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    ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2021-03-08 14:38:00    

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    diabetes mellitus – 糖尿病
    literally – ad. 逐字地,按字面意思
    glycosuria – n. 糖尿
    basement membrane – 基膜,底膜
    collagen – n. 胶原
    filament – n. 细丝,单纤维
    endothelial – a. 内皮的
    lining – n. 衬里,内层
    remodeling – n. 重塑,改造
    atherosclerosis – n. 动脉粥样硬化
    plaque – n. 斑块
    atherosclerotic plaques –动脉粥样硬化斑块
    retinopathy – n. 视网膜病变
    neuropathy – n. 神经病变
    nephropathy – n. 肾病变
    challenge – v. 激发,攻击
    postprandial – a. (正)餐后的
    glucose challenge test – 葡萄糖激发试验

    RN/ISPN Review
    Diabetes Mellitus 糖尿病            
    Diabetes mellitus (literally, “honey urine”) is characterized by complex disturbances in metabolism. Diabetes affects carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism. The most frequently recognized clinical signs of diabetes are hyperglycemia (fasting blood sugar level >126 mg/dL) and glycosuria (the presence of sugar in the urine). The alteration in the body’s ability to effectively deal with carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism over the long-term results in a thickening of the basement membrane (a thin layer of collagen filament that lies just below the endothelial lining of blood vessels) in large and small blood vessels. This thickening leads to changes in oxygenation of the vessel lining; damage to the vessel lining, which leads to narrowing, vessel remodeling, and decreased blood flow through the vessel; and an inability of oxygen to rapidly diffuse across the membrane to the tissues. These changes result in an increased incidence of a number of disorders, including the following:

    糖尿病(按字面意思就是“蜜尿”)的特点是代谢出现严重紊乱。糖尿病影响碳水化合物、蛋白质和脂肪代谢。糖尿病的最常见临床症状是高血糖(空腹血糖水平>126 mg/dL)和糖尿(尿液中有糖)。由于长期以来身体有效处理碳水化合物、脂肪和蛋白质的能力发生改变,导致大、小血管基膜(血管内皮衬膜下的薄薄一层胶原丝)增厚。增厚又导致血管衬膜氧合变化;导致血管衬膜破坏,从而导致狭窄、血管重塑和通过血管的血流减少;导致氧气无法快速弥散通过细胞膜进入组织。这些变化最终导致许多病症发生率增加,包括:
    Atherosclerosis: Heart attacks and strokes related to the development of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessel lining

    Retinopathy: Resultant loss of vision as tiny vessels in the eye are narrowed and closed Neuropathies: Motor and sensory changes in the feet and legs and progressive changes in other nerves as the oxygen supply to these nerves is slowly cut off

    Nephropathy: Renal dysfunction related to changes in the basement membrane of the glomerulus
    The overall metabolic disturbances associated with diabetes were once thought to be caused by a lack of the hormone insulin. It is now thought that a mosaic of problems, including low insulin and loss of insulin receptor sensitivity, are involved. There is debate over whether prolonged high glucose levels lead to basement membrane changes and complications of diabetes or whether basement membrane thickening is the initial problem that leads to lack of insulin and changes in insulin receptors; whichever comes first, replacement or stimulation of insulin release is the mainstay for treatment of diabetes mellitus.


    The diagnosis of diabetes mellitus has involved monitoring of fasting blood glucose levels and sometimes challenging the system with glucose for a glucose tolerance test. However, recent research indicates that the body’s response to food may be a more important indicator of impending diabetes. Current thinking is that a fasting blood glucose level may not be as important as a postprandial blood glucose level, which reveals the body’s ability to respond to a glucose challenge. The importance of looking at a variety of different glucose markers is being stressed.


    Diabetes Mellitus -- Physiology

    1. A client with DM demonstrates acute anxiety when first admitted for the treatment of hyperglycemia. The most appropriate intervention to decrease the client’s anxiety would be to:
    A. Administer a sedative
    B. Make sure the client knows all the correct medical terms to understand what is happening.
    C. Ignore the signs and symptoms of anxiety so that they will soon disappear
    D. Convey empathy, trust, and respect toward the client.

    2. A nurse performs a physical assessment on a client with type 2 DM. Findings include a fasting blood glucose of 120mg/dl, temperature of 101, pulse of 88, respirations of 22, and a bp of 140/84. Which finding would be of most concern of the nurse?
    A. Pulse
    B. BP
    C. Respiration
    D. Temperature


    答案 Answers
    1. D. Convey empathy, trust, and respect toward the client.
    Rationale: The most appropriate intervention is to address the client’s feelings related to the anxiety. Administering a sedative is not the most appropriate intervention. The nurse should not ignore the client’s anxious feelings. A client will not relate to medical terms, particularly when anxiety exists.
    2. D. Temperature
    Rationale: An elevated temperature may indicate infection. Infection is a leading cause of hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome or diabetic ketoacidosis.

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