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    ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2020-02-28 14:18:00    
    ISPN  Review  
    Nursing Considerations for Patients Receiving Immune Suppressants

    Assessment: History and Examination  评估:病史和检查
    • Assess for contraindications and cautions: any known allergies to any of these drugs or their components to  prevent hypersensitivity reactions; current status related to pregnancy or lactation because of the potential risk to the fetus or baby; history of renal or hepatic impairment that might interfere with drug metabolism and excretion; and history of neoplasm, which could be exacerbated with the use of these drugs.
    • Perform a physical assessment to determine baseline status before beginning therapy and for any potential adverse effects: Inspect the skin to detect the presence of any lesions; obtain weight to monitor for fluid retention; monitor temperature to monitor for potential infection; monitor pulse and blood pressure to assess the cardiac effects of these drugs; assess level of orientation and reflexes to monitor for any CNS changes associated with drug use.
    • Obtain a baseline ECG to evaluate cardiac function.
    • Assess the patient’s renal and liver function, including renal and liver function tests, to determine the appropriateness of therapy and determine the need for possible dose adjustment and toxic drug effects.
    • Monitor the results of laboratory tests such as CBC to identify changes in bone marrow function.

    Nursing Diagnoses  护理诊断
    Nursing diagnoses related to drug therapy might include:
    • Acute Pain related to CNS, GI, and flu-like effects
    • Risk for Infection related to immune suppression
    • Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements, related to nausea and vomiting
    • Deficient Knowledge regarding drug therapy

    Implementation With Rationale 实施及说明
    • Arrange for laboratory tests before and periodically during therapy, including CBC, differential, and liver and renal function tests, to monitor for drug effects and adverse effects.
    • Administer the drug as indicated; instruct the patient and a significant other if injections are required to ensure proper administration of the drug.
    • Protect the patient from exposure to infections and maintain strict aseptic technique for any invasive procedures to prevent infections during immunosuppression.
    • Arrange for supportive care and comfort measures for flulike symptoms (rest, environmental control, acetaminophen) to decrease patient discomfort and increase therapeutic compliance.
    • Monitor nutritional status during therapy; provide small, frequent meals, mouth care, and nutritional consultation as necessary to ensure adequate nutrition.
    • Instruct female patients in the use of barrier contraceptives to avoid pregnancy during therapy because of the risk of adverse effects to the fetus.
    • Offer support and encouragement to help the patient deal with the diagnosis and the drug regimen.
    • Provide thorough patient teaching, including measures to avoid adverse effects, warning signs of problems, and proper administration, to increase knowledge about drug therapy and to increase compliance with the drug regimen.
    • Offer support and encouragement to help the patient deal with the diagnosis and the drug regimen.

    Evaluation 评价
    • Monitor patient response to the drug (prevention of transplant rejection; improvement in autoimmune disease or cancer; prevention of RSV disease; improvement in signs and symptoms of Crohn disease or rheumatoid arthritis).
    • Monitor for adverse effects (flu-like symptoms, GI upset, increased infections, neoplasms, fluid overload).
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching plan (patient can name drug, dosage, adverse effects to watch for, specific measures to avoid adverse effects, proper administration technique).
    • Monitor the effectiveness of comfort measures and compliance to the regimen (see Critical Thinking Scenario).
    Vocabulary for Today   
    Mylotarg – n. 麦罗塔
    ibritumomab – n. 替伊莫单抗
    Zevalin – n. 泽娃灵
    infliximab – n. 英夫利昔单抗
    Remicade – n. 类克
    natalizumab – n. 那他珠单抗
    Tysabri – n. 塔沙布里
    omalizumab – n. 奥马佐单抗
    Xolair – n. 索雷尔
    palivizumab – n. 帕利珠单抗
    Synagis – n. 西那吉斯
    pegaptanib – n. 培加尼布
    Macugen – n. 马库根
    rituximab – n. 利妥昔单抗
    Rituxan – n. 瑞图宣
    tocilizumab – n. 托珠单抗
    Actemra – n. 雅美罗
    tositumomab – n.托西莫单抗
    iodine-131 tositumomab -- 131碘托西莫单抗
    Bexxar – n. 百克沙
    trastuzumab – n. 曲妥珠单抗
    Herceptin – n. 赫赛汀
    ustekinumab – n. 乌司妈单抗
    Stelara – n. 喜达诺
    Muromonab-CD3 – 莫罗单抗-CD3
    Monoclonal Antibodies – Brief
    1. The client diagnosed with chronic kidney disease (CKD) is admitted to the medical floor for pneumonia. The admission orders include Zithromax, cyclosporine, and Mylanta. Which question should the nurse ask the client?
    A. “Are you allergic to iodine or any type of shellfish?”
    B. “When is the last time you had your dialysis treatment?”
    C. “Have you had any type of organ transplant?”
    D. “Why don’t you take aluminum hydroxide instead of Mylanta?”
    2. The nurse is preparing to administer the morning medications to the client who is 1-day postoperative total knee replacement. Which medication should the nurse question administering?
    A. Ceftriaxone
    B. Enoxaparin
    C. Cyclosporine
    D. Morphine
    Key to Question

    1. C. “Have you had any type of organ transplant?”
    Rationale: Cyclosporine would not be an expected medication for a client diagnosed with pneumonia or CKD, unless the client has had a kidney transplant; therefore, asking this question is appropriate.
    2. C. Cyclosporine
    Rationale: Cyclosporine (Neoral), an immunosuppressant, is not an expected medication to be prescribed for a client recovering from with total knee replacement. The nurse should determine why the client is receiving this medication. The client taking cyclosporine has had some type of organ transplant. This is important information to include in discussions with others caring for the client.
