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    日期:2016-08-04 10:46:41    来源:ISPN 周老师
    Clinical Nurse Specialist
    July/August 2016 - Volume 30 - Issue 4
    pp: 183-242,E1-E14
    Newsletter: President’s Message
    Put Writing on the Summer To-Do List
    It’s summer in the northern hemisphere when many of us take a break from routine and add some leisure time to the calendar. The to-do list often includes visiting family, catching up on reading, tidying up the home and office, and, hopefully, finishing that manuscript for submission to the journal. As a helpful editor, here are some tips for moving the manuscript forward.
    Letter to the Editor
    Letter to the Editor
    Legal and Ethical
    Quality Documentation in the Electronic Medical Record: Ensuring Safe Practice of Copy and Paste
    The electronic medical record (EMR) has enomous potential to improve the quality and safety of US healthcare. Electronic note writing by physicians and nurses enables the use of time-saving computer-editing functions which include the copy and paste function. Copy and paste practices by healthcare clinicians aim to not only reduce time but also enhance efficiency in medical documentation.
    Pharmacology Consult
    Zika Virus: What We Know and Do Not Know
    We keep bearing seemingly every day about Zika virus. With all the byte, we are dreading the coming spring and summer. How great is the risk? What are the symptoms of infection and what can be done? Where are the best sources of evidence for practice and patients?
    Cochrane Nursing Care Corner
    Music for Insomnia in Adults
    About one-third of the adult population is estimated to experience insomnia, which can have a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those affected. Insomnia is characterized by difficulty in initiating and / or maintaining sleep or experiencing non-restorative sleep, which can lead to increased risk of accidents, higher work absenteeism, and the development of other conditions such as depression and anxiety.
    Nurse Entrepreneur
    Ice Bucket Conversations: Developing Programs for Finding Out What Matters Most
    Caring for a family member facing the end of life can be a challenge for loved ones. Even the smallest decisions may present unanticipated layers of complexity, particularly if families are forced to make those decisions in the setting of a complex and unfamiliar environment such as a critical care unit.
    Educator's Corner
    Disruptive Innovation: The Rise of Distance Education
    In the previous column, I introduced the term disruptive innovation. Disruptive innovation (DI) can be defined as an innovation that provides a simpler, more convenient, more accessible, and more affordable alternative to traditional markets and / or products. The purpose of the innovation is not to purposefully wreak havoc but to provide value to those who currently may be unable to access or use the existing product.
    Nursing and the Arts
    A Perspective on Compassion in Healthcare
    Compassion can only be understood through action. Compassion, like freedom, is a word whose meaning becomes clearer and finally clarified in practice, when known through desire and need, in hands-on life, so to speak. Also, like freedom, compassion is shown to be a mutual act drawn from interdependence between two or more people who suffer together for its realization.
    CE Test
    Zika Virus: What We Know and Do Not Know
    Feature Article
    Engaging Nursing Staff in Research: The Clinical Nurse Specialist Role in an Academic-Clinical Partnership
    The purpose of this article is to describe the processes of exploring and implementing an academic-clinical study, engaging nursing staff in research, and maintaining their enthusiasm within the context of an academic-clinical research partnership.
    Translating Physical Activity Evidence to Hospital Settings: A Call for Culture Change
    Extensive evidence exists on the multiple physical and psychological benefits of physical activity (PA) across the lifespan. Yet, the vast majority of Americans engage in highly sedentary lifestyles, and most do not meet recommended PA levels that can achieve health benefits. Moreover, nurses and other healthcare providers are highly inconsistent in their PA recommendations to patients in all settings, as well as in achieving their own levels of PA.
    Supporting and Empowering Nurses Undergoing Critical Care Certification
    Nurses working in critical care settings face multiple sources of stress, such as complex clinical situations and the use of new advanced technologies, which can affect their psychological health. Literature suggests that the promotion of educational activities, such as a certification process within a specialty, can contribute to nurses’ empowerment, professional growth, and personal satisfaction. However, it is of utmost importance that the institutional organizations support nurses undergoing the certification process to optimize positive impacts of this educational activity on the nurses, on the patients, and within the institutions.
    Critical Care Follow-up Clinics: A Scoping Review of Interventions and Outcomes
    The purpose of this scoping review is to identify evidence describing benefits of interventions provided in intensive care unit (ICU) survivor follow-up clinics.
    Effect of Treatment Education Based on the Roy Adaptation Model on Adjustment of Hemodialysis Patients
    The Roy Adaptation Model examines the individual in 4 fields: physiological mode, self-concept mode, role function mode, and interdependence mode. Hemodialysis treatment is associated with the Roy Adaptation Model as it involves fields that might be needed by the individual with chronic renal disease. This research was conducted as randomized controlled experiment with the aim of determining the effect of the education given in accordance with the Roy Adaptation Model on physiological, psychological, and social adaptation of individuals undergoing hemodialysis treatment.
    Disruptive Innovation in Graduate Nursing Education: Leading Change: Erratum
