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    ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2020-06-05 20:15:00    
    ISPN  Review  
    Partial Seizures
    Partial seizures, or focal seizures, are so called because they involve one area of the brain, usually originate from one site or focus, and do not spread throughout the entire organ. The presenting symptoms depend on exactly where in the brain the excessive electrical discharge is occurring. Partial seizures can be further classified as follows:
    • Simple partial seizures, which occur in a single area of the brain and may involve a single muscle movement or sensory alteration
    • Complex partial seizures, which involve a series of reactions or emotional changes and complex sensory changes such as hallucinations, mental distortion, changes in personality, loss of consciousness, and loss of social inhibitions. Motor changes may include involuntary urination, chewing motions, diarrhea, and so on. The onset of complex partial seizures usually occurs by the late teens.
    • Epilepsy is characterized by seizures that result from sudden discharge of excessive electrical energy from nerve cells in the brain.
    • There are two major categories of seizures: Generalized and partial seizures.
    • Generalized seizures include the following types: Tonic–clonic, absence, myoclonic, febrile, Jacksonian, psychomotor, and rapid recurring (status epilepticus).
    • Partial seizures may be simple or complex.

    Vocabulary for Today   
    partial seizures -- 部分性癫痫发作
    focal seizures – 病灶性癫痫发作
    originate – v. 开始,发起
    presenting symptoms – 主要症状
    electrical discharge – 放电
    simple partial seizures – 单纯性部分性癫痫发作
    complex partial seizures – 复杂性部分性癫痫发作
    hallucination – n. 幻觉
    mental distortion – 心理扭曲
    social inhibition – 社交抑制
    involuntary urination – 尿失禁
    chewing motions – 咀嚼运动
    electrical energy – 电能

    How to Deal with Seizure
    1. The nurse is giving instructions to a client receiving Phenytoin (Dilantin). The nurse concludes that the client has a sufficient knowledge if the client states that:
    A. “Wearing a medical alert tag is not required”.
    B. “Alcohol is permitted in while taking this medication”.
    C. “I can take the medicine with milk”.
    D. “Have the serum phenytoin level taken before giving the medication”.
    2. A female client who has a history of seizure went to a health care facility to ask the nurse regarding the use of birth control pills while on phenytoin therapy. The nurse correctly states to the client that:
    A. Taking phenytoin decreases the effectivity of the birth control pills.
    B. Pregnancy is not allowed while taking phenytoin.
    C. There is no known interaction between these medicines so there is nothing to worry about.
    D. To discontinue phenytoin and proceed with the oral contraceptive.

    1. Answer: D. “Have the serum phenytoin level taken before giving the medication”.
    Rationale: Taking the prescribed daily dosage to keep the blood level of the drug constant and having a sample drawn for serum drug level before taking the morning dose. Option A, wearing a medical tag allows any medical care provider to know that the client is on seizure medication. Option B, alcohol use can increase the blood levels of phenytoin and may increase side effects. Option C, taking it with milk will impair the absorption.
    2. Answer: A. Taking phenytoin decreases the effectivity of the birth control pills.
    Rationale: Clients taking oral contraceptive are known to suffer contraceptive failure while taking anticonvulsants such as phenobarbitone, phenytoin, and carbamazepine because they decrease the effectiveness of the birth control pills.

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