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    ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2020-03-06 14:34:00    
    ISPN  Review  
    Immunity is a state of relative resistance to a disease that develops after exposure to the specific disease-causing agent. People are not born with immunity to diseases, so they must acquire immunity by stimulating B-cell clones to form plasma cells and then antibodies.
    Immunity can be active or passive. 免疫力有主动也有被动。

    Active immunity occurs when the body recognizes a foreign protein and begins producing antibodies to react with that specific protein or antigen. After plasma cells are formed to produce antibodies, specific memory cells that produce the same antibodies are created. If the specific foreign protein is introduced into the body again, these memory cells react immediately to release antibodies. This type of immunity is thought to be lifelong.

    Passive immunity occurs when preformed antibodies are injected into the system and react with a specific antigen. These antibodies come from animals that have been infected with the disease or from humans who have had the disease and have developed antibodies. The circulating antibodies act in the same manner as those produced from plasma cells, recognizing the foreign protein and attaching to it, rendering it harmless. Unlike active immunity, passive immunity is limited. It lasts only as long as the circulating antibodies last because the body does not produce its own antibodies. In some cases, the host human responds to the circulating injected antibodies, which are foreign proteins to the host’s body, by producing its own antibodies to the injected antibodies. This results in serum sickness, a massive immune reaction manifested by fever, arthritis, flank pain, myalgia, and arthralgia.

    Immunization is the process of artificially stimulating active immunity by exposing the body to weakened or less toxic proteins associated with specific disease-causing organisms. The proteins could be a weakened bacterial cell membrane, the protein coat of a virus, or a virus (protein coat with the genetic fragment that makes up the virus) that has been chemically weakened so that it cannot cause disease. The goal is to cause an immune response without having the patient suffer the full course of a disease.

    Adults may require immunizations in certain situations: exposure, travel to an area endemic for a disease they have not had and have not been immunized against, and occupations that are considered high risk. Children routinely are immunized against many infections that were once quite devastating. For example, smallpox was one of the first diseases against which children were immunized. Today, smallpox is considered to be eradicated worldwide.

    Diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, Haemophilus influenzae B, hepatitis B, hepatitis A, chickenpox, poliovirus, meningitis, measles, mumps, rotavirus, and rubella are all standard childhood immunizations today. The bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine for tuberculosis is widely used throughout the world in countries with a high incidence of tuberculosis to limit the spread of the disease. However, it is not routinely used in the United States because the incidence of tuberculosis is relatively low and it can induce false-positive tuberculin skin test results. The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is now recommended for girls to protect against several of the viruses that cause many cervical cancers.

    The use of vaccines is not without controversy. Severe reactions, although rare, have occurred, resulting in concerns about the safety of vaccines and their administration, especially in children.
    Vocabulary for Today   
    immunity – n. 免疫力
    plasma cells – 浆细胞
    active immunity – 主动免疫
    foreign protein – 异体蛋白质
    memory cells – 记忆细胞
    passive immunity – 被动免疫
    preformed antibodies – 预成抗体
    specific antigen – 特异性抗原
    circulating antibodies – 循环抗体
    render – v. 提供,使…帮忙等
    serum sickness – 血清病
    immunization – n. 免疫(法)
    weakened – a. 减毒的
    protein coat – 蛋白(质)外壳
    genetic fragment – 基因片段
    immune response – 免疫应答
    endemic – a. n. 地方性的,地方病
    eradicate – v. 根治,消灭
    Active and Passive Immunity
    1. A client has a positive reaction to the Mantoux test. The nurse correctly interprets this reaction to mean that the client has:
    A. Active tuberculosis.
    B. Had contact with Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
    C. Developed a resistance to tubercle bacilli.
    D. Developed passive immunity to tuberculosis.
    2. A client with a fractured right femur has not had any immunizations since childhood. Which of the following biologic products should the nurse administer to provide the client with passive immunity for tetanus?
    A. Tetanus toxoid.
    B. Tetanus antigen.
    C. Tetanus vaccine.
    D. Tetanus antitoxin.
    Key to Questions

    1. B. Had contact with Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
    Rationale: A positive Mantoux skin test indicates that the client has been exposed to tubercle bacilli. Exposure does not necessarily mean that active disease exists. A positive Mantoux test does not mean that the client has developed resistance. Unless involved in treatment, the client may still develop active disease at any time. Immunity to tuberculosis is not possible.
    2. D. Tetanus antitoxin.
    Passive immunity for tetanus is provided in the form of tetanus antitoxin or tetanus immune globulin. An antitoxin is an antibody to the toxin of an organism. Administering tetanus toxoid, antigen, or vaccine would provide active immunity by stimulating the body to produce its own antibodies.
