the risk of renal toxicity.
    • Provide small, frequent meals, frequent mouth care, and dietary consultation as appropriate to maintain nutrition when GI effects are severe. Anticipate the use of antiemetics as necessary.
    • Arrange for proper head covering at extremes of temperature if alopecia occurs; a wig, scarf, or hat is important for maintaining body temperature. If alopecia is an anticipated effect of drug therapy, advise the patient to obtain a wig or head covering before the condition occurs to promote self-esteem and a positive body image.
    • Protect the patient from exposure to infections because bone marrow suppression will limit immune/inflammatory responses.
    • Provide support and encouragement to help the patient cope with the diagnosis and the effects of drug therapy.
    • Instruct the patient to follow the appropriate dosage regimen, including dates to return for further doses.
    • Remind patients to report all other drugs and alternative therapies that they might be using.
    • Instruct patients to maintain nutrition if GI effects are severe.
    • Instruct patients to cover the head at extremes of temperature if alopecia is anticipated.
    • Instruct patients to plan for appropriate rest periods because fatigue and weakness are common effects of the drugs.
    • Instruct patients to avoid situations that might lead to infection, including crowded places, sick people, and working in the soil.
    • Teach use of safety measures such as not driving or using dangerous equipment, due to possible dizziness, headache, and drowsiness.
    • Discusses alternative therapies often used by cancer patients that could interact with their drug regimen.
    • Be aware of some potential interactions that may occur when alternative therapies are used, such as Echinacea, ginkgo, saw palmetto, St. John’s wort, etc.
    • Think about consulting with a health care provider, if appropriate, due to the possibility of impaired fertility.
    • Use barrier contraceptives to reduce the risk of pregnancy during therapy.
    Vocabulary for Today   
    discontinue – n. 停用
    protocol – n. 治疗方案
    alopecia – n. 脱发
    wig – n. 假发
    scarf – n. 头巾
    echinacea – n. 紫锥花属
    ginkgo – n. 银杏
    saw palmetto – n. 锯叶棕
    St. John’s wort – n. 圣约翰草
    Trexall – n. 特雷克斯
    Pemetrexed – n. 培美曲塞
    Alimta – n. 力比泰
    pentostatin – n. 喷司他丁
    Nipent – n. 喷司他丁粉针剂
    thioguanine – n. 硫鸟嘌呤
    Tabloid – n. 硫鸟嘌呤片剂
    thymidylate synthetase – 胸苷酸合成酶
    polymerase – n. 聚合酶
    reductase – n. 还原酶
    S phase – n. S阶段
    leucovorin – n. 亚叶酸
    isomer – n. 异构体
    levoleucovorin – n. 左亚叶酸
    Cancer tests
    NCLEX-RN Experience
    The NCLEX Exam: 7 Best Study Strategies
    By Taylor Sienkiewicz
    There are many different question types in the NCLEX, and some will be harder than others. Students studying for the NCLEX should not only review key content, but familiarize themselves with the question and answer format, as well as the overall structure of the test to prepare for the exam. There are several NCLEX study strategies that nurses who have taken the exam and Peterson’s test prep experts recommend.
    1. Don’t wait too long after nursing school to take the test
    2. Get in the minds of the test makers
    The NCLEX can be tricky because you have to read the questions very carefully to ensure you’re actually answering the question.
    “A lot of the answers that they give you [for multiple choice] are right, but they’re not necessarily the best answer or of the most priority. The study books that I used helped me use critical thinking and think about how the test makers write the test,” said Skov.
    Finding the best answer involves analyzing the answer choices as well as the specific words used in the question. “NCLEX questions are written very specifically and there are sometimes indicators in the question that are kind of hidden, they give you a hint as to what the answers are, you just have to look very carefully at how the question is written, ” said Skov.
    3. Work through practice questions and tests
    What helped the most was that the test-taker did a lot of practice questions and practice tests. “When you do practice questions a lot, you start understanding what the test makers expect you to answer,” said Wolanska. Reviewing the content is helpful in re-establishing your base knowledge, but taking practice tests and answering test questions is what will really help you understand the test style and format.
    4. Use your study guides, tests, and other materials from nursing school
    Keep in mind that earning your nursing degree was largely preparation for the NCLEX, as the exam tests the knowledge you retained from your education.
    5. Take a prep course if you can
    Spending some time reviewing the base content in a focused way can help improve your quality of studying. This will allow you to develop a study base that you can continue using throughout your study period. “I would highly recommend taking a prep course to fully review every body system,” said Skov. If you don’t have the time or money to take a prep course, you can replicate some of these strategies on your own by coming up with ways to remember test topics.
    6. Focus on tough question types
    The NCLEX tests your knowledge in four major areas: safe effective care environment, health promotion and maintenance, psychosocial integrity, and physiological integrity. However, the questions are presented in a random order as the exam is computer-administered. There are many standard multiple choice questions, but there are also different question types that you may find more difficult.
    “A big thing that I worked hard on when studying was the “check all that apply” questions. Those questions are tough because you have to get the exact right answer. If you click one answer choice that is wrong, even if the other answers you chose were right, you get the whole answer wrong,” said Skov.
    7. Pay attention to your timing and understand the structure
    While you want to do your best when answering test questions, you don’t want to spend too much time on any one question. During your practice tests, dial in your pacing.
    Keep in mind that you have approximately five hours to complete the exam, but the amount of questions you are given may vary.
     “If you run out of time, don’t guess at answers. The NCSBN® recommends against guessing when pressed for time. Unlike paper-and-pencil tests in which guessing may help your score, guessing on a computer-adaptive test (CAT), such as the NCLEX-PN®, may actually lower your score.”
    1. The client with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is being managed with vincristine (Vincasar). Which of the following indicates a side effect specific to this medication?
    A. Alopecia.
    B. Numbness in the toes.
    C. Chest heaviness.
    D. Weight gain.
    2. A client with a sarcoma is receiving Bleomycin (Blenoxane). The nurse in charge for the client expect the physician to order which diagnostic procedure?
    A. Pulmonary function studies (PFT’s).
    B. Stress test.
    C. Cranial x-ray.
    D. Electrocardiogram (ECG).
    1. B. Numbness in the toes.
    A side effect specific to this medication is peripheral neuropathy. It can be manifested as numbness and tingling sensation in the finger and toes. Option A: Alopecia occurs nearly with all the neoplastic medications. Options C and D are not related to this medication.
    2. A. Pulmonary function studies (PFT’s).
    Bleomycin (Blenoxane) is an antitumor antibiotic that can cause interstitial pulmonary fibrosis. Pulmonary function tests and chest x-ray are done while on this treatment. Options B, C, and D are not related to the specific use of this medication.
