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    ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2020-02-02 11:01:09    
    ISPN  Review  
    Inflammatory Response 免疫应答
            ---- Antibody Formation 抗体生成

    The initial formation of antibodies, or primary response, takes several days. Once activated, the B cells form memory cells that will produce antibodies for immediate release in the future if the antigen is encountered. The antibodies are released in the form of immunoglobulins. Five different types of immunoglobulins have been identified:
    • The first immunoglobulin released is M (IgM), which contains the antibodies produced at the first exposure to the antigen.
    • IgG, another form of immunoglobulin, contains antibodies made by the memory cells that circulate and enter the tissue; most of the immunoglobulin found in the serum is IgG.
    • IgA is found in tears, saliva, sweat, mucus, and bile. It is secreted by plasma cells in the GI and respiratory tracts and in epithelial cells. These antibodies react with specific pathogens that are encountered in exposed areas of the body.
    • IgE is present in small amounts and seems to be related to allergic responses and to the activation of mast cells.
    • IgD is another identified immunoglobulin whose role has not been determined. This process of antibody formation, called acquired or active immunity, is a lifelong reaction. For example, a person exposed to chickenpox will have a mild respiratory reaction when the virus (varicella) first enters the respiratory tract. There will then be a 2- to 3-week incubation period as the body is forming IgM antibodies and preparing to attack any chickenpox virus that appears. The chickenpox virus enters a cell and multiplies. The cell eventually ruptures and ejects more viruses into the system. When this happens, the body responds with the immediate release of antibodies, and a fullscale antigen–antibody response is seen throughout the body. Fever, myalgia, arthralgia, and skin lesions are all part of the immune response to the virus. Once all of the invading chickenpox viruses have been destroyed or have entered the CNS to safely hibernate away from the antibodies, the clinical signs and symptoms resolve. (Varicella can enter the CNS and stay dormant for many years. The antibodies are not able to cross into the CNS, and the virus remains unaffected while it stays there.)

    Vocabulary for Today   
    primary response -- 初始应答
    antigen – n. 抗原
    immunoglobulin – n. 免疫球蛋白
    IgM – n.  免疫球蛋白M
    IgG --  n. 免疫球蛋白G
    memory cells -- 记忆细胞
    IgA – n. 免疫球蛋白A
    plasma cells -- 浆细胞
    epithelial cell -- 上皮细胞
    IgE – n. 免疫球蛋白E
    allergic responses --变应性应答
    mast cells -- 肥大细胞
    IgD – n. 免疫球蛋白D
    acquired immunity – 获得性免疫
    active immunity – 主动免疫
    chickenpox – n. 水痘
    varicella – n. 水痘
    incubation period – 潜伏期

    Inflammatory Response 4/4

    1. A patient who is confined to bed and who has a stage II pressure ulcer is being cared for in the home by family members. To prevent further tissue damage, the home care nurse instructs the family members that it is most important to
    A. change the patient's bedding frequently.
    B. use a hydrocolloid dressing over the ulcer.
    C. record the size and appearance of the ulcer weekly.
    D. change the patient's position at least every 2 hours.
    2. A patient arrives in the emergency department with a swollen ankle after an injury incurred while playing soccer. Which action by the nurse is appropriate?
    A. Elevate the ankle above heart level.
    B. Remove the patient's shoe and sock.
    C. Apply a warm moist pack to the ankle.
    D. Assess the ankle's range of motion (ROM).
    1. D. change the patient's position at least every 2 hours.
    2. A. Elevate the ankle above heart level.
