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    ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2020-12-04 14:55:00    

    ISPN Review
    Nursing Care for Pt. Receiving Direct-Acting Cholinergic Agonists
    Assessment: History and Examination 评估:病史与体检

    • Assess for contraindications or cautions: Known allergies to these drugs to avoid hypersensitivity reactions; bradycardia, vasomotor instability, peptic ulcer, and obstructive urinary or GI diseases; recent GI or genitourinary (GU) surgery; asthma; parkinsonism or epilepsy, which could be exacerbated or complicated by parasympathetic stimulation; and current status of pregnancy and lactation because of the potential for adverse effects on the fetus or neonate.
    • Perform a physical assessment to establish a baseline status before beginning therapy, determine the effectiveness of therapy, and evaluate for any potential adverse effects.


    • Assess vital signs, including pulse and blood pressure, and cardiopulmonary status, including heart and lung sounds, to evaluate for changes related to cardiovascular effects of parasympathetic activity; obtain an electrocardiogram (ECG) as indicated to evaluate heart rate and rhythm.


    • Assess abdomen, auscultating for bowel sounds; palpate bladder for distention.

    • Monitor intake and output, noting any complaints of urinary urgency, to monitor for drug effects on the urinary system.

    Implementation with Rationale 实施及说明
    • Ensure proper administration of ophthalmic preparations to increase the effectiveness of drug therapy and minimize the risk of systemic absorption.
    • Administer oral drug on an empty stomach to decrease nausea and vomiting.
    • Monitor patient response closely, including blood pressure, ECG, urine output, and cardiac output, and arrange to adjust dose accordingly to ensure the most benefit with the least amount of toxicity. Maintain a cholinergic-blocking drug on standby such as atropine to use as an antidote for excessive doses of cholinergic drugs to reverse overdose or counteract severe reactions.
    • Provide safety precautions if the patient reports poor visual acuity in dim light to prevent injury.
    • Monitor urinary output to evaluate effects on the bladder; ensure ready access to bathroom facilities as needed with GI stimulation.
    • Provide thorough patient teaching, including drug name, dosage, and schedule of administration; administration of oral forms before meals or without food; proper administration for ophthalmic preparations as indicated; measures to prevent or minimize adverse effects; need for readily available access to toileting facilities; warning signs of problems; and importance of follow-up and evaluation, to increase patient knowledge and improve compliance to drug regimen.

    Evaluation 评价
    • Monitor patient response to the drug (improvement in bladder function, increased salivation, miosis).
    • Monitor for adverse effects (cardiovascular changes, GI stimulation, urinary urgency, respiratory distress).
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching plan (patient can name drug, dosage, adverse effects to watch for and specific measures to avoid them, proper administration of ophthalmic drugs).
    • Monitor the effectiveness of comfort and safety measures and compliance with the regimen.
    peptic ulcer – 消化性溃疡
    obstructive – a. 梗阻的,阻塞的
    cardiopulmonary status – 心肺状况
    parasympathetic activity – 副交感神经活动
    minimize – v. 使降到最低
    accordingly – ad. 相应地
    standby – n. 备用
    atropine – n. 阿托品
    antidote – n. 解毒药
    reverse – v. 逆转,倒退
    dim – a. 昏暗的,模糊的
    Cholinergic Receptors
    1. Mikey is a 5 year-old boy brought to the Emergency Department by his parents with an initial complaint of a ~24 hour recent history of odd behavior consisting of confusion, delusions & inappropriate laughter. A physical exam reveals that Mikey has a fever, elevated heart rate, dilated pupils, blurry vision, and an unusual pink flush color on his skin. His blood pressure is relatively normal. His parents mention that Mikey has seemed unusually thirsty, and has been drinking a large amount of water & Koolaid over the past 12 hours. Upon further questioning, Mikey mentions that he recently consumed some berries growing on a shrub in a post-Katrina abondoned lot near his home. Some left over berries from his pants pocket are shown below. Based upon Mikey's symptoms, the active ingredient(s) in these berries have properties similar to:
    A. Atropine
    B. Pilocarpine
    C. Reserpine
    D. Physostigmine
    E. Tyramine

    2. If drug therapy were really necessary to treat Mikey's symptoms (vs waiting for the drug effects to wear off), which option would be the best choice?
    A. Physostigmine
    B. Neostigmine
    C. Pralidoxime
    D. Scopolamine
    E. Tubocurarine
    答案 Answers
    1. A. Atropine
    Rationale: The other drugs produce distinctly different toxicity. The photo shown is that for Atropa belladonna or "deadly nightshade". It contains a number of "belladonna alkaloids" including atropine. Mikey's symptoms can be summarized as: "Blind as a Bat, Mad as a Hatter, Red as a Beet, Dry as a Bone, Hot as Hell.
    2. A. Physostigmine
    Rationale: Physostigmine is a cholinesterase inhibitor with a tertiary amine structure that can cross the blood-brain barrier. It is indicated for treating severe toxicity caused by "atropine-like" antimuscarinic compounds. Physostigmine is not a completely safe or harmless compound, so its use is typically reserved for severe cases of toxicity.

    ISPN/NCLEX-RN 综合复习用书
