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    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2019-11-23 19:20:46    
    Keep Trying no matter how hard it seems and it will get easier.
    From the Programs  
    (From the Programs [课程选粹]栏目摘登奥医及国外NCLEX-RN(ISPN)课程视频讲座,旨在帮助读者了解NCLEX-RN(ISPN)考试内容,指导考生复习,加深考生对考试相关内容的学习、掌握[进一步了解请点击底部阅读原文]。您的需要就是我们的努力方向。
    Diuretics 2
    想提高专业英语听力吗?想边练听力边增加护理专业知识吗?Listening -- Elementary》(专业英语听力 – 初级)可助你一臂之力。
    ISPN  Review  
    Some cancers, particularly those involving the breast tissue, ovaries, uterus, prostate, and testes, are sensitive to estrogen stimulation. Estrogen-receptor sites on the tumor react with circulating estrogen, and this reaction stimulates the tumor cells to grow and divide. Several antineoplastic agents are used to block or interfere with these receptor sites to prevent growth of the cancer and in some situations to actually cause cell death. Some hormones are used to block the release of gonadotropic hormones in breast or prostate cancer if the tumors are responsive to gonadotropic hormones. Others may block androgen-receptor sites directly and are useful in the treatment of advanced prostate cancers. Hormones and hormone modulators include anastrazole (Arimidex), bicalutamide (Casodex), degarelix (Degarelix for Injection), estramustine (Emcyt), exemestane (Aromasin), flutamide (generic), fulvestrant (Faslodex), goserelin (Zoladex), histrelin (Vantas), letrozole (Femara), leuprolide (Lupron, Eligard), megestrol (Megace), mitotane (Lysodren), Nilutamide (Nilandron), tamoxifen (Nolvadex, Soltamox), Toremifene (Fareston) and triptorelin pamoate (Trelstar Depot).
    Therapeutic Actions and Indications
    The hormones and hormone modulators used as antineoplastics are receptor-site specific or hormone specific to block the stimulation of growing cancer cells that are sensitive to the presence of that hormone. These drugs are indicated for the treatment of breast cancer in postmenopausal women or in other women without ovarian function. Some drugs are indicated for the treatment of prostatic cancers that are sensitive to hormone manipulation.
    These drugs are readily absorbed from the GI tract, metabolized in the liver, and excreted in the urine. Caution must be used with any patient who has hepatic or renal impairment. These drugs cross the placenta and enter into breast milk.
    Vocabulary for Today   
    hormone modulator – 激素受体调节剂
    estrogen-receptor site – 雌激素受体部位
    gonadotropic hormones – 促性腺激素
    androgen-receptor sites – n. 雄激素受体部位
    anastrazole – n. 阿那曲唑
    Arimidex – n. 瑞宁得
    bicalutamide – n. 比卡鲁胺
    Casodex – n. 康士得
    degarelix – n. 地加瑞克
    estramustine – n. 雌氮芥
    Emcyt – n. 雌氮芥商品名
    exemestane – n. 依西美坦
    Aromasin – n. 阿诺新
    flutamide – n. 氟他胺
    fulvestrant – n. 氟维司群
    Faslodex – n. 氟维司群商品名
    goserelin – n. 戈舍瑞林
    Zoladex – n. 诺雷德
    histrelin – n. 组氨瑞林
    Vantas – n. 万塔斯
    letrozole – n. 来曲唑
    Femara – n. 弗隆
    leuprolide – n. 亮丙瑞林
    Lupron – n. 亮丙瑞林商品名
    Medications treating breast carcinoma
    NCLEX-RN Experience
    How to Study for the NCLEX in 30 Days
    (By Kaplan)
    Preparing for the NCLEX can be a challenging task! One of the questions many new graduates ask about their NCLEX prep is: How long do I need to study for the NCLEX? Recommended study times may vary depending upon the level of preparation needed and can range anywhere from 4 – 8 weeks. This article will provide a four-week strategy for how to study for the NCLEX in 30 days!
    Week 1: Developing a Road Map (Study Plan)
    First things first. You won’t know where you’re going without a road map. This week, spend 2-4 hours developing a study schedule. You can use a blank sheet of paper with thirty boxes or a digital or paper planner. If you already keep a personal calendar, consider integrating your study schedule with the system you already use. First, select an NCLEX Test Date and write it on your calendar. You can always change this later, but having a date to work towards will help guide your studying. Once your test date is set, work on scheduling practice tests, along with review and remediation times for filling in for the remaining dates leading up to test day.
    The secret to NCLEX success is question exposure. Taking, reviewing and remediating as many test questions as possible is KEY! Plan to pull together practice question resources that will expose you to a minimum of 3500 questions. That might seem like a lot of questions. And it is! But the key to NCLEX success is answering questions, not studying content. There will be a time in your study when you will need to review previously learned content. For now, though, the goal is to get through as many questions as possible. For example: 3500 questions/28 days = at least 125 questions per day. Set a regular schedule to answer 63 questions in the morning and 63 questions in the evening. Follow each testing session with a review and remediation period of ALL the questions, not just the questions answered incorrectly. It is important to review all questions in order to ensure that you clearly understood why the correct answer was right and that it wasn’t just a lucky guess.
    Weeks 2 & 3: Working Your Action Plan for NCLEX Success
    Continue to work through practice questions, taking breaks after each testing session. Review and remediate the previous practice set PRIOR to taking the next practice set. Remediation is just as important, if not more important, than answering questions. This phase of NCLEX prep will not only help you understand your test taking style but also reinforce less familiar content. Having this content refresher may assist you in selecting correct responses on future practice questions, especially if you are able to gain a clear understanding of why you responded to or answered a question the way that you did.
    Week 4: Countdown to the NCLEX
    As test day approaches, your anxiety may begin to rise. Self-regulation techniques, such as mindfulness techniques (meditation, yoga, reciting positive affirmations) and exercise can help improve your focus and stamina while reducing anxiety. Negative self-talk may also cause a loss of focus and create additional stress. Here are a few stress relievers to get you through this last week: 
    Make sure you take regular breaks throughout study periods
    Keep healthy snacks on hand
    Stay hydrated. Drink lots of water, and low or no caffeine!
    Go for brisk walks. Exercise will help allay anxiety and promote relaxation
    Get adequate sleep. Plan your schedule so that you are getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep
    1. The 45-year-old female client with a family history of breast cancer asks the nurse, “Is there anything I can do to improve my chances of not getting breast cancer like my sister and mother?” Which statement is the nurse’s best response?
    A. “There are medications and lifestyle changes to reduce the risk.”
    B. “No. Clients that have a strong family history just have to hope they don’t get it.”
    C. “You sound worried. Would you like to talk about how you feel?”
    D. “Do any other relatives have breast or other female cancers?”
    2. The male client diagnosed with prostate cancer is prescribed hormone suppression therapy. Which statement is the scientific rationale for administering this medication?
    A. Statement suppression therapy will increase the client’s libido and the ability to maintain an erection.
    B. Hormone suppression therapy shrinks the prostate tissue by destroying tumor cells during replication.
    C. Hormone suppression therapy will cause the client to experience menopausal-like symptoms.
    D. Hormone suppression therapy changes the internal host environment to decrease cell growth.
    答案见页 底
    1. A. “There are medications and lifestyle changes to reduce the risk.”
    Tamoxifen and raloxifene have been researched in the Study of Tamoxifen and Raloxifene (STAR) trial and have proven efficacy in reducing the risk of breast cancer in women who have primary relatives with breast cancer. Lifestyle modifications such as consuming a low-fat diet and avoiding obesity are also recommended to reduce the risk of breast cancer.
    2. D. Hormone suppression therapy changes the internal host environment to decrease cell growth.
    Gender-specific cancers may replicate better in the presence of the hormones specific to that sex. Suppressing the androgens produced in the testes results in a reduction in the growth rate of the tumor.
