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    ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2019-11-23 18:36:40    

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    ISPN  Review        
    Anthelmintics are drugs used to treat infections caused by susceptible invading worms. Nematodes, trematodes, and cestodes are three major groups of helminths (worms) that infect humans. Anthelmintic drugs are aimed at metabolic targets that are present in the parasite but either are absent from or have different characteristics than those of the host. Most anthelmintics target eliminating the organisms from the host, as well as controlling spread of infections.
    Helminthic infections, or infections in the gastrointestinal tract or other tissues due to worm infestation, affect about 1 billion people, making these types of infections among the most common of all diseases. These infestations are very common in tropical areas, but they are also often found in other regions, including countries such as the United States and Canada. With so many people traveling to many parts of the world, it is not uncommon for a traveler to contract a helminthic infection in one country and inadvertently bringing it home, where the worms then can infect other individuals. The helminths that most commonly infect humans are of two types: the nematodes (or roundworms) and the platyhelminths (or flatworms) that cause intestine-invading worm infections; and tissue-invading worms.
    Frequently, patients have a very difficult time dealing with a diagnosis of worm infestation. It is very important for the nurse to understand the disease process and to explain the disease and treatment carefully to help the patient to cope with both the diagnosis and the treatment.
    Many of the worms that infect humans live only in the intestinal tract. Proper diagnosis of a helminthic infection requires a stool examination for ova (eggs) and parasites. Treatment of a helminthic infection entails the use of an anthelmintic drug. Another important part of therapy for helminthic infections involves the prevention of reinfection or spread of an existing infection. Measures such as thorough hand washing after use of the toilet; frequent laundering of bed linens and underwear in very hot, chlorine-treated water; disinfection of toilets and bathroom areas after each use; and good personal hygiene to wash away ova are important to prevent the spread of the disease.

    Vocabulary for Today    
    anthelmintic – a. 抗蠕虫的,n. 抗蠕虫药
    nematodes – n. 线虫类
    trematodes – n. 吸虫类
    cestodes – n. 绦虫类
    helminth – n. 蠕虫
    infestation – n. 侵袭,感染
    inadvertently – ad. 不经意地,不注意地
    roundworm – n. 蛔虫,线虫
    platyhelminth – n. 扁虫
    flatworm – n. 扁虫
    entail – v. 使成为必需
    Echinococcus Life Cycle
    1. Silver sulfadiazine is prescribed for a client with a partial-thickness burn and the nurse provides teaching about the medication. Which statement made by the client indicates a need for further teaching about the treatments?
    A. “The medication is an antibacterial.”
    B. “The medication will help heal the burn.”
    C. “The medication is likely to cause stinging every time it is applied.”
    D. “The medication should be applied directly to the wound.”
    2. The camp nurse asks the children preparing to swim in the lake if they have applied sunscreen. The nurse reminds the children that chemical sunscreens are most effective when applied at which times?
    A. Immediately before swimming
    B. 5 minutes before exposure to the sun
    C. Immediately before exposure to the sun
    D. At least 30 minutes before exposure to the sun
    本期ISPN Review答案
    1. C
    Silver sulfadiazine is an antibacterial that has a broad spectrum of activity against gram-negative bacteria, gram-positive bacteria, and yeast. It is applied directly to the wound to assist in healing. It does not cause stinging when applied.
    2. D
    Sunscreens are most effective when applied at least 30 minutes before exposure to the sun so that they can penetrate the skin. All sunscreens should be reapplied after swimming or sweating.
