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    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2020-09-04 12:25:00    
    ISPN/RN Review
    Migraine Headaches 偏头痛                           

    The term migraine headache is used to describe several different syndromes, all of which include severe, throbbing headaches on one side of the head. This pain can be so severe that it can cause widespread disturbances, affecting GI and CNS function, including mood and personality changes.


    Migraine headaches should be distinguished from cluster headaches and tension headaches. Cluster headaches usually begin during sleep and involve sharp, steady eye pain that lasts 15 to 90 minutes, with sweating, flushing, tearing, and nasal congestion. Tension headaches, which usually occur at times of stress, feel like a dull band of pain around the entire head and last from 30 minutes to 1 week. They are accompanied by anorexia, fatigue, and a mild intolerance to light or sound.

    偏头痛应与丛集性头痛和紧张性头痛相鉴别。丛集性头痛通常始于睡眠时,涉及剧烈、稳定性眼部疼痛,可持续15 – 90 分钟,伴出汗、潮红、流泪和鼻充血。紧张性头痛通常见于紧张时,感觉围绕头部有一带状钝痛,持续30分钟至一周。伴厌食、疲劳及轻度的声、光不耐受。

    Headaches are distributed in the general population in a definite gender-related pattern. For example:

    • Migraine headaches are three times more likely to occur in women than men.
    • Cluster headaches are more likely to occur in men than in women.
    • Tension headaches are more likely to occur in women than in men.

    There is some speculation that the female predisposition to migraine headaches may be related to the vascular sensitivity to hormones. Some women can directly plot migraine occurrence to periods of fluctuations in their menstrual cycle. The introduction of the triptan class of antimigraine drugs has been beneficial for many of these women.


    Migraines generally are classified as common or classic. Common migraines, which occur without an aura, cause severe, unilateral, pulsating pain that is frequently accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. Such migraine headaches are often aggravated by physical activity. Classic migraines are usually preceded by an aura—a sensation involving sensory or motor disturbances—that usually occurs about 1/2 hour before the pain begins. The pain and adverse effects are the same as those of the common migraine.

    偏头痛一般分普通型或典型型。普通型偏头痛的出现没有预兆,可引起严重、单侧、搏动性疼痛,常伴恶心、呕吐、光敏和声敏。体力活动常常可加重此类偏头痛。典型型偏头痛通常有预兆,-- 涉及感官或运动障碍感觉,预兆通常先于疼痛1/2小时左右,疼痛及不良效应与普通型偏头痛相同。

    It is believed that the underlying cause of migraine headaches is arterial dilation. Headaches accompanied by an aura are associated with hypoperfusion of the brain during the aura stage, followed by reflex arterial dilation and hyperperfusion. The underlying cause and continued state of arterial dilation are not clearly understood, but they may be related to the release of bradykinins, serotonin, or a response to other hormones and chemicals.



    migraine – n. 偏头痛
    throbbing – a. 博动的
    throbbing headaches – 博动性头痛
    distinguish – v. 鉴别,识别
    cluster headaches – 丛集性头痛
    tension headaches --  紧张性头痛
    dull – a. 钝的
    band – n. 带,索
    speculation – n. 思索,推测
    predisposition – n. 倾向,素因,易感性
    plot – v. 划分,标绘
    fluctuation – n. 波动
    triptan – n. 曲坦
    antimigraine – a. 抗偏头痛的
    common migraines – 普通型偏头痛
    aura -- n. (pl.)预兆
    pulsating pain – 博动性疼痛
    aggravate – v. 使恶化,使加重
    classic migraines – 典型型偏头痛
    precede – v. 在…之前
    dilation – n. 扩张,膨胀
    hypoperfusion – n. 灌注不足
    hyperperfusion -- n. 灌注过度
    bradykinin – n. 缓激肽
    serotonin – n. 血清素

    Migraine Cluster


    1. The nurse prepared to administer which drug to the patient with suspected opioid overdose?
    A. Glucose
    B. Caffeine
    C. Naloxone
    D. Tramadol
    2. The nurse monitors the patient for which therapeutic effect after the administration of an anticholinergic drug given during surgery?
    A. Decreased bronchial secretions
    B. Increased sensitivity to opioids
    C. Decreased risk of bradycardia
    D. Increased absorption of anesthetic agent

    答案 Answers
    1. C. Naloxone
    Rationale: Naloxone is the drug of choice for treating overdose with pure opioid agonists. The drug reverses respiratory depression, coma, and other signs of opioid toxicity. Naloxone can also reverse toxicity from agonist-antagonist opioids (e.g., pentazocine, nalbuphine). However, the doses required may be higher than those needed to reverse poisoning by pure agonists. Tramadol is a moderately strong analgesic with minimal potential for dependence, abuse, or respiratory depression. The drug relieves pain through a combination of opioid and nonopioid mechanisms.
    2. C. Decreased risk of bradycardia
    Rationale: Anticholinergic drugs may be given to decrease the risk of bradycardia during surgery. Because of the stimulation of parasympathetic reflexes, profound vagal stimulation may occur, slowing the heart rate. Anticholinergics were used in the past to prevent excessive bronchial secretions; however, because inhalation anesthetics used today are much less irritating, bronchial secretions are minimal, and anticholinergic agents are no longer needed to suppress secretions.


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