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    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2020-11-06 15:17:00    
    ISPN Review
    Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions for Patient Receiving Alpha-Specific Adrenergic Agonists

    Nursing Diagnosis 护理诊断
    Nursing diagnoses related to drug therapy might include the following:

    • Disturbed sensory perception (visual, kinesthetic, tactile) related to CNS effects
    • 感官知觉紊乱(视觉、动觉、触觉),与CNS效应有关
    • Discomfort related to GI and GU effects of the drug and pupil dilation causing sensitivity to light
    • 不适,与药物的GI、GU效应和瞳孔扩张引起光敏感有关
    • Risk for injury related to CNS or CV effects of the drug and potential for extravasation
    • 损伤危险,与药物的CNS或CV效应和潜在外溢有关
    • Decreased cardiac output related to blood pressure changes, arrhythmias, or vasoconstriction
    • 心排血量下降,与血压变化、心律失常或血管收缩有关
    • Deficient knowledge regarding drug therapy
    • 知识缺乏,与药物疗法有关
    Interventions 措施
    • Do not discontinue the drug abruptly because sudden withdrawal can result in rebound hypertension, arrhythmias, flushing, and even hypertensive encephalopathy and death; taper drug over 2 to 4 days.
    • 不得突然停药,因为突然停药可能导致反跳性高血压、心律失常、潮红,甚至高血压性脑病和死亡;用2-4天时间逐渐减少药物剂量
    • Do not discontinue the drug before surgery; mark the patient’s chart and monitor blood pressure carefully during surgery. Sympathetic stimulation may alter the normal response to anesthesia, as well as recovery from anesthesia.
    • 不要在手术前停药;手术期间,标记患者图表,仔监测患者血压。交感神经刺激可能改变对麻醉的正常响应及麻醉后恢复。
    • Monitor blood pressure, orthostatic blood pressure, pulse, rhythm, and cardiac output regularly, even with ophthalmic preparations, to adjust dose or discontinue the drug if CV effects are severe.
    • 定期监测血压、直立性血压、脉搏、节律和心排血量,即使是使用眼药时,CV效应严重时调整剂量或停药
    • When giving phenylephrine intravenously, ensure that an alpha-blocking agent is readily available to counteract the effects in case severe reaction occurs; infiltrate any area of extravasation with phentolamine within 12 hours after extravasation to preserve tissue.
    • IV苯福林时,确保α受体阻滞剂准备就绪,用以抵消药物效应,以防严重反应出现;外溢后12小时内用酚妥拉明浸润外溢区域,保护组织
    • Arrange for supportive care and comfort measures, including rest and environmental control, to decrease CNS irritation; analgesics for headache to relieve discomfort; safety measures, such as use of side rails and assistance with ambulation if CNS effects occur, to protect the patient from injury; and protective measures if CNS effects are severe.
    • 安排支持性医疗和舒适措施,包括休息和环境控制,以降低CNS刺激;头疼使用镇痛药,缓解不适;出现CNS效应时,采取安全措施,如使用床边栏、行走协助等,保护患者不受损伤;采取保护性措施,CNS效应严重的话
    • Provide thorough patient teaching about drug name, dose, and schedule for administration; technique for administration if appropriate; measures to prevent potential adverse effects such as voiding before taking the drug and use of bowel-training activities if constipation is a problem; safety measures such as avoiding driving and operating dangerous machinery if CNS effects occur and getting up and down slowly if orthostatic hypotension is an issue; warning signs of problems; and importance of monitoring and follow-up to improve compliance and ensure safe and effective use of the drug.
    • 提供彻底的患者宣教,包括药名、剂量、给药计划;适当时,进行用药技术教育;预防潜在不良效应的措施,如服药前排空、便秘时的排便训练;安全措施,如CNS出现时避免驾驶和损伤危险机械,有直立性低血压时直立、躺下要慢;问题的警示信号;及监测和随访的重要性,以提高依从性,确保安全和药物的有效使用
    disturbed sensory perception – 感官知觉紊乱
    visual – a. 视觉的
    kinesthetic – a. 动觉的
    tactile)—a. 触觉的
    GI – gastrointestinal 胃肠(道)的
    GU – genitourinary 生殖泌尿的
    CV – cardiovascular 心血管的
    extravasation – n. 溢出,外渗物
    phentolamine – n. 酚妥拉明

    Beta Blockers vs Beta Agonists
    The client who is pregnant tells the clinic nurse that she has been using Preparation H (phenylephrine and cocoa butter), an OTC medication, for hemorrhoids. Which information should the nurse teach the client? Select all that apply.
    A. “Apply the ointment after a bath but before drying the area.”
    B. “Do not use the medication because of possible harm to the fetus.”
    C. “Suppositories may be used up to four times a day for symptom relief.”
    D. “Tucks (witch hazel) works better than Preparation H for hemorrhoids.”
    E. “Avoid having a bowel movement for 3 hours after insertion of medication.”


    答案 Answer

    ANS: C, E
    C. The labeling directions for Preparation H state four times a day as part of the safe administration guidelines. The phenylephrine shrinks the size of the hemorrhoids and provides relief from the pain and burning, and the cocoa butter provides some emollient relief for expelling feces.
    E. The client should avoid having a bowel movement for 1 to 3 hours after using the medication for maximum effectiveness.

    ISPN/NCLEX-RN 综合复习用书
