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    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2020-07-15 08:58:24    

    ISPN  Review  
    Treatment for Parkinson’s Disease 帕金森氏病治疗
    At this time, there is no treatment that arrests the neuron degeneration of Parkinson’s disease and the eventual decline in patient function. Surgical procedures involving the basal ganglia have been tried with varying success at prolonging the degeneration caused by this disease. Drug therapy remains the primary treatment.
    Therapy is aimed at restoring the balance between the declining levels of dopamine, which has an inhibitory effect on the neurons in the basal ganglia, and the now-dominant cholinergic neurons, which are excitatory.
    This may help to reduce the signs and symptoms of parkinsonism and restore normal function for a time.


    ● FIGURE Drug therapy in treating Parkinson’s disease is aimed at achieving a balance between the stimulating cholinergic effects and the inhibitory effects of dopamine in the basal ganglia. Type 1 drugs affect dopamine and are inhibitory. Type 2 drugs block cholinergic effects, preventing stimulation.
    图 帕金森氏病药物疗法旨在获得胆碱能兴奋效应与基底核多巴胺抑制效应之间的平衡。1类药物影响多巴胺,为抑制性;2类药物阻断胆碱能效应,预防兴奋。

    Total management of patient care in individuals with Parkinson’s disease presents a challenge. Patients should be encouraged to be as active as possible, to perform exercises to prevent the development of skeletal deformities, and to attend to their care as long as they can. Both the patient and family need instruction about following drug protocols and monitoring adverse effects, as well as encouragement and support for coping with the progressive nature of the disease (Box 24.1). Because of the degenerative effects of this disease, patients may experience episodes of depression or emotional upset. Psychological support, as well as physical support, is a crucial aspect of care.

    Vocabulary for Today   
    arrest – v. 阻止,停搏
    degeneration – n. 退化,堕落,衰退
    basal ganglia – n. 基底核,基底神经节
    prolong – v. 延长,拖延
    dopamine – n. 多巴胺
    dominant – a. 占主导的,优势的
    cholinergic – a. n. 胆碱功能的,胆碱能药
    excitatory – a. 兴奋性的
    inhibitory – a. 抑制性的
    deformity – n. 畸形,残缺
    attend – v. 注意,照料,护理
    Treatment for Parkinson’s Disease
    1. A nurse notes that a client with schizophrenia and receiving an antipsychotic medication is having uncontrolled movement of the lips and tongue. The nurse determines that the client is experiencing?
    A. Hypertensive crisis.
    B. Parkinsonism.
    C. Tardive dyskinesia.
    D. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome.

    2. Before administering amantadine (Symadine), the nurse should investigate which of the following client statements?
    A. “My hands are always shaking.”
    B. “I had to take Dilantin 6 months ago.”
    C. “I take low-dose enteric aspirin each day.”
    D. “Simple tasks seem to take so long to perform.”

    答案 Answers
    1. C. Tardive dyskinesia. 
    Rationale: Tardive dyskinesia is characterized by uncontrollable involuntary movements of the body and extremities (especially of the face, lips, mouth, tongue, arms or legs). Option A, Hypertensive crisis occurs from the use of MAOIs. Option B, Parkinsonism is characterize by tremor, slow movement, impaired speech or muscle stiffness. Option D, Neuroleptic malignant syndrome is a life-threatening condition caused by an adverse reaction to antipsychotic drugs. Symptoms include high fever, sweating, unstable blood pressure, stupor, muscular rigidity, and autonomic dysfunction.
    2. B. “I had to take Dilantin 6 months ago.”
    Rationale: Amantadine is used cautiously in clients with a history of seizures. A and D are clinical manifestations of Parkinson’s disease. Amantadine does not interact negatively with aspirin.


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