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    Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN® Examination, 6e
    日期:2016-03-20 13:01:42    来源:ISPN 周老师
    Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN® Examination, 6e
    Linda Anne Silvestri PhD RN

           桑德斯NCLEX-RN考试复习(Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN® Examination, 6e)是相关复习用书中比较系统、权威的一本,其所包括的NCLEX-RN考试介绍、考试策略、及基础护理、内外科护理、妇儿科护理、精神科护理、护理药理等,内容详实、全面,书中各章节后测试题及配套光盘练习更为进一步复习提供了极佳的资料和途径。该书第六版是第五版修订版,基本保持了第五版的风格和内容,只在个别地方做了一些小调整或修订,如,关于文化多样性内容,第五、六版同属第六章,只是第五版标题为Cultural diversity and health practices,第六版标题为Cultural awareness and health practices。内容无多大区别。第八章,第五版标题是Leadership, delegating, and Prioritizing Client Care,第六版改为Prioritizing Client Care: Leadership, Delegation, and Disaster Planning,题目变化较大,但基本内容不变。另外,第五、六版在一些章节顺序上也做了一些调整,第六版的第五单元和第六单元顺序正好与第五版对换。2015年CPR新指南发布,第六版因此作了修订,以适应新指南的要求。但这样的变动极个别,所以总的来说,第五版与第六版大同小异,不影响使用复习,也不会影响考试。
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    Often called the 'the best NCLEX® exam review book ever,' Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN® Examination provides everything you need to prepare for the NCLEX exam - complete content review and over 5,100 NCLEX examination-style questions in the book and online. Don't make the mistake of assuming the quality of the questions is the same in all NCLEX exam review books, because only this book includes the kind of questions that consistently test the critical thinking skills necessary to pass today's NCLEX exam. Even better, all answers include detailed rationales to help you learn from your answer choices, as well as test-taking strategies with tips on how to best approach each question. Written by the most trusted name in NCLEX review, Linda Anne Silvestri, and updated to reflect the most current NCLEX test plan, Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN®Examination, 6th Edition is THE book of choice for NCLEX examination review. But don't just take our word for it - read any customer review or ask your classmates to see why there's nothing else like it!
    UNIQUE! A detailed test-taking strategy and rationale is included for each question, offering clues for analyzing and uncovering the correct answer option, and guiding you to remediation inSaunders Strategies for Test Success: Passing Nursing School and the NCLEX® Exam andSaunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN® Exam.
    UNIQUE! Priority Nursing Action boxes list actions for clinical emergent situations requiring immediate action, including a detailed rationale and textbook reference.
    All alternate item-format questions are included, with multiple response, prioritizing, fill-in-the-blank, figure/illustration, chart/exhibit, video, and audio questions to provide practice with prioritizing, decision-making, and critical thinking skills.
    UNIQUE! Pyramid Alert! boxes spotlight important nursing concepts and procedures, and include tips and shortcuts for remembering key information.
    Exam preparation chapters include test-taking strategies, the CAT format, transitional issues for the foreign-educated nurse, and the NCLEX-RN exam from a new graduate's perspective.
    A comprehensive exam consists of 85 questions that cover all content areas in the book and mirror the percentages identified in the NCLEX-RN examination test plan.
    NEW and UNIQUE! A summary of key changes to the 2013 NCLEX-RN test plan is included in the front of the book.
    New! More practice questions have been added to the book and online, bringing the total to 5,172 questions.
    New! Tracking of practice results on the Evolve companion website makes it easy to check your progress.


    上一篇:Saunders Q & A Review for the NCLEX-RN® Examination, 5e