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    ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2020-06-24 10:54:00    

    ISPN  Review  
    Assessment for Patients Receiving Antiepileptics
    The information that follows primarily relates to drug therapy with hydantoins and succinimides, acetazolamide, valproic acid, and zonisamide.
    1. Assess for contraindications or cautions to the use of hydantoins, including known history of allergy to hydantoins to avoid hypersensitivity reactions; cardiac arrhythmias, hypotension, diabetes, coma, or psychoses, which could be exacerbated by the use of the drug; history of renal or hepatic dysfunction that might interfere with drug metabolism or excretion; and current status related to pregnancy and lactation.
    2. Assess for contraindications or cautions to the use of succinimides, including any known allergies to these drugs; history of intermittent porphyria, which could be exacerbated by these drugs; history of renal or hepatic dysfunction that might interfere with drug metabolism or excretion; and current status related to pregnancy or lactation because of the potential risks to the fetus or baby.
    3. Obtain a description of seizures, including onset, aura, duration, and recovery, to determine type of seizure and establish a baseline.
    4. Perform a physical assessment to establish baseline data for determining the effectiveness of therapy and the occurrence of any potential adverse effect.
    5. Inspect the skin for color and lesions to determine evidence of possible skin effects; assess pulse and blood pressure and auscultate heart to evaluate for possible cardiac effects; assess level of orientation, affect, reflexes, and bilateral grip strength to evaluate any CNS effects; monitor bowel sounds and urine output to determine possible GI or genitourinary (GU) effects; and evaluate gums and mucous membranes to establish baseline and monitor changes associated with adverse effects.
    6. Obtain a baseline electroencephalogram if appropriate to evaluate brain function.
    7. Assess the patient’s renal and liver function, including renal and liver function tests, to determine appropriateness of therapy and determine the need for possible dose adjustment.

    Vocabulary for Today  
    hydantoin – n. 乙内酰脲
    succinimide – n. 琥珀酰亚胺类药
    acetazolamide – n. 乙酰唑胺
    valproic acid – n. 丙戊酸
    zonisamide – n. 唑尼沙胺
    porphyria – n. 卟啉症
    aura – n. 病兆,预兆
    grip strength – 握力
    GU -- genitourinary 生殖泌尿的
    Rescue Therapy in Epilepsy
    1. A 15-year-old boy presents to clinic for follow-up for his tonic-clonic seizures. He reports that he has not had a seizure in the past 6 months. However, he has been more tired recently and is unsure why. A complete blood count is performed and shows megaloblastic anemia. The physician told the patient that this was most likely a side effect of his antiseizure medication. What is the most likely medication he was taking?
    A. Ethosuximide
    B. Phenobarbital
    C. Phenytoin
    D. Valproic acid
    2. A 25-year-old woman has been taking an antiepileptic drug for a seizure disorder for 1 year. She now complains of episodes of blurred vision and diplopia. Which of the following antiepileptic drugs has she most likely been taking?
    A. Carbamazepine
    B. Ethosuximide
    C. Lorazepam
    D. Phenobarbital

    答案 Answers
    1. C. Phenytoin.
    Phenytoin is used in the treatment of tonic-clonic seizures. Phenytoin has many side effects, like hirsutism, nystagmus, gingival hyperplasia, and megaloblastic anemia.
    2. A. Carbamazepine.
    There are many drugs used to control or limit seizure activity. Carbamazepine is a drug that may cause blurred vision and diplopia with use. Of the drugs listed, carbamazepine is the most likely culprit behind this patient’s symptoms. Carbamazepine induces its own metabolism, so dosage adjustments early in therapy may be necessary. It is also used to treat trigeminal neuralgia.


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