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    ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2020-02-02 11:14:46    
    ISPN  Review  
    T Cells T细胞

    T cells are programmed in the thymus gland and provide what is called cell-mediated immunity. T cells develop into at least three different cell types.
    ● FIGURE Cell-mediated immune response.
    1. Effector or cytotoxic T cells are found throughout the body. These T cells are aggressive against non–self-cells, releasing cytokines, or chemicals, that can either directly destroy a foreign cell or mark it for aggressive destruction by phagocytes in the area via an inflammatory response. These non–self-cells have membrane-identifying antigens that are different from those established by the person’s MHC. They may be the body’s own cells that have been invaded by a virus, which changes the cell membrane; neoplastic cancer cells; or transplanted foreign cells.
    2. Helper T cells respond to the chemical indicators of immune activity and stimulate other lymphocytes, including B cells, to be more aggressive and responsive.
    3. Suppressor T cells respond to rising levels of chemicals associated with an immune response to suppress or slow the reaction. The balance of the helper and suppressor T cells allows for a rapid response to body injury or invasion by pathogens, which may destroy foreign antigens immediately and then be followed by a slowing reaction if the invasion continues. This slowing allows the body to conserve energy and the components of the immune and inflammatory reaction necessary for basic protection and to prevent cellular destruction from a continued inflammatory reaction.
    Vocabulary for Today   
    polyuria – n. 多尿
    striae – n. 皮纹
    libido – n. 性欲,力比多
    infertility – n. 不育
    dysmenorrhea – n. 痛经
    Pap smear – 巴氏涂片
    HPV -- human papilloma virus 人乳头状病毒
    menopause – n. 绝经
    dysuria – n. 排尿困难
    nocturia – n. 夜尿
    dribbling – n. 尿淋漓
    hematuria – n. 血尿
    thymus gland – n. 胸腺
    cell-mediated immunity – 细胞介导免疫
    effector – n. 效应器
    cytotoxic – a. 细胞毒性的
    cytokine – n. 细胞因子
    MHC -- major histocompatibility complex主要组织相容性复合体
    helper T cells -- 辅助T细胞
    immune activity – 免疫活性
    suppressor T cells – 抑制性T细胞

    Helper and Cytotoxic T Cells
    1. The client with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and Pneumocystis jiroveci infection has been receiving pentamidine. The client develops a temperature of 101 °F (38.3 °C). The nurse continues to assess the client, knowing that this sign most likely indicates which condition?
    A. That the dose of the medication is too low
    B. That the client is experiencing toxic effects of the medication
    C. That the client has developed inadequacy of thermoregulation
    D. That the client has developed another infection caused by leukopenic effects of the medication
    2. The nurse caring for a client who is taking an aminoglycoside should monitor the client for which adverse effects of the medication? Select all that apply.
    A. Seizures
    B. Ototoxicity
    C. Renal toxicity
    D. Dysrhythmias
    E. Hepatotoxicity
    Key to Questions 
    1. D
    Frequent adverse effects of this medication include leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and anemia. The client should be monitored routinely for signs and symptoms of infection. Options 1, 2, and 3 are inaccurate interpretations.
    2. B, C, D
    Aminoglycosides are administered to inhibit the growth of bacteria. Adverse effects of this medication include confusion, ototoxicity, renal toxicity, gastrointestinal irritation, palpitations or dysrhythmias, blood pressure changes, and hypersensitivity reactions. Therefore, the remaining options are incorrect. 
