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    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    日期:2019-06-11 16:49:09    
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    想提高专业英语听力吗?想边练听力边增加护理专业知识吗?Listening -- Elementary》(专业英语听力 – 初级)可助你一臂之力。

    ISPN  Review   

    Pharmacodynamics 药物效应动力学
    Pharmacodynamics is the science dealing with interactions between the chemical components of living systems and the foreign chemicals, including drugs, that enter those systems. All living organisms function by a series of complicated, continual chemical reactions.
    Drugs usually work in one of four ways:
    1. To replace or act as substitutes for missing chemicals. 补充或作为所丢失的化学制品的替代物
    2. To increase or stimulate certain cellular activities. 增加或刺激特定细胞活性
    3. To depress or slow cellular activities. 抑制或降低细胞活性
    4. To interfere with the functioning of foreign cells, such as invading microorganisms or neoplasms.
    Receptor Sites 受体位点
    Areas or sites on cell membranes at which many drugs are thought to act are called receptor sites. They react with certain chemicals to cause an effect within the cell.
    Some drugs interact directly with receptor sites to cause the same activity that natural chemicals would cause at that site. These drugs are called agonists. For example, insulin reacts with specific insulin-receptor sites to change cell membrane permeability, thus promoting the movement of glucose into the cell. Other drugs act to prevent the breakdown of natural chemicals that are stimulating the receptor site. Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, for example, block the breakdown of norepinephrine by the enzyme MAO. The blocking action of MAO inhibitors allows norepinephrine to stay on the receptor site, stimulating the cell longer and leading to prolonged norepinephrine effects. Those effects can be therapeutic (e.g., relieving depression) or adverse (e.g., increasing heart rate and blood pressure).
    Some drugs react with receptor sites to block normal stimulation, producing no effect. For example, curare occupies receptor sites for acetylcholine, which is necessary for muscle contraction and movement. Curare prevents muscle stimulation, causing paralysis. Curare is said to be a competitive antagonist of acetylcholine.
    Still other drugs react with specific receptor sites on a cell and, by reacting there, prevent the reaction of another chemical with a different receptor site on that cell. Such drugs are called noncompetitive antagonists.
    Drug–Enzyme Interactions药酶相互作用
    Drugs also can cause their effects by interfering with the enzyme systems that act as catalysts for various chemical reactions. Enzyme systems work in a cascade fashion, with one enzyme activating another, and then that enzyme activating another, until a cellular reaction eventually occurs. If a single step in one of the many enzyme systems is blocked, normal cell function is disrupted.
    Selective Toxicity 选择性毒性
    Ideally, all chemotherapeutic agents would act only on enzyme systems that are essential for the life of a pathogen or neoplastic cell and would not affect healthy cells. The ability of a drug to attack only those systems found in foreign cells is known as selective toxicity. Penicillin has selective toxicity. It affects an enzyme system unique to bacteria, causing bacterial cell death without disrupting normal human cell functioning.
    Unfortunately, most other chemotherapeutic agents also destroy normal human cells, causing many of the adverse effects associated with antipathogen and antineoplastic chemotherapy. Cells that reproduce or are replaced rapidly are more easily affected by these agents. Consequently, the goal of many chemotherapeutic regimens is to deliver a dose that will be toxic to the invading cells yet cause the least amount of toxicity to the host.

    Vocabulary for Today    

    pharmacodynamics – n. 药效学,药物效应动力学
    receptor sites – 受体位点
    agonist -- n. 激动剂
    breakdown – n. 分解
    MAO -- monoamine oxidase单胺氧化酶
    norepinephrine – n. 去甲肾上腺素
    curare – n. 箭毒
    acetylcholine – n. 乙酰胆碱
    competitive antagonist – 竞争性拮抗剂
    noncompetitive antagonist – 非竞争性拮抗剂
    catalyst – n. 催化剂
    cascade fashion – 级联方式
    selective toxicity – 选择性毒性
    antipathogen – n. 抗病原药
    antineoplastic – a. 抗肿瘤的




    1. When a drug binds to a receptor to produce a pharmacologic effect, the drug may be called a(n):
    A. Agonist
    B. Antagonist
    C. Blocker
    D. Accelerator
    2. Which of the following is an example of competitive antagonism?
    A. Adrenaline vs histamine
    B. Benzodiazepine vs histamine
    C. Naloxone vs morphine
    D. A proton pump inhibitor vs an H2 blocker
    本期ISPN Review答案
    1. A. Agonist. An agonist is the action described in the stem. B and C are synonymous. ELiminate choice D because there is no such action described in drug nomenclature.
    2. C. Naloxone vs morphine. Naloxone (an opioid receptor antagonist that is structurally similar to morphine), when given shortly before or after morphine, blocks morphine’s effects. However, competitive antagonism by naloxone can be overcome by giving more morphine.
