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    ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2019-08-31 09:15:00    

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    From the Programs [课程选粹]栏目登载奥医网站课程材料精选,旨在帮助读者了解奥医ISPN/NCLEX-RN考试复习课程内容,并加深对考试相关内容的学习、掌握[课程详情见网站或点击阅读原文]您的需要就是我们的努力方向。谢谢)

    想提高专业英语听力吗?想边练听力边增加护理专业知识吗?Listening -- Elementary》(专业英语听力 – 初级)可助你一臂之力。
    ISPN  Review        
    A combination of antiviral drugs has been prescribed to treat HIV infection. These drugs work in combination to stop the replication of HIV, to control AIDS, and to maintain the functioning of the immune system. A schedule will be plotted out to show exactly when to take each of the drugs.
    It is very important that one takes all of the drugs and that he/she sticks to this schedule to ensure that the drugs can be effective and won’t encourage the development of resistant strains of the virus.
    These drugs are not a cure for HIV, AIDS, or ARC. Opportunistic infections may occur, and regular medical follow-up should be sought to deal with the disease.
    These drugs do not reduce the risk of transmission of HIV to others by sexual contact or by blood contamination; use appropriate precautions.
    Common effects of these drugs include the following:
    Dizziness, weakness, and loss of feeling: Change positions slowly. If you feel drowsy, avoid driving and dangerous activities.
    Headache, fever, muscle aches: Analgesics may be ordered to alleviate this discomfort. Consult with your health care provider.
    Nausea, loss of appetite, change in taste: Small, frequent meals may help. It is important to try to maintain good nutrition. Consult your health care provider if this becomes a severe problem.
    • Report any of the following to your health care provider: excessive fatigue, lethargy, severe headache, difficulty breathing, or skin rash.
    • Avoid over-the-counter medications and herbal therapies; many of them interact with your drugs and may make them ineffective. If you feel that you need one of these, check with your health care provider first.
    • Schedule regular medical evaluations, including blood tests, which are needed to monitor the effects of these drugs on your body and to adjust doses as needed.
    • Tell any doctor, nurse, or other health care provider that you are taking these drugs.
    • Keep these drugs and all medications out of the reach of children. Do not share these drugs with other people.
    • 头晕、无力、失去感觉:体位变换要慢。如感觉昏昏欲睡,应避免驾驶及一些危险活动。
    • 头痛、发烧、肌肉痛:可开镇痛药以缓解该不适。咨询医疗保健服务人员。
    • 恶心、无胃口、味觉改变:少量多餐;尽量保持营养;问题严重时应咨询医疗保健人员。
    • 出现下列情况应向医疗保健人员报告:极度疲劳、倦怠、剧烈头痛、呼吸困难、皮疹。
    • 避免使用非处方药和草药;其中很多药物会与所开药物发生药药作用并导致失效。若有需要,应先与你的保健医生联系。
    • 规划定期医学检查,包括验血,以监测这些药物对患者身体的效应,并在必要时调节剂量。
    • 告诉医生、护士或其他医疗服务提供者你在服用这些药物。
    • 保管这些及其他所有药物远离儿童。不得与他人共享这些药物。

    Vocabulary for Today    
    replication – n. 复制
    plot out – 描绘、提出…纲要
    Patient Teaching for HIV Patient
    1. The nurse is instructing an unlicensed health care worker on the care of the client with HIV who also has active genital herpes. Which statement by the health care worker indicates effective teaching of standard precautions?
    A. ''I need to know my HIV status, so I must get tested before caring for any clients."
    B. ''Putting on a gown and gloves will cover up the itchy sores on my elbows.''
    C. ''Washing my hands and putting on a gown and gloves is what I must do before starting care.''
    D. ''I will wash my hands before going into the room, and then put on gown and gloves only for direct contact with the client's genitals."
    2. Which statement made to the nurse by a health care worker assigned to care for the client with HIV indicates a breach of confidentiality and requires further education by the nurse?
    A. ''I told the family members they needed to wash their hands when they enter and leave the room.''
    B. ''The other health care worker and I were out in the hallway discussing how we were concerned about getting HIV from our client, so no one could hear us in the client's room.''
    C. ''Yes, I understand the reasons why I have to wear gloves when I bathe my client.''
    D. ''The client's spouse told me she got HIV from a blood transfusion.''
    本期ISPN Review答案
    1. C. ''Washing my hands and putting on a gown and gloves is what I must do before starting care.'' Standard precautions include whatever personal protective equipment (PPE) is necessary for the prevention of transmission of HIV and genital herpes.
    2. B. ''The other health care worker and I were out in the hallway discussing how we were concerned about getting HIV from our client, so no one could hear us in the client's room.''
    Discussing this client's illness outside the client's room is a breach of confidentiality.
