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    日期:2016-12-28 08:55:04    
    Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
    August-September 2016
    Volume 23, Issue 6-7
    Pages 345–468

    Co-production: what is it and where do we begin? (pages 345–346)
    Co-production, in my view, involves genuine power-sharing and therefore a fundamental democratizing of relationships between professionals and service users in mental health. Understood this way, co-production is more radical than shared decision-making which can leave power imbalances intact. As a general rule, authentic power-sharing has yet to become established in mental health care.

    Evaluating the outcomes of the STEPPS programme in a UK community-based population; implications for the multidisciplinary treatment of borderline personality disorder (pages 347–356)
    Systems Training for Emotional Predictability and Problem Solving (STEPPS) is a group treatment for individuals with a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) which has a growing evidence base, particularly in the US. Evidence is sparse for its use with UK populations, and this study seeks to assess the reliability of this evidence, whilst adding to existing knowledge through the use of additional measures.
    Effective ingredients of verbal de-escalation: validating an English modified version of the ‘De-Escalating Aggressive Behaviour Scale’ (pages 357–368)
    Verbal de-escalation is crucial to a non-coercive psychiatric environment. Despite its importance, the literature on de-escalation is sparse and mostly qualitative. To address this, Nau et al. (2009) quantified de-escalation by creating the German-language De-Escalating Aggressive Behaviour Scale (DABS). The DABS provides seven skills necessary for de-escalation, however it has not been validated in English and lacks the necessary anchor descriptions to make it useful.
    Mental health nurses’ views about antipsychotic medication side effects (pages 369–377)
    Limited evidence suggests that only a minority of mental health nurses regularly use standardized assessment tools to assess antipsychotic medication side effects, but the factors that contribute to the non-routine use of these tools remain unknown.
    National survey of nurse prescribing in mental health services; a follow-up 6 years on (pages 378–386)
    This paper reports the latest in a series of national surveys of nurse prescribing in mental health organizations in England.
    Knowledge and attitudes of Irish Mental Health Professionals to the concept of recovery from mental illness – five years later (pages 387–398)
    A study of Irish mental health practitioners (Cleary & Dowling 2009) identified the need to improve knowledge and attitudes towards recovery. This led to the Advancing Recovery in Ireland Project (ARI) which promoted recovery-orientated services and a need to ‘benchmark' progress. There is little evidence regarding the types of educational interventions that maintain positive recovery knowledge and attitudes in providers.
    Loneliness and related factors among people with schizophrenia in Japan: a cross-sectional study (pages 399–408)
    Loneliness among people diagnosed with schizophrenia living in communities can decrease quality of life and may contribute to suicide.
    Palliative care in mental health facilities from the perspective of nurses: a mixed-methods study (pages 409–418)
    Recent empirical research on palliative care for psychiatric patients is lacking.The aim of this study was to explore nurses’ experiences with and identify barriers to providing palliative care to psychiatric patients in Dutch mental health facilities.
    Factor affecting happiness among nursing students in South Korea (pages 419–426)
    Happiness is very important in the training and development of nursing students as future nurses. However, nursing students experience a high level of stress and low level of happiness in South Korea.
    Stigmatizing attitudes in nurses towards people with mental illness: a cross-sectional study in primary settings in Finland (pages 427–437)
    Despite the development of mental health services in many countries, nurses working in different health care specialties may still have concerns and negative attitudes towards people with mental illness.
