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    ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2020-12-28 19:51:00    
    hypothalamus – n. 下丘脑
    growth hormone–releasing hormone – 生长素释放激素
    thyrotropin-releasing hormone – 促甲状腺素释放激素
    gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) – 促性腺素释放激素
    corticotropin-releasing hormone -- 促肾上腺皮质素释放激素
    prolactin-releasing hormone – 催乳素释放激素
    somatostatin – n. 生长抑素
    growth hormone–inhibiting factor – 生长激素抑制因子
    prolactin-inhibiting factor – 催乳素抑制因子
    growth hormone – 生长激素
    goserelin – n. 戈舍瑞林
    Zoladex – n. 诺雷德[合成GnRH]
    histrelin – n. 组氨瑞林
    Vantas – n. 万塔斯[GnRH,用作抗肿瘤药]
    leuprolide – n. 亮丙瑞林
    Lupron – n. [醋酸亮丙瑞林]
    nafarelin – n. 那法瑞林
    Synarel – n. [醋酸那法瑞林喷鼻液]
    tesamorelin – n. 替莫瑞林
    Egrifta – n. 埃格里夫塔
    degarelix – n. 地加瑞克
    Firmagon – n. 地加瑞克粉针剂
    ganirelix acetate – n. 醋酸加尼瑞克
    Antagon – n. 加尼瑞克商品名
    lipolytic – a. 脂肪分解
    lipodystrophy – n. 脂营养不良

     ISPN Review

    Drugs Affecting Hypothalamic Hormones
    The hypothalamus uses a number of hormones or factors to either stimulate or inhibit the release of hormones from the anterior pituitary. Factors that stimulate the release of hormones are growth hormone–releasing hormone, thyrotropin-releasing hormone, gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), corticotropin-releasing hormone, and prolactin-releasing hormone. Factors that inhibit the release of hormones are somatostatin (growth hormone–inhibiting factor) and prolactin-inhibiting factor. Not all of these hormones are available for pharmacological use.


    Available hypothalamic releasing hormones include goserelin (Zoladex) (synthetic GnRH), histrelin (Vantas) (a GnRH used as an antineoplastic agent), leuprolide (Lupron) and nafarelin (Synarel) (potent GnRH agonists which will actually block gonadotropin secretion with continuous use), and tesamorelin (Egrifta) (a GRH analogue used to stimulate the release of growth hormone [GH] from the pituitary). Available antagonists that block the effects of hypothalamic releasing hormones include degarelix (Firmagon) (blocks GnRH and is used as an antineoplastic agent) and ganirelix acetate (Antagon) (blocks GnRH).

    可用的下丘脑释放激素包括戈舍瑞林(诺雷德[合成GnRH])、组氨瑞林(万塔斯[GnRH,用作抗肿瘤药])、亮丙瑞林(Lupron[醋酸亮丙瑞林])、那法瑞林(Synarel [醋酸那法瑞林喷鼻液,强效GnRH激动剂,连续使用可实际阻断促性腺激素分泌])和替莫瑞林(埃格里夫塔,GRH同型物,用于刺激垂体生长激素[GH]释放)。阻断下丘脑释放激素效应的可用拮抗剂包括地加瑞克(Firmagon,阻断GnRH,用作抗肿瘤剂)和醋酸加尼瑞克(Antagon,阻断GnRH)。

    Therapeutic Actions and Indications 治疗作用和适应症

    The hypothalamic hormones are found in such minute quantities that the actual chemical structures of all of these hormones have not been clearly identified. Not all of the hypothalamic hormones are used as pharmacological agents. A number of the hypothalamic-releasing hormones described here are used for diagnostic purposes only, and others are used primarily as antineoplastic agents. Tesamorelin is used to stimulate GH and its lipolytic effects, helping to decrease the excess abdominal fat in HIV-infected patients with lipodystrophy.


    Agonists 激动剂

    Goserelin, histrelin, leuprolide, and nafarelin are analogues of GnRH. Following an initial burst of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and/or luteinizing hormone (LH) release, they inhibit pituitary gonadotropin secretion, with a resultant drop in the production of sex hormones. Tesamorelin is an analogue of human GH–releasing factor that stimulates the release of GH from the pituitary.


    Antagonists 拮抗剂

    Degarelix and ganirelix acetate are antagonists of GnRH.

    Pharmacokinetics 药代动力学

    For the most part, these drugs are absorbed slowly when given IM, subcutaneously, or in depot form. They tend to have very long half-lives of days to weeks. Metabolism is not understood, but it is thought that they are metabolized by endogenous hormonal pathways. Because they are hormones or similar to hormones, they cross the placenta and cross into breast milk. Most of them are excreted in the urine. Nafarelin is given in a nasal form.


    Contraindications and Cautions 禁忌与注意事项

    These drugs are contraindicated with known hypersensitivity to any component of the drug because of the risk of hypersensitivity reactions and during pregnancy and lactation because of the potential adverse effects to the fetus or baby. Caution should be used with renal impairment, which could interfere with excretion of the drug; with peripheral vascular disorders, which could alter the absorption of injected drug; and with rhinitis when using nafarelin, which could alter the absorption of the nasal spray.

    Growth Hormone Deficiency and Excess
    1. Which of the following is a contraindication to the administration of growth hormone?
    A. The height of the child is under 4 feet.
    B. The child’s age is between 5 and 6.
    C. The epiphyseal shaft is open.
    D. The epiphyseal shaft is closed.
    2. Which of the following is a contraindication for use of oxytocin to induce labor?
    A. Missed abortion
    B. Placenta previa
    C. Hyperbilirubinemia
    D. Pregnancy past due date
    答案 Answers
    1. D. The epiphyseal shaft is closed.
    Rationale: A closed epiphyseal shaft is a contraindication for administration of growth hormone. There are no exact height or age requirements for the administration of growth hormone.
    2. B. Placenta previa
    Rationale: Use of oxytocin is contraindicated in the presence of placenta previa. Labor induction in this condition could be fatal to the fetus. Placenta previa is an indication for cesarean section.


    ISPN/NCLEX-RN 综合复习用书
