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    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2020-07-13 11:24:00    
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    Parkinson’s Disease and Parkinsonism
    In the 1990s, several prominent figures—former heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali, former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, and actor Michael J. Fox—revealed that they had Parkinson’s disease, a progressive, chronic neurological disorder. In general, Parkinson’s disease may develop in people of any age, but it usually affects those who are past middle age and entering their 60s or even later years. Therefore, the occurrence of Parkinson’s disease in these well-known individuals who were relatively young at the time of diagnosis is that much more interesting. The cause of the condition is not known.
    20世纪90年代,几位名人 – 前重量级拳击冠军阿里、前美国总检察长里诺和演员J. 福克斯 – 披露得了帕金森氏病,这是一种进行性、慢性神经系统疾病。一般说来,帕金森氏病可发生于任何年龄人群,但通常都影响过了中年、进入60岁及以后年龄的人。因此,当帕金森氏病发生在这些众所周知、诊断时相对年轻的人身上时,就显得很有意思了。疾病原因未知。
    At this time, there is no cure for Parkinson’s disease. Therapy is aimed at management of signs and symptoms to provide optimal functioning for as long as possible.
    Lack of coordination is characteristic of Parkinson’s disease. Rhythmic tremors develop, insidiously at first. In some muscle groups, these tremors lead to rigidity, and in others, weakness. Affected patients may have trouble maintaining position or posture, and they may develop the condition known as bradykinesia, marked by difficulties in performing intentional movements and extreme slowness or sluggishness.
    As Parkinson’s disease progresses, walking becomes a problem; a shuffling gait is a hallmark of the condition. In addition, patients may drool, and their speech may be slow and slurred. As the cranial nerves are affected, they may develop a mask-like expression. Parkinson’s disease does not affect the higher levels of the cerebral cortex, so a very alert and intelligent person may be trapped in a progressively degenerating body.
    Parkinsonism is a term used to describe the Parkinson’s disease–like extrapyramidal symptoms that are adverse effects associated with particular drugs or brain injuries. Patients typically exhibit tremors and bradykinesia.

    Parkinson’s disease -- 帕金森氏病
    Parkinsonism – n. 帕金森综合征  
    prominent – a. 杰出的,显著的
    figure – n. 数字,人物,人像
    Attorney General – 总检察长
    coordination – n. 协调
    insidious – a. 隐袭的,阴险的
    rigidity – n. 僵硬,强直
    bradykinesia – n. 运动迟缓
    sluggishness – n. 呆滞
    shuffling gait –曳行步态
    hallmark – n. 标志
    drool – vi. 流口水
    slurred – a. 急促不清的
    mask-like – a. 面具样的
    degenerating – a. 退化的,堕落的
    extrapyramidal symptoms – 锥体外系症状
    Parkinson’s Disease
    1. The nurse evaluates that carbidopa and levodopa (Sinemet) is therapeutically effective if the client has:
    A. Decreased GI responses
    B. Increased tolerance to pyridoxine
    C. Decreased tremors at rest
    D. Increased urinary output

    2. For which of the following medical conditions would the nurse anticipate that an antianxiety agent would not be indicated?
    A. Seizure disorders
    B. Alcohol detoxification
    C. Parkinson’s disease
    D. Panic disorder

    答案 Answers
    1. C. Decreased tremors at rest. 
    Rationale: Carbidopa and levodopa help restore the balance between dopamine and acetylcholine, thereby controlling the responses of Parkinson’s disease.
    2. C. Parkinson’s disease. 
    Rationale: Benzodiazepines may exacerbate the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

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