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    ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2020-06-07 15:29:33    
    Saunders 8th 中英对照
    ISPN  Review  
    Antiseizure Agents Across the Lifespan
    Children 儿童
    Antiepileptic drugs can have an impact on a child’s learning and social development. Children may also be more sensitive to the sedating effects of some of these drugs. Children should be monitored very closely and often require a switch to a different agent or dosage adjustments based on their response. Newborns (1–10 days of age) respond best to intramuscular phenobarbital if an antiepileptic is needed.
    抗癫痫药可对儿童学习和社交发展产生影响。而且,儿童对其中一些药物的镇静效应现为敏感。儿童应密切监督,且需根据反应,经常换用其他药物或调整剂量。新生儿(1 – 10天)需要抗癫痫药时,对肌内注射苯巴比妥反应最佳。
    Older children (2 months–6 years of age) absorb and metabolize many of these drugs more quickly than adults do and require a larger dosage per kilogram to maintain therapeutic levels. Careful calculation of drug dosage using both weight and age are important in helping the child to receive the best therapeutic effect with the least toxicity. After the age of 10–14 years, many of these drugs can be given in the standard adult dose.
    大一点的儿童(2月 – 6岁)对其中很多药物的吸收和代谢均快于成人,需要较大的剂量/kg以维持治疗浓度。使用体重和年龄仔细计算药物剂量对帮助儿童以最小毒性获得最佳治疗效果很重要。10 – 14岁后,其中很多药物就可按标准成人剂量给药。
    Parents of children receiving these drugs should receive consistent support and education about the seizure disorder and the medications being used to treat it. Many communities have local support groups that can offer lots of educational materials and support programs. It is a very frightening experience to watch your child have a tonic–clonic seizure, and parents should be supported with this in mind.
    Adults 成人
    Adults using these drugs should be under regular care and should be monitored regularly for adverse effects. They should be encouraged to carry or wear a MedicAlert identification to alert emergency personnel that antiepileptic drugs are being taken. Adults also need education and support to deal with the old stigma of seizures as well as the lifestyle changes and drug effects that they may need to cope with.
    Most of these drugs have been associated with fetal abnormalities in animal studies. Some of them are clearly associated with predictable congenital effects in humans. Women of childbearing age should be encouraged to use contraceptives while taking these drugs. If a pregnancy does occur, or if a woman taking one of these drugs desires to become pregnant, the importance of the drug to the mother should be weighed against the potential risk to the fetus. Stopping an antiepileptic can precipitate seizures that could cause anoxia and its related problems for the mother and the baby. Women who are nursing should be encouraged to find another way of feeding the baby to avoid the sedating and CNS effects that the drugs can have on the infant.
    Older Adults  老年人
    Older patients may be more susceptible to the adverse effects of these drugs. Dosages of all of these drugs may need to be reduced, and the patient should be monitored very closely for toxic effects and to provide safety measures if CNS effects do occur.

    Patients with renal or hepatic impairment should be monitored very closely. Baseline renal and liver function tests should be done and dosages adjusted as appropriate. Serum levels of the drug should be monitored closely in such cases to prevent serious adverse effects.
    The older patient should also be encouraged to wear or carry a MedicAlert identification in case there is an emergency and the patient is not able to communicate information about the drug or disorder.

    Vocabulary for Today   
    lifespan – n. 平均生命期,寿命
    social development – 社交发展
    sedate – a. v. 镇静的,使镇静
    sedating effects – 镇静效应
    switch – n. 转换,切换
    phenobarbital – n. 苯巴比妥
    therapeutic level – 治疗浓度
    therapeutic effect – (治)疗效(果)
    toxicity – n. 毒性作用,中毒
    standard adult dose – 标准成人剂量
    with sth in mind 记着某事
    MedicAlert identification – 医疗警示标识
    weigh (against) – v. 权衡,考虑
    precipitate – v. 加速,使突然发生
    anoxia – n. 缺氧症

