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    ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2020-06-29 10:58:00    
    ISPN  Review  
    Interventions for Patients Receiving Antiepileptics
    1. Discontinue the drug at any sign of hypersensitivity reaction, liver dysfunction, or severe skin rash to limit reaction and prevent potentially serious reactions.
    2. Administer the drug with food to alleviate GI irritation if GI upset is a problem.
    3. Monitor for adverse effects and provide appropriate supportive care as needed to help the patient cope with these effects.
    4. Monitor complete blood count (CBC) before and periodically during therapy to detect bone marrow suppression early and provide appropriate interventions.
    5. Discontinue the drug if skin rash, bone marrow suppression, or unusual depression or personality changes occur to prevent the development of more serious adverse effects.
    6. Discontinue the drug slowly, and never withdraw the drug quickly, because rapid withdrawal may precipitate absence seizures.
    7. Monitor for drug–drug interactions to arrange to adjust doses appropriately if any drug is added to or withdrawn from the drug regimen.
    8. Arrange for counseling for women of childbearing age who are taking these drugs. Because these drugs have the potential to cause serious damage to the fetus, women should understand the risk of birth defects and use barrier contraceptives to avoid pregnancy.
    9. Offer support and encouragement to help the patient cope with the drug regimen and diagnosis.
    10. Provide thorough patient teaching, including drug name and prescribed dosage, as well as measures for avoidance of adverse effects and warning signs that may indicate possible problems to enhance patient knowledge about drug therapy and to promote compliance; and the need for periodic blood tests to evaluate blood counts to reduce the risk for infection and for drug levels to evaluate therapeutic effectiveness and minimize the risk for toxicity.
    11. Suggest the wearing or carrying of a MedicAlert bracelet to alert emergency workers and health care providers about the use of an antiepileptic drug.

    Vocabulary for Today  
    discontinue – v. 停止,中断
    hypersensitivity – n. 过敏症,超敏感性
    skin rash – 皮疹
    alleviate – v. 缓解,减轻
    supportive care – 支持性医疗
    detect – v. 发现,检测
    withdrawal – n. 戒断,撤药,取消
    precipitate – v. 使突然发生,加速
    birth defects – 出生缺陷
    Seizure Nursing Care Plan
    1. A 23-year-old woman with a history of seizure disorder is planning to become pregnant. She realizes that being on this medication during pregnancy can have fetal effects of mental retardation. Which of the following agents would likely produce a newborn with the lowest intelligence quotient (IQ)?
    A. Carbamezapine
    B. Lamotrigine
    C. Phenytoin
    D. Valproic acid
    2. A 22-year-old woman recently began medical treatment for a seizure disorder. She presents with dysuria; and a urine dipstick shows microhematuria but no leukocytes and no nitrites. A KUB X-ray shows calcifications in the renal pelvis, although she has neither personal nor family history of kidney stones. Which seizure medicine is she likely taking?
    A. Ethosuximide
    B. Phenobarbital
    C. Phenytoin
    D. Topiramate

    答案 Answers
    1. D. Valproic acid.
    In utero exposure to valproate, when compared with other commonly used antiepileptic drugs, is associated with an increased risk of impaired cognitive function at 3 years of age. Valproate should not be used in women of childbearing potential.
    2. D. Topiramate.
    This patient’s presentation is consistent with nephrolithiasis or kidney stones. This can be attributed to her seizure medication because she has no prior history of stones. Of the seizure medications listed, only topiramate is known to cause nephrolithiasis. Topiramate is used in the treatment of partial seizures and generalized tonic-clonic seizures as well as for migraine prophylaxis. Its exact mechanism is unknown but appears to block seizure spread rather than raise seizure threshold.

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