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    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2020-01-11 19:54:00    
    -- Saunders 8th 节选6
    想提高专业英语听力吗?想边练听力边增加护理专业知识吗?Listening -- Elementary(专业英语听力 – 初级)可助你一臂之力。
    ISPN  Review  

    Health care considerations for the homeless
    1. Identification of those who are homeless should be done through avenues such as outreach programs.
    2. The initial health care visit and every visit thereafter need to be done with a nonjudgmental, nonthreatening approach.
    3. The nurse should focus on reported symptoms first - this will encourage adherence and follow-up.
    4. Subsequent care should include health maintenance, attention to social problems and/or mental health problems, and establishing an emergency contact person if available.
    5. Homeless individuals often experience poor nutrition, sleep deprivation, violence, physical trauma, emotional trauma, and long-term exposure to toxic agents.
    6. Homeless individuals may not adhere to medical treatment recommendations and therefore require close follow-up.
    7. This population tends to lack health insurance, have longer hospital stays, and have poorer health outcomes.
    8. Certain medications should be avoided in the homeless population due to the potential for serious interactions with alcohol and recreational drugs; the potential for abuse; risk for dehydration; and contraindications in chronic conditions (Refer to the Box for some of these medications).
    Some Medications That Should be Avoided in the Homeless Population 无家可归者应避免的药物
    Albuterol 沙丁胺醇
    Benzodiazepines 苯二氮卓类
    Beta blockers β-阻滞剂
    Bupropion 安非他酮
    Calcium channel blockers 钙通道阻滞药
    Clonidine 可乐定
    Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs 非甾体类抗炎药
    Quetiapine 喹硫平
    Some diabetic medications, particularly sulfonylureas
    Statins 他汀类药
    Vocabulary for Today   
    homeless – a. 无家可归的
    identification – n. 识别,确定,认出
    outreach program – n. 延伸服务,外展服务
    nonjudgmental – a. 不按个人道德标准进行评定的,客观的
    adherence – n. 坚持,固执,信奉
    subsequent – a. 继…之后的,后来的
    deprivation – n. 剥夺,缺乏
    adhere to – 依附于,坚持
    recreational drugs – 娱乐药物
    Albuterol 沙丁胺醇
    Benzodiazepines 苯二氮卓类
    Beta blockers β-阻滞剂
    Bupropion 安非他酮
    Calcium channel blockers 钙通道阻滞药
    Clonidine 可乐定
    Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs 非甾体类抗炎药
    Quetiapine 喹硫平
    sulfonylureas 磺脲类药
    Statins 他汀类药
    Social Determinants of Health
    NCLEX-RN Experience



    Lost in NCLEX resources
    By hapham3693, BSN
    I have been out of school for 3 months. I took the NCLEX in August and failed it the first time. Now, I'm in preparation to take it the second time. I used Uworld and watched some Youtube videos for the first time, but I think I was lack of strategies and method. I still don’t know why I failed, just need to study more. Anyways, I am using NCSBN, repurchasing ATI, and I heard good things about Saunders, so I purchased it too. Now, I feel overwhelmed from the resources! Am I on the right track? I have heard people advised to use only one resources and stick with it, but I really cannot help but looking around and feeling not prepared enough. 
    By rnhopeful82, ASN, RN
    How much of Uworld did you use prior to the test? I was slammed for time and only completed about 600 questions (plus the 2 assessments) but I loved the rationales they gave. I passed in 75 questions but I feel that my strategies were pretty sound. We had ATI in school and I absolutely hated everything about it. The rationales were weak and those in my class that need to get the green light still are having issues with correct answers not being what we were taught or what's in the book. 
    Did you score passing or almost passing in categories or was it all below? Depending on how many, you may want to hone in on those categories more. If it's all areas and testing or general content is weak, I'd possibly pick 1 content review resource. 
    Good luck! 
    By neena_, BSN, RN
    I feel that using too many sources at once can overwhelm you. 
    I personally used UWorld and Youtube videos to study for my NCLEX. I would say I used my Saunders comprehensive review book, but because it had so much information, I skimmed through it for the important NCLEX stuff.
    Think back to how you were preparing yourself for your previous exam: Do you think you truly utilized your resources to the best of your ability? Did you get enough sleep? When you studied, did it feel productive? You must question yourself and find the solution from there as well. 
    If you study effectively, you don't need to utilize so many sources at once and you'll be prepared! Good luck to you!
    1. The nurse is caring for a female client in the emergency department who presents with a complaint of fatigue and shortness of breath. Which physical assessment findings, if noted by the nurse, warrant a need for follow-up?
    A. Reddened sclera of the eyes
    B. Dry flaking noted on the scalp
    C. A reddish-purple mark on the neck
    D. A scaly rash noted on the elbows and knees
    2. The nurse working in a community outreach program for foster children plans care knowing that which health conditions are common in this population? Select all that apply.
    A. Asthma
    B. Claustrophobia
    C. Sleep problems
    D. Bipolar disorder
    E. Aggressive behavior
    F. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
    答案  Answers
    1. C
    Rationale: The client in this question should be screened for abuse. Battered women experience bruises, particularly around the eyes, red or purple marks on the neck, sprained or broken wrists, chronic fatigue, shortness of breath, muscle tension, involuntary shaking, changes in eating and sleeping, sexual dysfunction, and fertility issues. Mental health issues can also arise, including post-traumatic stress disorder, nightmares, uncontrollable thoughts, depression, anxiety; low self-esteem, and alcohol and drug abuse. Reddened sclera, a dry rash on the elbows, and flaking of the scalp do not pose an indication of abuse.
    2. C, D, E, F
    Rationale: Foster children are at risk for a variety of health conditions later in life, including ADHD, aggressive behavior, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, depression, mood disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, reactive detachment disorder, sleep problems, prenatal drug and alcohol exposure, and personality disorder. Claustrophobia and asthma are not specifically associated with foster children.
