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    ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2020-08-03 16:28:00    
    ISPN/RN Review
    Baclofen: Nursing Considerations and Management
    Baclofen is an antispastic. It inhibits both monosynaptic and polysynaptic reflexes at spinal level.

    Indications 适应症

    Alleviation of signs and symptoms of spasticity resulting from MS, particularly for the relief of flexor spasms and concomitant pain, clonus, muscular rigidity (for patients with reversible spasticity to aid in restoring residual function); treatment of central spasticity (via SynchroMed pump)


    Spinal cord injuries and other spinal cord diseases—may be of some value
    Unlabeled uses: Trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux); may be beneficial in reducing spasticity in cerebral palsy in children (intrathecal use)

    Adverse effects 不良效应

    Sedation, drowsiness, ataxia, dizziness, headache, confusion, hallucinations, skin reactions, GI symptoms, enuresis.

    Potentially Fatal: Respiratory or CV depression, seizures.

    Contraindications  禁忌

    Hypersensitivity. Active peptic ulcer disease.

    Nursing considerations 护理考虑

    Assessment 评估
    History: Hypersensitivity to baclofen, skeletal muscle spasm resulting from rheumatic disorders, stroke, cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s disease, seizure disorders, lactation, pregnancy


    Physical: Weight; T; skin color, lesions; orientation, affect, reflexes, bilateral grip strength, visual examination; P, BP; bowel sounds, normal GI output, liver evaluation; normal urinary output; LFTs, renal function tests, blood and urine glucose


    Interventions  措施

    Patients given implantable device for intrathecal delivery need to learn about the programmable delivery system, frequent checks; how to adjust dose and programming.


    Give with caution to patients whose spasticity contributes to upright posture or balance in locomotion or whenever spasticity is used to increase function.


    BLACK BOX WARNING: Taper dosage gradually to prevent hallucinations, possible psychosis, or other serious effects; abrupt discontinuation can cause serious reactions.


    Teaching points  宣教要点

    Take this drug exactly as prescribed. Do not stop taking this drug without consulting your health care provider; abrupt discontinuation may cause hallucinations or other serious effects.


    Avoid alcohol, sleep-inducing, or over-the-counter drugs because these could cause dangerous effects.


    Do not take this drug during pregnancy. If you decide to become pregnant or find that you are pregnant, consult your health care provider.


    You may experience these side effects: Drowsiness, dizziness, confusion (avoid driving or engaging in activities that require alertness); nausea (eat frequent small meals); insomnia, headache, painful or frequent urination (effects reversible; will go away when the drug is discontinued).


    Report frequent or painful urination, constipation, nausea, headache, insomnia, or confusion that persists or is severe.


    baclofen – n. 巴氯芬
    antispastic – n. a. 解痉的,解痉药
    monosynaptic – a. 单突触的
    polysynaptic – a. 多突触的
    flexor – n. 屈肌
    concomitant – a. 伴随的,共存的
    clonus – n. 阵挛
    residual function – 残存功能
    SynchroMed pump – 自动定时给药泵
    unlabeled – a. 未贴标签的,未标记的
    unlabeled uses – 标示外使用
    trigeminal neuralgia – 三叉神经痛
    trigeminal – a. 三叉(神经)的
    neuralgia – n. 神经痛
    tic douloureux – n. 三叉神经痛
    palsy – n. 麻痹(状态),瘫痪
    cerebral palsy – 脑瘫
    intrathecal – a. 鞘内的,硬膜内的
    enuresis – n. 遗尿
    LFTs – n. liver function tests肝功能试验
    locomotion – n. 行进,移动,转位
    taper – v. 逐渐减少、变小
    Cerebral Palsy
    1. Which of the following is the priority nursing intervention for children receiving muscle relaxants?
    A. Assess bowel sounds and activity.
    B. Provide skin care.
    C. Administer drug with food.
    D. Both A and B.

    2. A mother brings her 9-year-old son to the clinic for a routine check-up. The 9-year-old boy has cerebral palsy and is very spastic. The mother asks the nurse what causes the spasticity in her son. What is the nurse’s best response?
    A. Your son’s spasticity is caused by injury to the muscle tissue.
    B. Your son’s spasticity is caused by deficiency of a neurotransmitter called serotonin.
    C. Your son’s spasticity is caused by damaged sensory neurons.
    D. Your son’s spasticity is caused by damaged motor neurons.
    答案 Answers
    1. A. Assess bowel sounds and activity.
    Rationale: Children are especially at an increased risk of CNS and GI toxicity.
    2. D. Your son’s spasticity is caused by damaged motor neurons.
    Rationale: Muscle spasticity is the result of damage to neurons within the central nervous system (CNS) rather than injury to peripheral structures such as the musculoskeletal system. Serotonin is not involved in the process of muscle contraction and relaxation. Although acetylcholine is released and increases muscle cell membrane permeability to sodium, which eventually leads to the release of calcium, this process does play a vital part in muscle contraction and relaxation.


    ISPN/NCLEX-RN 综合复习用书
