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    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2019-06-11 16:34:17    
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    ISPN  Review  

    Tips on Pharm Review 药理学复习提示
    Pharmacology is challenging in preparing for NCLEX-RN or ISPN examinations. It may require straight memorization and repetition as well as deep thinking and understanding. The most frustrating feeling you may get when you want to review pharmacology, to most of us, is that you may well be at a loss what to start with. Therefore, it will be helpful if you take some time to develop a routine that works for you and carry it out through the full course of your preparation. Below are some pieces of advice:
    1. Choose a book right for you挑一本适合你的书
    One can find pharmacological books intended for NCLEX-RN or ISPN preparation both on and off line. Each book has its own merits and demerits, characteristic of its own writing styles or organization of information. Some may focus on, for example, the description of therapeutic usage of the drug; others may emphasize nursing aspects of a drug. Anyway, they are written for most of the test-takers, not for you. Therefore, they are unnecessarily the best right for you. You’d better look at some of them briefly and then choose a book that is fit for your habit of learning and in accord with your way of thinking. The book should be logically organized in a manner that you find easy to understand and memorize.
    2. Focus on important points 关注要点
    Whenever you come across a medicine, you should try to learn the particular points of the medicine inside and out: action of a drug tells you how the drug works in the body and why the drug is used in certain people; adverse reactions, contraindications, and cautions are the points that remind you to pay special attention to when administering; nursing considerations and client teaching help you to understand and memorize administration concerns, patient education, and vital information that urges you to use nursing judgment.
    3. Use every means to enhance memorization不断强化记忆
    Be aware of the fact that there is no short cut around things like prefixes, suffixes, generic and trade names, and dosages. You have to overcome them one by one. You can create flashcards and index cards; you can use a learning book in your mobile’s dictionary; you can download an app of this help… They are helpful and time saving. They allow you to study or review whenever and wherever you like.
    4. Spread your study time out 合理使用零星时间
    Don’t just try to cram it all the night before – that’s too much to retain at once. Work out a plan for a certain period of content review. For example, use today to create your flashcards and your first time going over the mechanism of action; schedule one hour tomorrow for focused review of the mechanism of action over again; take a 5 minute break, and then spend the rest of the time on drilling cards. During downtime throughout the day (on the bus, in the elevator, waiting for your doctor’s appointment, whatever) go through some more cards. If you can devote a specific amount of time each day to this, it makes the task much more manageable than trying to understand and remember it all within a day or two.
    5. Save your notes保存好笔记
    Medications come up over and over again and may be applicable in multiple courses. You’ll learn about one medicine in your OB/women’s health course, but see it again in med-surg and/or critical care as well. Keep track of notes, paper or electronic flashcards, and memory devices. Even if they’re ridiculous or inappropriate – if it works for you, it works. And don’t make the mistake of forgetting the awesome memory device you created – make sure you write it down! That way when you go back to studying for another course, you can pick up where you left off rather than trying to think of another way to remember the information.
    6. Do what works best for you 适合你的就是最好的
    Once you have developed your own way of reviewing, keep to it. There are so many ways of reviewing that always sound so wonderful. Yet, they may well be theirs, hers or his. They may not be yours. They may not work so wonderfully to you as they sound. Swaying between them may rather turn out to be a waste of time. You’d better stick to the learning habit that works best for you. That’s your unique recipe for success and stick to it!

    Vocabulary for Today   

    pharm – n. = pharmacology
    pharmacology – n. 药理学
    challenging – a. 具有挑战性的
    frustrating – a. 挫折的,令人沮丧的
    merit – n. 优点,长处
    demerit – n. 缺点,短处
    come across – 碰到,遇到
    inside and out – 从里到外,彻底地
    short cut – 捷径
    flashcard – n. 识字卡,教学卡片
    index card – 索引卡片
    learning book – 学习本
    cram – v. 塞满,填饱
    drilling card – 练习卡
    downtime – n. 停工期,无法工作的时间
    come up – 发生,被提及,出现


    1. The name selected by the original manufacturer based on the chemical structure of the drug is the:
    A. Chemical name
    B. Drug name
    C. Generic name
    D. Trade name
    2. The interaction of one drug increased by the presence of a second drug is known as:
    A. Potentiation
    B. Addictive effects
    C. Antagonism
    D. Synergism
    本期ISPN Review答案
    1. C. Generic name. The chemical name is the chemical name is the chemical structure of the compound. The trade name is a proprietary name owned by the company that creates and registers it. The drug name does not exist.
    2. A. Potentiation. Potentiation occurs when the action of one drug is increased by the action of another. Think of two words potentiate and potential together. The potential of one drug is higher when a second drug is added to it.

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