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    ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2021-03-15 14:54:00    

    hyperglycemia – n. 高血糖症
    fasting glucose level – 空腹血糖
    indicative – a. 提示的,表示…的
    glycosuria – n. 糖尿
    polyphagia – n. 多食
    polydipsia – n. 多饮
    itchy – a. 痒的
    ketoacidosis – n. 酮症酸中毒
    fruity breath – 水果味口臭
    dehydration – n. 脱水
    Kussmaul respirations -- 库斯毛尔呼吸
    hypoglycemia – n. 低血糖症
    starvation – n. 饥饿
    parasympathetic – a. 副交感神经的
    somatostatin – n. 生长抑素

    RN/ISPN Review
    Hyperglycemia 高血糖症

    Hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar, results when there is an increase in glucose in the blood. Recent guidelines suggest a fasting glucose level of 130 or above is indicative of hyperglycemia. Clinical signs and symptoms include fatigue, lethargy, irritation, glycosuria, polyphagia, polydipsia, and itchy skin (from accumulation of wastes that the liver cannot clear). If the hyperglycemia goes unchecked the patient will experience ketoacidosis and CNS changes that can progress to coma. Signs of impending dangerous complications of hyperglycemia include the following:

    l  Fruity breath as the ketones build up in the system and are excreted through the lungs

    l  Dehydration as fluid and important electrolytes are lost through the kidneys

    l  Slow, deep respirations (Kussmaul respirations) as the body tries to rid itself of high acid levels

    l  Loss of orientation and coma 定向力丧失、昏迷

    Hypoglycemia 低血糖症

    Hypoglycemia, or a blood glucose concentration lower than 60 mg/dL, occurs in a number of clinical situations, including starvation, and if treatment of hyperglycemia with insulin or oral agents lowers the blood glucose level too far. The body immediately reacts to lowered blood glucose because the cells require glucose to survive, the neurons being among the cells most sensitive to the lack of glucose. The initial reaction to falling blood glucose level is parasympathetic stimulation—increased GI activity to increase digestion and absorption. Rather rapidly, the SNS responds with a “fight-or-flight” reaction that increases blood glucose levels by initiating the breakdown of fat and glycogen to release glucose for rapid energy. The pancreas releases glucagon, a hormone that counters the effects of insulin and works to increase glucose levels and somatostatin, which help the body to conserve energy. In many cases the response to the hypoglycemic state causes a hyperglycemic state. Balancing the body’s responses to glucose is sometimes difficult when one is trying to treat and control diabetes.

    低血糖症,或指血糖浓度低于60 mg/dL,可在一些临床情况下出现,包括饥饿;在胰岛素治疗高血糖症或口服药物降低血糖水平过多时也会出现。身体会对血糖降低立即做出反应,这是因为细胞生存需要葡萄糖,神经就处于这些细胞中间,对葡萄糖缺乏极为敏感。血糖水平下降的初始反应是副交感神经兴奋:GI活动增加而增强消化和吸收。SNS迅速做出“或逃或战”反应,启动脂肪和糖原分解、释放葡萄糖快速提供能量,从而提高血糖水平。胰腺释放高血糖素,该激素抵消胰岛素效应、增加血糖水平和生长抑素,帮助身体保留能量。在很多病例中,低血糖症状态反应引起高血糖症状态。在努力治疗和控制糖尿病时,平衡身体的葡萄糖反应有时是困难的。

    Periodically, the focus of glucose control changes from tight control to less strict control. In 2010, studies were published that showed that patients with very tight control tended to have more CV events and death than patients with less strict control. The incidence of hypoglycemic episodes associated with tight control has been implicated in causing the problems. The new standard, in 2011, is a less rigorous control of blood sugar levels. History shows, however, that this standard may change again in a few years after more studies are conducted.


    Hypoglycemia – Nursing Management
    1. A patient who has diabetes is nothing by mouth as prep for surgery. The patient states they feel like their blood sugar is low. You check the glucose and find it to be 52. The next nursing intervention would be to:
    A. Administer Dextrose 50% IV per protocol
    B. Continue to monitor the glucose
    C. Give the patient 4 oz of fruit juice
    D. None, this is a normal blood glucose reading

    2. A nurse is preparing a plan of care for a client with DM who has hyperglycemia. The priority nursing diagnosis would be:
    A. High risk for deficient fluid volume
    B. Deficient knowledge: disease process and treatment
    C. Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements
    D. Disabled family coping: compromised.

     答案 Answers
    1. A. Administer Dextrose 50% IV per protocol
    Rationale: This question requires critical thinking because the patient is NPO for surgery and can NOT eat but is experiencing hypoglycemia. Normally, you could give the patient 15 grams of a simple carbohydrate like 4 oz of fruit juice or soda, glucose tablets, gel etc. per hypoglycemia protocol However, the patient can NOT eat due to surgery prep. Therefore the nurse would need to administer Dextrose 50% IV per protocol to help increase the blood glucose and recheck the glucose level.
    2. A. High risk for deficient fluid volume
    Rationale: Increased blood glucose will cause the kidneys to excrete the glucose on the urine. This glucose is accompanied by fluids and electrolytes, causing osmotic diuresis leading to dehydration. This fluid loss must be replaced when it becomes severe. Options B, C, and D are not related specifically to the issue of the question.
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