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    ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2021-06-18 10:08:00    
    ———— Vocabulary ————
    atrial fibrillation --房(性)颤(动)
    intracellular – a. 细胞内折
    depolarization – n. 去极化
    inotropic effect – 变力效应
    chronotropic effect – 变时效应

    ———— RN/ISPN Review ————
    Prototype Drug: Digoxin 原型药:地高辛

    Indications: Treatment of HF, atrial fibrillation.
    适应症:HF、房性颤动 的治疗
    Actions: Increases intracellular calcium and allows more calcium to enter the myocardial cell during depolarization; this causes a positive inotropic effect (increased force of contraction), increased renal perfusion with a diuretic effect and decrease in renin release, a negative chronotropic effect (slower heart rate), and slowed conduction through the AV node.

    Pharmacokinetics: 药代动力学
    Route  Onset      Peak  Duration
    途径   起效       达峰  持续时间
    Oral   30-120 min  2-6 h  6-8 d
    IV     5-30 min    1-5 h  4-5 d
    T1/2: 30 to 40 hours; largely excreted unchanged in the urine.
    半衰期:30 – 40 h;大部分随尿原型排出
    Adverse Effects: Headache, weakness, drowsiness, visual disturbances, arrhythmias, GI upset.

    ———— Video ————
    Digoxin – Cardiac Glycosides
    ———— Tests ————
    1. Which of the following is a contraindication for digoxin administration?
    A. Blood pressure of 140/90.
    B. Heart rate above 80.
    C. Heart rate below 60.
    D. Respiratory rate above 20.
    2. The therapeutic drug level for digoxin is:
    A. 0.1-2.0 ng/mg
    B. 1.0-2.0 ng/mg
    C. 0.1-0.5 ng/mg
    D. 0.5-2.0 ng/mg

    答案 Answer
    1. C.
    Rationale: The apical heart rate must be monitored during therapy with digoxin, and the drug held for a pulse below 60 and above 120. Remember that digoxin lowers the heart rate; therefore, the choice that reflects a low heart rate is the best selection. Digoxin toxicity is clinically relevant as it can lead to fatal cardiac arrhythmias. The estimated frequency is at about 0.8 to 4% of patients on steady digoxin therapy. The rate of toxicity increases as serum digoxin concentration reaches over 2.0 ng/ml.
    2. D.
    Rationale: This is the correct therapeutic range for digoxin. Every nurse should know this information. The rate of toxicity increases as serum digoxin concentration reaches over 2.0 ng/ml. However, toxicity can also occur at lower levels, especially in the setting of other risk factors such as low body weight, advanced age, decreased renal function, and hypokalemia.
