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    ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2020-03-09 21:46:04    
    Saunders 8th 增14
    想提高专业英语听力吗?想边练听力边增加护理专业知识吗?Listening -- Elementary》(专业英语听力 – 初级)可助你一臂之力。
    ISPN  Review  
    I. Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia 维生素B12缺乏性贫血

    A. Description 说明
    1. A macrocytic anemia that results from an inadequate intake of vitamin B or lack of absorption of ingested vitamin B from the intestinal tract.
    2. Pernicious anemia results from a deficiency of intrinsic factor (normally secreted by the gastric mucosa), necessary for intestinal absorption of vitamin B12; gastric disease or surgery can result in a lack of intrinsic factor.

    B. Assessment 评估
    1. Severe pallor 苍白严重
    2. Fatigue 疲劳
    3. Weight loss 体重减轻
    4. Smooth, beefy red tongue
    5. Slight jaundice 轻微黄疸
    6. Paresthesias of the hands and feet
    7. Disturbances with gait and balance

    C. Interventions 措施
    1. Increase dietary intake of foods rich in vitamin B12, such as citrus fruits, dried beans, green leafy vegetables, liver, nuts, organ meats, and brewer's yeast if the anemia is a result of a dietary deficiency.
    2. Administer vitamin B12 injections as prescribed, weekly initially and then monthly for maintenance (lifelong) if the anemia is the result of a deficiency of intrinsic factor or disease or surgery of the ileum.

    II. Folate Deficiency Anemia 叶酸缺乏性贫血

    A. Description 说明
    1. A macrocytic anemia in which red blood cells are larger than normal and are oval-shaped rather than round-shaped due to the lack of inadequate intake of folate (vitamin B9).
    2. Folic acid is required for DNA synthesis required for red blood cell formation and maturation.
    3. Common causes include dietary deficiency; malabsorption syndromes such as Celiac disease, Crohn's disease, or small bowel resection; medications (such as antiseizure medications) that decrease the absorption of folic acid, a condition (including pregnancy) that increases the requirement of folic acid; chronic alcoholism; and chronic hemodialysis.

    B. Assessment评估
    1. Dyspepsia 消化不良
    2. Smooth, beefy red tongue
    3. Pallor, fatigue and weakness
    4. Tinnitus 耳鸣
    5. Tachycardia 心动过速

    C. Interventions 措施
    1. Encourage the client to eat foods rich in folic acid, such as green leafy vegetables, meat, liver, fish, legumes, peanuts, orange juice, and avocado.
    2. Administer folic acid as prescribed.

    Vocabulary for Today   
    macrocytic – a. 大红细胞的
    macrocytic anemia --大细胞性贫血
    pernicious – a. 恶性的,致使的
    pernicious anemia – 恶性贫血
    intrinsic – a. 内在的,本质的,原有的
    intrinsic factor – 内因子
    jaundice – n. 黄疸
    paresthesia – n. 感觉异常
    gait – n. 步态
    Brewer's yeast -- 布鲁尔酵母
    folate – n. 叶酸
    Celiac disease – 乳糜泻
    Crohn's disease –克罗恩病
    alcoholism – n. 酒精中毒
    dyspepsia – n. 消化不良
    tinnitus – n. 耳鸣
    Pernicious Anemia
    1. The nurse is providing dietary teaching for a client with a diagnosis of chronic gastritis. The nurse instructs the client to include which foods rich in vitamin B12 in the diet? Select all that apply.
    A. Nuts
    B. Corn
    C. Liver
    D. Apples
    E. Lentils
    F. Bananas
    2. The nurse is instructing a client with iron deficiency anemia regarding the administration of a liquid oral iron supplement. Which instruction should the nurse tell the client?
    A. Administer the iron at mealtimes.
    B. Administer the iron through a straw.
    C. Mix the iron with cereal to administer.
    D. Add the iron to apple juice for easy administration.
    Key to Questions
    1. A, C, E
    Rationale: Chronic gastritis causes deterioration and atrophy of the lining of the stomach, leading to the loss of function of the parietal cells. The source of intrinsic factor is lost, which results in an inability to absorb vitamin B12, leading to development of pernicious anemia. Clients must increase their intake of vitamin B12 by increasing consumption of foods rich in this vitamin, such as nuts, organ meats, dried beans, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, and yeast.
    2. B: Administer the iron through a straw.
    Rationale: In iron deficiency anemia, iron stores are depleted, resulting in a decreased supply of iron for the manufacture of hemoglobin in red blood cells. An oral iron supplement should be administered through a straw or medicine dropper placed at the back of the mouth, because the iron stains the teeth. The client should be instructed to brush or wipe their teeth after administration. Iron is administered between meals, because absorption is decreased if there is food in the stomach. Iron requires an acid environment to facilitate its absorption in the duodenum. Iron is not mixed with cereal or other food items.
