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    日期:2017-01-17 09:00:05    来源:ISPN 周老师
    American Nurse Today
    November 2016 Vol. 11 No. 11
    Continuing Education
    Addressing patient and caregiver suffering
    Suffering—it’s a powerful word that evokes a visceral response. Actually, patient means “one who suffers” in Latin. To reduce patient suffering, we need to consider the experience of nurses and other caregivers, because patient experience and nurse engagement are inextricably tied. Measuring the met and unmet needs of both patients and caregivers is critical for addressing those needs and driving improvement and value in healthcare.
    Leading the Way
    Principled leadership and the imperative for workplace civility
    Recognizing, addressing, and preventing incivility calls for a systematic organizational approach to fostering healthy workplaces that deliver safe patient care. Failing to note and deal with uncivil behaviors causes at least as much damage as the incivility itself. Especially if perpetuated in a patterned way over time, uncivil behaviors can cause lasting harm to individuals, teams, and organizations. Perhaps most important, they can jeopardize patient care, leading to life-threatening mistakes, preventable complications, and patient injury or even death.
    Practice Matters
    A kinder, gentler workplace, part 3: The generation gap
    Problems can arise from the differing mindsets and communication styles of workers born in different eras. “Managing a multigenerational workforce is an art,” leadership strategist Eric J. McNulty wrote in theHarvard Business Review. “Young workers want to make a quick impact, the middle generation needs to believe in the mission, and older employees don’t like ambivalence.”
    Inside ANA
    Contribute to building nursing research and enhancing safe, quality practice
    Call for action: Nurses lead and transform palliative care
    From the ethics inbox: Reporting a sentinel event
    Nurses lead in fighting opioid crisis
    Career Sphere
    Tools to improve your collaborative skills
    The selflessness and dedication of military nurses
    Thirty years ago, Brigadier General Sarah Wells began the tradition of gathering nurses together to place flowers on the graves of nurses who served in the U.S. military and are buried at Arlington National Cemetery. This biannual tradition continues today.
    Strictly Clinical
    BONES: A postoperative plan of care and education program for total joint replacement patients
    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 719,000 total knee replacement and 332,000 total hip replacement procedures were performed on inpatients in 2010. For both procedures, these statistics reflect a large increase from 2000. Many factors help explain the rise, including an aging and growing population, obesity as an osteoarthritis precursor, and better healthcare access. The growing number of joint replacement patients underscores the need for nurses and other healthcare professionals to be prepared to provide specialty care and education.
    Drugs and Devices
    Steroid injection better than gentamicin for treating Meniere’s disease
    Ménière's disease is characterised by severe vertigo attacks and hearing loss. Intratympanic gentamicin, the standard treatment for refractory Ménière's disease, reduces vertigo, but damages vestibular function and can worsen hearing. We aimed to assess whether intratympanic administration of the corticosteroid methylprednisolone reduces vertigo compared with gentamicin.
    Capsule that significantly extends drug release may help eradicate malaria
    Researchers have developed an ultra long-lasting drug delivery system in the form of a capsule to deliver an anti-malaria drug, which could help eradicate the disease; the technique could also be used for delivery of other medicines.
    Take Note - Practice Updates
    E-cigarettes may be harmful for teens
    Adolescent e-cigarette users have increased rates of chronic bronchitis symptoms, according to a study in American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.
    Special Reports
    Fall prevention: The little things can make a big difference
    In 2014, a multidisciplinary task force at Central Maine Medical Center (CMMC) in Lewiston created a fall-reduction program flexible enough to be customized to each unit’s medical specialty. The team chose the fall-prevention toolkit from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality as the best-practice guide against which to evaluate CMMC’s program. A comprehensive collection of best practices, the toolkit includes many items that involve a process-improvement methodology. We used some of these tools to assess the current use and effectiveness of CMMC’s fall-prevention strategies. Here we describe how we reduced our fall rate.
    Size matters—or does it?
    Does “Size matters” mean anything in nursing? In every hospital, nursing is the largest department—often representing more than 50% of staff. But does that mean nursing is the biggest and strongest department? Does nursing have more influence than other departments in creating policies, enforcing professional behavior, or setting guidelines that ensure adequate time at the bedside to care for patients? If you’re smiling or just shaking your head right now, it’s because you know nursing certainly does not have more influence.
