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    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2020-02-02 11:04:59    
    Saunders 8th 节选9
    ISPN  Review  

    SOAP 1/2
    SOAP (subjective, objective, assessment, plan) notes are a frequently used format for documenting client data including health history, physical examination, assessment or diagnosis, and plan of care. The nurse should be familiar with SOAP notes, how to interpret the initial history and physical (H&P) SOAP notes, and how to follow subsequent progress SOAP notes so as to maintain abreast of changes in the client's plan of care.
    A. Subjective 主观资料
    1. Identifying client information
    Name, date of birth, medical record number
    2. Problems, allergies, medications, immunizations (PAM) lists
    Ongoing list of medical problems, allergies with reactions, medications with dosages and directions, and past immunizations
    3. General client information
    Address, phone numbers, employer, work address and phone number, email address, gender, marital status, health insurance status and information
    4. Chief complaint or reason for seeking care
    Brief description of main problem; stated verbatim in quotation marks; duration is always included
    5. History of present illness
    Detailed description of all symptoms that may be related to the chief complaint
    Guided by “OLDCARTS" symptom analysis: (onset, location, duration, character, aggravating/associated factors, relieving factors, timing, severity)
    6. Past medical history
    Hospitalizations, surgeries, childhood illnesses, adult illnesses, injuries/accidents, immunizations, past and current medications, allergies, mental health, recent laboratory tests
    7. Family history
    Pedigree may be included 可以包括家谱
    Includes but not limited to major health or genetic disorders, such has hypertension, cancer, cardiac, respiratory, and thyroid disorders, allergies, hepatitis
    Age and health of spouse and children included 包括配偶和子女的年龄及健康状况
    8. Personal and social history
    Varies based on health influences 随健康影响而变
    Cultural background and practices, home environment, general life satisfaction, safety/abuse, stressors, religious preferences, occupation, exposure to heat/cold or toxins, exposure to contagious diseases, health habits such as diet, exercise, smoking, salt intake, obesity, alcohol intake, recreational drug use, caffeine use, sexual activity, concerns about cost of care.
    9. Review of systems (may include some objective data)
    General or constitutional symptoms: fever, chills, malaise, night sweats, fatigue, unintentional weight loss or gain, overall behavior
    Skin, hair, nails: rash, itching, pigmentation change, sweating, abnormal hair or nail growth
    Head and neck: headache, dizziness, syncope, concussions, loss of consciousness
    Eyes: visual acuity, double vision, blurring, light sensitivity, glaucoma, use of glasses or contacts, use of eyedrops
    Ears: hearing loss, ear pain, tinnitus, vertigo
    Nose: smell, colds, nosebleeds, postnasal discharge, sinus pain
    Throat and mouth: hoarseness, change in voice, sore throat, gum bleeding-or swelling, taste changes
    Lymphatics: enlargement, tenderness 
    Chest and lungs: respiratory pain, dyspnea, wheezing, cyanosis, cough, sputum, hemnoptysis, last chest x-ray
    Breasts: development, pain, tenderness, lumps, discharge, last mammogram
    Heart and circulation: chest pain, edema, history of hypertension, myocardial infarction, exercise tolerance, previous cardiac tests, claudication, bruising, thrombophlebitis
    Hematologic: anemia, blood cell disorder, bleeding
    Gastrointestinal: appetite, food intolerance, dysphagia, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, change in stool, dark urine, previous studies such as colonoscopy, diet recall
    Endocrine: thyroid enlargement, heat or cold intolerance, polyphagia, polydipsia, polyuria, changes in facial or body hair, striae
    Genitourinary: for males, puberty onset, testicular pain, libido, infertility; for females, menses onset, regularity, duration, dysmenorrhea, last period, itching, date of last Papanicolaou (Pap) smear/human papilloma virus (HPV) test, age at menopause, libido, sexual difficulties, pregnancy (GTPAL: refer to Chapter 17); for both, dysuria, flank pain, urgency, frequency, nocturia, dribbling, hematuria, incontinence
    Musculoskeletal: joint pain, stiffness, redness, swelling, restricted motion, deformities
    Neurological: syncope, seizures, weakness, paralysis, incoordination, tremors, cognition
    Mental health: mood changes, depression, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, suicidal thoughts, irritability, sleep disturbances
    Vocabulary for Today   
    SOAP -- subjective, objective, assessment, plan
    health history – 健康史
    physical examination – 体格检查
    H&P – history and physical examination病史和体格检查
    abreast of – 与…保持并列,不落后于,与…保持一致
    medical record number – 病历号,医疗档案号
    ongoing – a. 进行的,前进的
    marital status – 婚姻状况
    health insurance – 医疗保险
    chief complaints – 主诉
    verbatim – a. ad. 逐字(的)
    history of present illness – 现病史
    past medical history 既往病史
    current medications – 当前用药
    family history -- 家族史
    genetic disorders – 遗传性疾病
    personal history – 个人史
    social history -- 社会史
    life satisfaction – 生活满意度
    review of systems  -- 系统回顾
    eye drops -- 眼药水
    tinnitus – n.耳鸣
    postnasal discharge -- 鼻后滴
    hemoptysis – n. 咯血
    mammogram – n. 乳房X线检查
    polyphagia – n. 多食
    polydipsia – n. 多饮

    NCLEX-RN Experience
    So, you’re one month out….
    Deep breathing, meditation, yoga, and a glass of fine wine – it’s time to clear the way ahead and dig in.
    How do you go about it?
    So glad you asked. Here’s the one month study game plan. Let’s break it down into 3 categories:
    Get Prepared
    Master the Content
    Master the Questions
    Step 1 – Get Prepared
    I know organization may not be your thing – I mean, just look at the state of your car.
    But, before diving in on question banks or NCLEX-RN prep tests, it’s important to set yourself up for success with a plan. This small amount of upfront effort will maximize focus and time – Remember you only have one month! Failing to do so will waste time, energy, and potentially cause more stress and anxiety as your NCLEX-RN date comes closer.
    1-1: Review how the NCLEX-RN works
    The exam is unique relative to most exams out there. It uses Computer Adaptive Quizzing (CAT) to evaluate you. So, rather than being completely in the dark as to what you’re heading into, head over to this Magoosh posting for more info on what to expect. Things like ‘how many questions will I receive?’ and ‘when will the exam end?’ are covered there.
    1-2: Review about the types of questions on the NCLEX-RN
    Haha! You thought it would be multiple choice only, huh? Well guess again. The exam boasts various types of questions including:
    Ordered Response (place the answers in sequential order)
    Select All That Apply
    Fill in the Blank (Math)
    Drag and Drop
    Hotspot (click a location on a diagram)
    Being prepared to answer all these types of questions will ease anxiety and build confidence.
    1-3: Set the study time aside
    Even with a month window (which seems fast), studying will seem like a marathon. However, setting aside chunks of time at regular intervals will provide the best study experience. Should you study for 30 minutes at a time or 3 hours? It depends on you and your study habits. However, make sure you allocate enough time to cover the content you want – especially problem areas. Remember: regular study sessions at regular intervals will help ease stress and prevent the night before cram!
    Step 2 – Master the Content
    Don’t know what you don’t know? Welcome to my world. Luckily there’s an app for that… and online resources, prep courses, books, and flashcards. All these options have various price ranges and various time commitments. Choose the best fit for you and stick with it.
    2-1: Take a self evaluation
    This is a crucial step! Working diligently on the “problem” categories and brushing up on the “piece-of-cake” ones is recommended. If you don’t know where your blind spots are, you’re likely to be surprised when these questions arise.
    2-2: Map out a content calendar
    Now that you know your strengths and weaknesses, it’s time to map out the 4-5 weeks. A general rule of thumbs is to dedicate the beginning and the end of your study calendar to your problem areas. So, for example, if you lack maternity skills, begin week 1 in maternity and end week 5 in maternity. The middle weeks are for reinforcing the rest. If you realize there are micro areas (like math or lab values) that need extra attention, I recommend starting and ending each study session with a focused review – practice writing out lab values when you begin and when you finish your studying. Over the course of 4-5 weeks, they will be so ingrained in your memory, you’ll be recalling lab values while you sleep!
    Step 3 – Master the Questions
    3-1: Practice, practice, practice
    You should be completing at least 100+ practice questions daily. There’s no getting around it. This list on helpful hints for navigating questions is generic but proven to be imperative:
    Read the questions entirely
    Identify which part of the nursing process the questions is asking about
    Find key words
    Rule out answers
    Use critical thinking – ABC’s, nursing process, Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs.
    You have only one month – remember……. Deep breathing, meditation, yoga, and a glass of fine wine. You’re going to do great!
    1. A Spanish-speaking client arrives at the triage desk in the emergency department and states to the nurse, “No speak English, need interpreter.” Which is the best action for the nurse to take?
    A. Have one of the client’s family members interpret.
    B. Have the Spanish-speaking triage receptionist interpret.
    C. Page an interpreter from the hospital’s interpreter services.
    D. Obtain a Spanish-English dictionary and attempt to triage the client.
    2. The nurse is performing a neurological assessment on a client and elicits a positive Romberg’s sign. The nurse makes this determination based on which observation?
    A. An involuntary rhythmic, rapid, twitching of the eyeballs
    B. A dorsiflexion of the ankle and great toe with fanning of the other toes
    C. A significant sway when the client stands erect with feet together, arms at the side, and the eyes closed
    D. A lack of normal sense of position when the client is unable to return extended fingers to a point of reference
    Key to Questions
    1. D
    Rationale: The best action is to have a professional hospital-based interpreter translate for the client. English-speaking family members may not appropriately understand what is asked of them and may paraphrase what the client is actually saying. Also, client confidentiality as well as accurate information may be compromised when a family member or a non–health care provider acts as interpreter.
    2. C
    Rationale: In Romberg’s test, the client is asked to stand with the feet together and the arms at the sides, and to close the eyes and hold the position; normally the client can maintain posture and balance. A positive Romberg’s sign is a vestibular neurological sign that is found when a client exhibits a loss of balance when closing the eyes. This may occur with cerebellar ataxia, loss of proprioception, and loss of vestibular function. A lack of normal sense of position coupled with an inability to return extended fingers to a point of reference is a finding that indicates a problem with coordination. A positive gaze nystagmus evaluation results in an involuntary rhythmic, rapid twitching of the eyeballs. A positive Babinski’s test results in dorsiflexion of the ankle and great toe with fanning of the other toes; if this occurs in anyone older than 2 years it indicates the presence of central nervous system disease.
