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    ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2020-03-11 14:40:00    
    Saunders 8th 增16
    ISPN  Review  
    Nursing care for peripheral arterial disease
    A. Description 说明
    1. Peripheral arterial disease refers to the chronic disorder in which partial or total arterial occlusion deprives the lower extremities of oxygen and nutrients.
    2. Tissue damage occurs below the level of the arterial occlusion.   
    3. Atherosclerosis is the most common cause of peripheral arterial disease. 
    B. Interventions 干预
    Because swelling in the extremities prevents arterial blood flow, the client with peripheral arterial disease is instructed to elevate the feet at rest but to refrain from elevating them above the level of the heart, because extreme elevation slows arterial blood flow to the feet. In severe cases of peripheral arterial disease, clients with edema may sleep with the affected limb hanging from the bed or they may sit upright (without leg elevation) in a chair for comfort.
    1. Preoperative interventions
    a. Assess baseline vital signs and peripheral pulses.
    b. Insert an IV line and urinary catheter as prescribed. 
    c. Maintain a central venous catheter and/or arterial line if inserted. 
    2. Postoperative interventions
    a. Assess vital signs and notify the PHCP if changes occur. 
    b. Monitor for hypotension, which may indicate hypovolemia 
    c. Monitor for hypertension, which may place stress on the graft and cause clot formation.
    d. Maintain bed rest for 24 hours as prescribed.  按处方卧床24小时。
    e. Instruct the client to keep the affected extremity straight, limit movement, and avoid bending the knee and hip.
    f. Monitor for warmth, redness, and edema, which often are expected outcomes because of increased blood flow.
    g. Monitor for vessel or graft occlusion, which often occurs within the first 24 hours.
    h. Assess peripheral pulses and for adverse changes in color and temperature of the extremity.
    i. Assess the incision for drainage, warmth, or swelling.  评估切口有无渗液、温热或肿胀
    j. Monitor for excessive bleeding(a small amount of bloody drainage is expected).
    k. Monitor the area over the graft for hardness, tenderness, and warmth, which may indicate infection; if this occurs, notify the PHCP immediately.
    l. Instruct the client about proper foot care and measures to prevent ulcer formation.
    m. Assist the client in modifying lifestyle to prevent further plaque formation.
    n. Following arterial revascularization, monitor for a sharp increase in pain, because pain is frequently the first indicator of postoperative graft occlusion. If signs of graft occlusion occur, notify the PHCP immediately.
    Vocabulary for Today   
    peripheral arterial disease – 外周动脉疾病
    occlusion – n. 闭塞,阻塞
    arterial occlusion – 动脉闭塞
    deprive – v. 剥夺,夺去
    atherosclerosis – n. 动脉粥样硬化
    peripheral pulses – 周围脉搏
    urinary catheter -- 尿导管
    hypovolemia – n. 血容量不足
    incision – n. 切口
    plaque – n. 斑块
    revascularization – n. 血运重建
    Peripheral Vascular Diseases
    1. A client is admitted to the hospital with peripheral vascular disease (PVD) of the lower extremities. He is scheduled for an amputation of the left leg. The client says, “I’ve really tried to manage my condition well.” Which of the following routines should the nurse evaluate as having been appropriate for him?
    A. Resting with his legs elevated above the level of his heart.
    B. Walking slowly but steadily for 30 minutes twice a day.
    C. Minimizing activity.
    D. Wearing antiembolism stockings at all times when out of bed.
    2. A client with absent peripheral pulses and pain at rest is scheduled for an arterial Doppler study of the affected extremity. When preparing the client for this test, the nurse should:
    A. Have the client sign a consent form for the procedure.
    B. Administer a pretest sedative as appropriate.
    C. Keep the client tobacco-free for 30 minutes before the test.
    D. Wrap the client’s affected foot with a blanket.

    ISPN/NCLEX-RN 综合复习用书

    Key to Questions

    1. B. Walking slowly but steadily for 30 minutes twice a day.
    Rationale: Slow, steady walking is a recommended activity for clients with peripheral vascular disease because it stimulates the development of collateral circulation. The client with PVD should not remain inactive. Elevating the legs above the heart or wearing antiembolism stockings is a strategy for alleviating venous congestion and may worsen peripheral arterial disease.
    2. C. Keep the client tobacco-free for 30 minutes before the test.
    Rationale: The client should be tobacco-free for 30 minutes before the test to avoid false readings related to the vasoconstrictive effects of smoking on the arteries. Because this test is noninvasive, the client does not need to sign a consent form. The client should receive an opioid analgesic, not a sedative, to control the pain as the blood pressure cuffs are inflated during the Doppler studies to determine the ankle-to-brachial pressure index. The client’s ankle should not be covered with a blanket because the weight of the blanket on the ischemic foot will cause pain. A bed cradle should be used to keep even the weight of a sheet off the affected foot.

