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    ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2020-05-20 15:04:00    
    Saunders 8th 中英对照
      ISPN  Review  
    Nursing Considerations for Patients Receiving Lithium 服锂患者的护理考虑
    Assessment: History and Examination  评估:病史与检查

    • Assess for contraindications or cautions for the use of the drug, including any known allergies to lithium; renal or CV disease; dehydration; sodium depletion, use of diuretics, protracted sweating, or diarrhea; suicidal or impulsive patients with severe depression; pregnancy or lactation; and infection with fever.


    • Assess temperature; skin color and lesions; CNS orientation, affect, and reflexes; bowel sounds and reported output; pulse, auscultation, and blood pressure, including orthostatic blood pressure; respiration rate and adventitious sounds; and urinary output for baseline status before beginning therapy and for any potential adverse effects. Also obtain liver and renal function tests, thyroid function tests, CBC, and baseline ECG, and obtain serum lithium levels as appropriate.


    Nursing Diagnoses   护理诊断
    Nursing diagnoses related to drug therapy might include the following:
    • Acute Pain related to GI, CNS, and vision effects.
    • Risk for Injury related to CNS effects.   
    • Impaired Urinary Elimination related to renal toxic effects.
    • Disturbed Thought Processes related to CNS effects.
    • Deficient Knowledge regarding drug therapy.

    Interventions   措施

    • Administer drug cautiously, with daily monitoring of serum lithium levels, to patients with significant renal or CV disease, dehydration, or debilitation, as well as those taking diuretics, to monitor for toxic levels and to arrange for appropriate dose adjustment.


    • Administer drug with food or milk to alleviate GI irritation if GI upset is severe.

    • Arrange to decrease dose after acute manic episodes. Lithium tolerance is greatest during acute episodes and decreases when the acute episode is over.

    • Ensure that the patient maintains adequate intake of salt and fluid to decrease toxicity.

    • Monitor patient’s clinical status closely, especially during the initial stages of therapy, to provide appropriate supportive management as needed.

    • Arrange for small, frequent meals, sugarless lozenges to suck, and frequent mouth care, to increase secretions and decrease discomfort as needed.

    • Provide safety measures such as side rails and assistance with ambulation if CNS effects occur to prevent patient injury.

    • Provide thorough patient teaching, including drug name, prescribed dosage, measures for avoidance of adverse effects, cautions that it may take time to see the desired therapeutic effects, warning signs that may indicate possible problems, and the need to avoid pregnancy while taking lithium to enhance patient knowledge about drug therapy and to promote compliance.


    • Offer support and encouragement to help the patient to cope with the drug regimen.
    Vocabulary for Today   
    protracted – a. 拖延的,延长的
    protracted sweating – 迁延性出汗
    protracted diarrhea – 迁延性腹泻

    Lithium Levels
    1. A client who has been newly admitted to the mental health unit with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder is trying to organize a dance with the other clients on the unit at suppertime. The nurse should encourage which action to decrease stimulation with the clients?
    A. Seek assistance from other staff members.
    B. Engage the help of other clients on the unit to accomplish the task.
    C. Stop the planning and firmly tell the client that this task is inappropriate.
    D. Postpone organizing the dance and supper and engage the client in a writing activity.
    2. The nurse provides home care instructions to a client who is taking lithium carbonate. Which statement by the client indicates a need for further teaching?
    A. “I need to take the lithium with meals.”
    B. “My blood levels must be monitored very closely.”
    C. “I need to decrease my salt and fluid intake while taking the lithium.”
    D. “I need to withhold the medication if I have excessive diarrhea or vomiting.”


    1. D. Postpone organizing the dance and supper and engage the client in a writing activity.
    Rationale: Because the client with bipolar disorder is easily stimulated by the environment, sedentary activities are the best outlets for energy release. Most bipolar clients enjoy writing, so the writing task is appropriate. An activity such as planning a dance at suppertime may be appropriate at some point, but not for the newly admitted client who is likely to have impaired judgment and a short attention span. Options 1 and 2 encourage planning the activity, and therefore increase client stimulation. Option 3 could result in an angry outburst by the client.
    2. C. “I need to decrease my salt and fluid intake while taking the lithium.”
    Rationale: A normal diet and normal salt and fluid intake (1500 to 3000 Ml per day) should be maintained because lithium decreases sodium reabsorption by the renal tubules, which could cause sodium depletion. A low-sodium intake causes a relative increase in lithium retention and could lead to toxicity. Lithium is irritating to the gastric mucosa; therefore, lithium should be taken with meals. Because therapeutic and toxic dosage ranges are so close, lithium blood levels must be monitored very closely: more frequently at first and then once every several months after that. The client should be instructed to withhold the medication if excessive diarrhea, vomiting, or diaphoresis occurs, and inform the primary health care provider if any of these problems arise.

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