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ISPN词汇 小儿血液系统疾病
ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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2.2 Oral Care
日期:2017-09-03 14:54:39    来源:ISPN周老师
2.2 Providing Oral Care for A Patient
        Oral care procedures are used for patients who are unconscious or who are not able to eat or drink.  Keeping the mouth and teeth clean will protect your patient’s oral health and allow quicker recovery by preventing infections from developing.  Before you begin, wash your hands and put on a pair of gloves.  Greet your patient, and explain what you are going to do in order to allow the patient to assist if they are able.  For an unconscious patient, provide care as follows:
1. Drape a towel over the patient’s chest.  Raise the bed to allow you to comfortably work.  Raise the head to an angle no greater than 30 degrees.
2. Gently turn the patient’s head toward you, and open the mouth using a tongue depressor in one hand.
3. Using a toothbrush, clean the patient’s mouth including teeth, gums, and tongue.  Be careful to use only a small amount of toothpaste to prevent excess from being swallowed.
4. When you have completed brushing, suction saliva and toothpasted from the patient’s mouth.  Assist your patient back into a comfortable position.  Dispose of gloves and wash your hands.
        For a patient who is conscious, the procedure is as follows:
1. Wash hands, put on a pair of gloves, and place a towel over the patient’s chest.  Raise the head to an angle no greater than 30 degrees.
2. Using a toothbrush, clean the patient’s mouth including teeth, gums, and tongue.  Be careful to use only a small amount of toothpaste to prevent excess from being swallowed.
3. As you brush the patient’s teeth, inspect the mouth for signs of infection such as lesions or abscesses.
4. If the patient is able, allow him or her to take a small amount of water into the mouth and swish to remove remaining toothpaste.  Otherwise, you will need to suction saliva and toothpaste from the mouth.
5. Assist your patient back into a comfortable position.  Dispose of gloves and wash your hands.
        Helping your patient with this self-care task contributes to overall health as well as comfort.  Oral infections can become both painful and dangerous if not treated, and you may be able to detect these infections by careful observation during the oral care process.


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