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    ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2020-02-02 10:50:02    
    ISPN  Review  

    Kinin System 激肽系统

    Hageman factor activates kallikrein, a substance found in the local tissues, which causes the precursor substance kininogen to be converted to bradykinin and other kinins. Bradykinin was the first kinin identified and remains the one that is best understood.
    Bradykinin causes local vasodilation, which brings more blood to the injured area and allows white blood cells to escape into the tissues. It also stimulates nerve endings to cause pain, which alerts the body to the injury.
    Bradykinin also causes the release of arachidonic acid from the cell membrane. Arachidonic acid causes the release of other substances called autacoids. These substances act like local hormones—they are released from cells, cause an effect in the immediate area, and then are broken down.
    缓激肽还会造成细胞粘膜释放花生四烯酸。花生四烯酸又导致其他物质的释放,即自体有效物质。这些物质作用就象是局部激素 – 从细胞释放,在直接部位产生效应,然后得以分解。
    These autacoids include the following:
    • Prostaglandins, some of which augment the inflammatory reaction and some of which block it.
    • Leukotrienes, some of which can cause vasodilation and increased capillary permeability, and some of which can block the reactions.
    • Thromboxanes, which cause local vasoconstriction and facilitate platelet aggregation and blood coagulation.
    Vocabulary for Today   
    Kinin System -- 激肽系统
    Hageman factor -- 哈格曼因子
    kallikrein – n. 激肽释放酶
    precursor – n. 前体
    kininogen – n. 激肽原
    bradykinin – n. 缓激肽
    kinin – n. 激肽
    nerve ending -- 神经末梢
    arachidonic acid -- 花生四烯酸
    autacoids – n. 自体有效物质
    prostaglandin – n. 前列腺素
    augment – vt. 增强
    leukotriene – n. 白三烯
    thromboxane – n. 血栓烷
    Inflammatory Response 1/4
    1. The nurse assess a patient the morning of the first postoperative day and notes redness and warmth around the incision. Which action by the nurse is most appropriate?
    A. Obtain wound culture
    B. Document assessment
    C. Notify health care provide
    D. Assess the wound every 2 hours
    2. A patient with an open abdominal wound has a complete blood cell (CBC) count and differential, which indicate an increase in white blood cells (WBCs) and a shift to the left. The nurse anticipates that the next action will be to
    A. obtain wound cultures.
    B. start antibiotic therapy.
    C. redress the wound with wet-to-dry dressings.
    D. continue to monitor the wound for purulent drainage.
    Key to Question
    1. B. Document assessment
    2. A. obtain wound cultures.
