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    ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2020-06-15 10:31:00    

    ISPN  Review  
    Some benzodiazepines are used as antiepileptic agents. These include clobazam (Onfi), clonazepam (Klonopin), and diazepam (Valium).

    Therapeutic Actions and Indications
    The benzodiazepines may potentiate the effects of GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter that stabilizes nerve cell membranes. These drugs, which appear to act primarily in the limbic system and the RAS, also cause muscle relaxation and relieve anxiety without affecting cortical functioning substantially. The benzodiazepines stabilize nerve membranes throughout the CNS to decrease excitability and hyperexcitability to stimulation. By decreasing conduction through nerve pathways, they reduce the tonic–clonic, muscular, and emotional responses to stimulation. In general, these drugs have limited toxicity and are well tolerated by most people.
    Clonazepam may lose its effectiveness within 3 months (affected patients may respond to dose adjustment). Clobazam, the newest drug in this class, is indicated for adjunct treatment of seizures associated with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome in patients 2 years of age and older.

    Diazepam is available in oral and rectal forms. Clonazepam is now available in an orally disintegrating tablet, making it a good choice for patients who have difficulty swallowing capsules or tablets. Clobazam is available in oral form only. These agents are well absorbed from the GI tract, metabolized in the liver, and excreted in the urine. They have a long half-life of 18 to 50 hours.
    地西泮分口服型和直肠剂型。氯硝西泮目前已出口腔崩解片,这使它成为胶囊或片剂吞咽困难的患者的良好选择。氯巴占只有口服剂型。这些药物胃肠道吸收佳,经肝代谢,随尿排出。半衰期长,达18 – 50小时。

    Adverse Effects
    The most common adverse effects associated with benzodiazepines relate to CNS depression and its effects on body function: Depression, confusion, drowsiness, lethargy, fatigue, constipation, dry mouth, anorexia, cardiac arrhythmias, and changes in blood pressure, urinary retention, and loss of libido. Benzodiazepines may be associated with physical dependence and withdrawal syndrome, especially with rapid reduction in dose.

    Vocabulary for Today   
    benzodiazepines – n. 苯二氮卓类
    antiepileptic – a. 抗癫痫的
    clobazam – n. 氯巴占
    Onfi – n. 昂非
    clonazepam – n. 氯硝西泮
    Klonopin – n. 克诺平
    diazepam – n. 地西泮
    Valium – n. 烦宁
    potentiate – v. 强化,增强
    GABA – n. γ-氨基丁胺
    inhibitory – a. 抑制的
    limbic – a. 边的,缘的
    adjunct – a. 附加的,附属的
    Lennox-Gastaut syndrome – n. 伦-格综合征
    disintegrating tablet – 崩解片

    1. Select all that apply that is appropriate when there is a benzodiazepine overdose:
    A. Administration of syrup of ipecac
    B. Gastric lavage
    C. Activated charcoal and a saline cathartic
    D. Hemodialysis
    E. Administration of Flumazenil
    2. When monitoring a client who is taking benzodiazepines, the nurse should be alert for which CNS side effects?
    A. Blurred vision, anorexia, dysarthria
    B. Seizures, tremors, diaphoresis
    C. Ataxia, sedation, dizziness
    D. Libido changes, edema, dystonia

     答案 Answers
    1. B, C, and E. 
    If ingestion is recent, decontamination of the GI system is indicated. The administration of syrup of ipecac is contraindicated because of aspiration risks related to sedation. Gastric lavage is generally the best and most effective means of gastric decontamination. Activated charcoal and a saline cathartic may be administered to remove any remaining drug. Hemodialysis is not useful in the treatment of benzodiazepine overdose. Flumazenil can be used to acutely reverse the sedative effects of benzodiazepines, though this is normally done only in cases of extreme overdose or sedation.
    2. C. Ataxia, sedation, dizziness. 
    These are common side effects. Anorexia is a GI effect. Choice B are the result of acute withdrawal. Libido and edema are not CNS-related side effects.


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