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    ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2021-02-22 20:13:00    
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    juvenile diabetes – 青少年糖尿病
    adult-onset diabetes – 成年型糖尿病
    obesity – n. 肥胖症
    overweight – n. 超重
    calibrate – v. 校准,划刻度
    flux – n. 流动,变迁
    coach – n. 教练,辅导员
    metformin – n. 二甲双胍
    antidiabetic – a. n. 抗糖尿病药(的)

    RN/ISPN Review
    Diabetes in Children
    Until recently, the common type of diabetes in children and teens was type 1. It was called juvenile diabetes. With Type 1 diabetes, the pancreas does not make insulin. Insulin is a hormone that helps glucose, or sugar, get into the cells to give them energy. Without insulin, too much sugar stays in the blood.


    Now younger people are also getting type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes used to be called adult-onset diabetes. But now it is becoming more common in children and teens, due to more obesity. With Type 2 diabetes, the body does not make or use insulin well.


    Children have a higher risk of type 2 diabetes if they are overweight or have obesity, have a family history of diabetes, or are not active. Children who are African American, Hispanic, Native American/Alaska Native, Asian American, or Pacific Islander also have a higher risk. To lower the risk of type 2 diabetes in children

    l  Have them maintain a healthy weight
    l  Be sure they are physically active
    l  Have them eat smaller portions of healthy foods
    l  Limit time with the TV, computer, and video

    Treatment of diabetes in children is a difficult challenge of balancing diet, activity, growth, stressors, and insulin requirements. Children need to be carefully monitored for any sign of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia and treated quickly because their fast metabolism and lack of body reserves can push them into a severe state quickly.


    Insulin dose, especially in infants, may be so small that it is difficult to calibrate. Insulin often needs to be diluted to a volume that can be detected on the syringe. A second person should always check the calculations and dose of insulin being given to small children.


    Teenagers often present a real challenge for diabetes management. The desire to be “normal” often leads to a resistance to dietary restrictions and insulin injections. The metabolism of the teenager is also in flux, leading to complications in regulating insulin dose. A team approach, including the child, family members, teachers, coaches, and even friends, may be the best way to help the child deal with the disease and the required therapy. New delivery methods for insulin may help this age group cope with the drug therapy in the future.


    Metformin is the only oral antidiabetic drug approved for children. It has established dosing for children 10 years of age and older. With the increasing number of children being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, the use of other agents in children is being tested.


    Diabetes in Children

    1. Among female children and adolescents, the first sign of type 1 diabetes may be:
    A. Rapid weight gain
    B. Constipation
    C. Genital candidiasis
    D. Insomnia
    2. Andrea, a 15-year-old patient, was newly diagnosed with diabetes type 1. She is on regular insulin. If she’s prescribed to have a daily shot of insulin every 8:30 am, when would be the appropriate time that she should have her meals?
    A. 9:00 AM
    B. 11:00 AM
    C. 12:00 NN
    D. 1:00 PM

     答案 Answers
    1. C. Genital candidiasis
    Rationale: The signs and symptoms that suggest type 1 diabetes include excessive thirst, hunger, urination, weight loss, fatigue, irritability, blurred vision, and infection with candida albicans (also known as yeast infections).
    2. A. 9:00 AM.
    Rationale: The onset of regular insulin is 30-60 minutes. Andrea should be able to eat by that time to avoid hypoglycemia.


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