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    ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2021-07-30 14:58:00    

    ———— Vocabulary ————
    cerebral hemorrhage – 脑出血
    hypovolemia – n. 血容量不足
    intactness – n. 完整性
    buccal mucosa – 颊粘膜

    ———— RN/ISPN Review ————
    Assessment for Patients Receiving Nitrates
    Assess for contraindications or cautions: Any known allergies to nitrates to avoid hypersensitivity reactions; impaired liver or kidney function, which could alter the metabolism and excretion of the drug; any condition that could be exacerbated by the hypotension and change in blood flow caused by these drugs, such as early MI, head trauma, cerebral hemorrhage, hypotension, hypovolemia, anemia, or low-cardiac-output states; and current status of pregnancy or lactation because of the potential for adverse effects on the fetus or nursing baby.

    评估有无禁忌与注意事项:对硝酸盐的任何已知过敏,以避免超敏反应;肝或肾功能受损,疾病可能改变药物的代谢与排泄;可能因这些药物引起的血流变化和低和低血压而加重 的任何疾病,如早期MI、头部损伤、脑出血、低血压、血容量不足、贫血或低心排血量状态;及当前妊娠或哺乳状态,鉴于药物对胎儿或哺乳婴儿的潜在不良效应。

    Perform a physical assessment to establish baseline status before beginning therapy and during therapy to determine effectiveness and to evaluate for any potential adverse effects.

    Inspect the skin for color, intactness, and any signs of redness, irritation, or breakdown, especially if the patient is using the transdermal or topical form of the drug, to prevent possible skin reaction and ensure adequate surface for application and absorption of transdermal or topical drug. Also check the patient’s oral or buccal mucosa (including the area under the tongue) if sublingual or buccal forms are ordered to reduce the risk of irritation and ensure adequate surface for absorption.


    Assess the patient’s complaint of pain, including onset, duration, intensity, location, and measures used to relieve it. Investigate activity level prior to and after the onset of pain to aid in identifying possible contributing factors to the pain and its progression.

    Assess the patient’s neurological status, including level of alertness, affect, and reflexes, to evaluate for CNS effects.

    Monitor respirations and auscultate lungs to evaluate changes in cardiac output.
    Assess cardiopulmonary status closely, including pulse rate, blood pressure, heart rate, and rhythm, to determine the effects of therapy and identify any adverse effects.

    Obtain an ECG as ordered to evaluate heart rate and rhythm, which could indicate changes in cardiac perfusion.

    Monitor laboratory test results, including liver and renal function tests, complete blood count, and hemoglobin level, to determine the need for possible dose adjustment.
    ———— Video ————
    Angina – Nursing Care Plan
    ———— Tests ————
    1. The client has been managing angina episodes with nitroglycerin. Which of the following indicate the drug is effective?
    A. Decreased chest pain.
    B. Increased blood pressure.
    C. Decreased blood pressure.
    D. Decreased heart rate.
    2. As an initial step in treating a client with angina, the physician prescribes nitroglycerin tablets, 0.3 mg given sublingually. This drug's principal effects are produced by:
    A. Antispasmodic effects on the pericardium.
    B. Causing an increased myocardial oxygen demand.
    C. Vasodilation of peripheral vasculature.
    D. Improved conductivity in the myocardium.


     答案 Answers
    1. A. Decreased chest pain
    Rationale: Nitroglycerin acts to decrease myocardial oxygen consumption. Vasodilation makes it easier for the heart to eject blood, resulting in decreased oxygen needs. Decreased oxygen demand reduces pain caused by heart muscle not receiving sufficient oxygen. While blood pressure may decrease ever so slightly due to the vasodilation effects of nitroglycerine, it is only secondary and not related to the angina the patient is experiencing. Increased blood pressure would mean the heart would work harder, increasing oxygen demand and thus angina. Decreased heart rate is not an effect of nitroglycerine.
    2. C. Vasodilation of peripheral vasculature.
    Rationale: Nitroglycerin produces peripheral vasodilation, which reduces myocardial oxygen consumption and demand. Vasodilation in coronary arteries and collateral vessels may also increase blood flow to the ischemic areas of the heart. Nitroglycerin decreases myocardial oxygen demand. Nitroglycerin does not have an effect on pericardial spasticity or conductivity in the myocardium.
