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    ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2020-06-03 21:08:00    
    Saunders 8th 中英对照
    ISPN  Review  
    Generalized Seizures
    Generalized seizures begin in one area of the brain and rapidly spread throughout both hemispheres of the brain. Patients who have a generalized seizure usually experience a loss of consciousness resulting from this massive electrical activity throughout the brain.
    Generalized seizures are further classified into the following five types:
    1. Tonic–clonic seizures involve dramatic tonic–clonic muscle contractions (involuntary muscle contraction followed by relaxation appearing as an aggressive spasm), loss of consciousness, and a recovery period characterized by confusion and exhaustion.
    2. Absence seizures involve abrupt, brief (3- to 5-second) periods of loss of consciousness. Absence seizures occur commonly in children, starting at about 3 years of age, and frequently disappear by puberty. Absence seizures do not usually involve muscle contractions.
    失神性癫痫发作,涉及突然、简短(3 – 5秒)的意识丧失期。失神性癫痫发作通常见于儿童,3岁左右发病,经常在青春期消失。失神性癫痫发作一般不涉及肌肉收缩。
    3. Myoclonic seizures involve short, sporadic periods of muscle contractions that last for several minutes. They are relatively rare and are often secondary seizures.
    4. Febrile seizures are related to very high fevers and usually involve tonic–clonic seizures. Febrile seizures most frequently occur in children; they are usually self-limited and do not reappear.
    5. Jacksonian seizures are seizures that begin in one area of the brain and involve one part of the body, and then progressively spread to other parts of the body; they can develop into generalized tonic–clonic seizures.
    6. Psychomotor seizures are complex seizures that involve sensory, motor, and psychic components. They usually begin with a loss of consciousness, and patients have no memory of the event. Patients may exhibit automatic movements, emotional outbursts, and motor or psychological disturbances.
    7. Status epilepticus, potentially the most dangerous of seizure conditions, is a state in which seizures rapidly recur again and again with no recovery between seizures.
    Vocabulary for Today   
    generalized seizures – 全身性癫痫发作
    hemisphere – n. 半球
    electrical activity – 电活动
    tonic–clonic seizures – 强直-阵挛性癫痫发作
    involuntary – a. 不随意的
    spasm – n. 痉挛
    absence seizures -- 失神性癫痫发作
    abrupt – a. 突然的
    myoclonic seizures – 肌阵挛性癫痫发作
    sporadic – a. 散发的,偶发的
    febrile seizures – 发热性癫痫发作
    Jacksonian seizures – 杰克逊癫痫发作
    psychomotor seizures – 精神运动性癫痫发作
    complex seizures – 复杂性癫痫发作,复合型癫痫
    psychic – a. 精神的,心灵的
    automatic movements – 自动(运动)
    emotional outbursts – 情感暴发
    status epilepticus – 癫痫持续状态
    recur – v. 再发
    Seizure Introduction
    1. A male client is having tonic-clonic seizures. What should the nurse do first?
    A. Elevate the head of the bed.
    B. Restrain the client’s arms and legs.
    C. Place a tongue blade in the client’s mouth.
    D. Take measures to prevent injury.
    2. The nurse is caring for the male client who begins to experience seizure activity while in bed. Which of the following actions by the nurse would be contraindicated?
    A. Loosening restrictive clothing
    B. Restraining the client’s limbs
    C. Removing the pillow and raising padded side rails
    D. Positioning the client to side, if possible, with the head flexed forward
    1. Answer: D. Take measures to prevent injury.
    Rationale: Protecting the client from injury is the immediate priority during a seizure. Option A, elevating the head of the bed would have no effect on the client’s condition or safety. Option B, restraining the client’s arms and legs could cause injury. Option C, placing a tongue blade or other object in the client’s mouth could damage the teeth.
    2. Answer: B. Restraining the client’s limbs
    Rationale: The limbs are never restrained because the strong muscle contractions could cause the client harm. If the client is not in bed when seizure activity begins, the nurse lowers the client to the floor, if possible, protects the head from injury, and moves furniture that may injure the client. Other aspects of care are as described for the client who is in bed.

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