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    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2020-08-31 11:33:00    
    ISPN/RN Review
    Assessment and Interventions for Patients Receiving Narcotics

    Assessment for patients receiving narcotic agonists-antagonists include:

    Assessing for contraindications or cautions: Any known allergies to these drugs or to sulfites if using nalbuphine to avoid hypersensitivity reactions; respiratory dysfunction, which may be exacerbated by the respiratory depression caused by these drugs; MI or CAD, which could be exacerbated by the effects of these drugs; renal or hepatic dysfunction, which might interfere with drug metabolism or excretion; current status of pregnancy and lactation, which require cautious use of the drugs; history of heart disease if administering pentazocine to reduce the risk of potential cardiac stimulation; diarrhea caused by toxic poisons because depression of GI activity could lead to increased absorption and toxicity; and after biliary surgery or surgical anastomoses because of the adverse effects associated with slowed GI activity due to narcotics.


    Performing pain assessment with the patient to establish baseline and evaluate the effectiveness of drug therapy.

    Performing a physical assessment to establish baseline status before beginning therapy, determine drug effectiveness, and evaluate for any potential adverse effects.

    Assessing orientation, affect, reflexes, and pupil size to evaluate any central CNS effects; monitoring respiratory rate and auscultate lungs for adventitious sounds to evaluate respiratory effects.

    Monitoring pulse, blood pressure, and cardiac output to evaluate for cardiac effects.

    Palpating abdomen for distention and auscultating bowel sounds to monitor for GI effects; assessing urine output and palpating for bladder distention to evaluate for GU effects.

    Monitoring the results of laboratory tests such as liver and renal function tests to determine the need for possible dose adjustment and identify toxic drug effects; obtaining an electrocardiogram to evaluate for possible cardiac stimulation and arrhythmias secondary to pentazocine administration.


    Interventions include: 措施包括

    Performing baseline and periodic pain assessments with the patient to monitor drug effectiveness and provide appropriate changes in pain management protocol as needed.

    Having a narcotic antagonist and equipment for assisted ventilation readily available when administering the drug IV to provide patient support in case of severe reaction.

    Monitoring injection sites for irritation and extravasation to provide appropriate supportive care if needed.

    Monitoring timing of analgesic doses. Prompt administration may provide a more acceptable level of analgesia and lead to quicker resolution of the pain.

    Using extreme caution when injecting these drugs into any body area that is chilled or has poor perfusion or shock because absorption may be delayed, and after repeated doses an excessive amount is absorbed all at once.


    Using additional measures to relieve pain (e.g., back rubs, stress reduction, hot packs, ice packs) to increase the effectiveness of the narcotic being given and reduce pain.

    Monitoring respiratory status before beginning therapy and periodically during therapy to monitor for potential respiratory depression.

    Instituting comfort and safety measures, such as side rails and assistance with ambulation, to ensure patient safety; bowel program as needed to treat constipation; environmental controls to decrease stimulation; and small, frequent meals to relieve GI distress if GI upset is severe.


    Reassuring patients that the risk of addiction is minimal. Most patients who receive these drugs for medical reasons do not develop dependency syndromes.

    Offering support and encouragement to help the patient cope with the drug regimen.

    Providing thorough patient teaching, including drug name, prescribed dose, and schedule of administration; measures for avoidance of adverse effects; warning signs that may indicate possible problems; safety measures such as avoiding driving, getting assistance with ambulation, avoiding making important decisions or signing important papers; and the need for monitoring and evaluation to enhance patient knowledge about drug therapy and to promote compliance.


    sulfite – n. 亚硫酸盐
    nalbuphine – n. 纳布啡
    pentazocine – n. 喷他佐辛
    biliary – a. 胆(汁)的,胆道的
    anastomosis – n. 吻合术
    periodic – a. 定期的
    extravasation – n. 溢出,外滩(物)
    resolution – n. 缓解
    hot packs – 热敷
    ice packs – 冰敷
    institute – v. 制订,创立
    reassure – v. 安慰,使消除疑虑
    enhance – v. 增强

    Opioid Antagonists
    1. In preparing an inservice about opioids, the nurse includes which problem as the most serious adverse effect?
    A. Suppressed cardiac automaticity
    B. Respiratory depression
    C. Profound sedation
    D. Hyperthermia
    2. The nurse correlates orthostatic hypotension resulting from opioid administration with which cause?
    A. Decreased heart rate
    B. Impaired contractility
    C. Dilation of peripheral veins
    D. Elevated circulating catecholamines

    答案 Answer
    1. B. Respiratory depression
    Rationale: Respiratory depression is the most serious adverse effect of the opioids. At equianalgesic doses, all of the pure opioid agonists depress respiration to the same extent. Death following overdose is almost always a result of respiratory arrest.
    2. C. Dilation of peripheral veins
    Rationale: Morphine-like drugs lower blood pressure by blunting the baroreceptor reflex and by dilating peripheral arterioles and veins. Peripheral vasodilation results primarily from morphine-induced release of histamine. Hypotension is mild in the recumbent patient but can be substantial when the patient stands up


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